The fact that you did all specials and aerials in a mere 3 days is amazing. I can only imagine how much more refined all of this will look when you'll be completely done. Well done!
My major concerns involve Ridley's tail. During some of his harmless animations, such as walking and standing, his tail stretches out away from his back, thus taking up
a lot of horizontal space across the stage.
I'm absolutely allright with the reach his tail possesses during attacks that focus around it, but would it be possible to shorten the length of his tail outside of those specific attack animations? As in, rather than extending his tail when he's standing/walking/running/jumping, make it stay close to Ridley's back without it moving around so much, perhaps in an
S shape? This would fix a few things, such as his tail no longer clipping through the floor when he lands after jumping (seen in 2:05 and 2:17 in the video).
Another suggestion I have is to keep the tail positioned to Ridley's sides. If you notice, when Ridley backs away from his opponent, his tail goes next to his arms, and when he stands still, his tail occasionally moves to his sides as well.
The two images above are the moments where his tail takes up the least amount of screen space, and, in my honest opinion, it's where his tail should be positioned (most of the time) when he's not attacking in order to avoid awkward clipping through players, nearby environments, etc. When he's harmlessly jumping, perhaps the
S shape idea mentioned earlier will be visually more appealing.
I also want to bring up the Down Air attack. Not only do I find it cool that you decided to make his classic Pogo stick attack into a normal move rather than a Special, but the video gives me the impression that you can use the move several times in a row if used correctly, essentially making it very faithful to classic Ridley. Wonderful!
When this attacks misses however, the entire length of the tail goes through the floor, like so:
Is it possible to program it so it does this instead? Visually, it would look much better:
The last detail I want to mention is the Down Tilt move. Isn't it rather strange for Ridley to stand so close for it to work? At 2:14, you can see his hands and the visual ''slash'' effect harmlessly pass through Samus. I think the range should be extended.
That's all I wish to bring up at the moment. I'm anxious to see the following weeks/months of progression! Thank you so much for your dedication BaganSmashBros!