It's not really that. I don't really know how to explain it without outright telling you, which I don't want to do until I have more of an understanding of it myself, but... I don't think I'm explaining myself well.
Like, I was thinking that Gheb is likely scum, but I didn't really have enough reasons to justify to myself why I thought he was scum. There were some reasons, but not many that I could come up with at that point, and I was thinking I might need to re-consider my reads again because maybe I just wasn't seeing the big picture. Then, I had that realization, a sort of clarity about why I have a bad feeling about Gheb, and it's something that I want to look into because I think it could maybe show that he is scum, but it could also be... inadmissible, I guess is the word I'm looking for. It does have to deal with his specific actions but they're less clear/obvious than, say, voting history.
With JD, I was thinking it was weird that he had voted for J after not really showing any real interest in him, and then he never really came back to explain or justify it. So, I knew that I could look into how he had voted and see what that would show in terms of his alignment, and I saw that he had most often voted for the popular wagon only after somebody else had voted, and then he would give some reasoning but not really go beyond that. With Gheb, it's somewhat based on/inspired by something I think you said yesterDay and it's more of his actions over a period of time instead of a few instances. Does that make any sense? I may be making this more confusing than it actually is, but I'm not sure how else to explain it.