Cyndane's Fury
Cyndane reads the Necronomicon, which kills Predator from shock.
Cyndane reads the Necronomicon, which kills Poinoi from shock.
ShinyLegendary survives.
Haru Okumura survives.
Cyndane reads the Necronomicon, which kills Morgana from shock.
King K. Rool survives.
Dyllybirdy survives.
Lord Dominator does not hear Cyndane coming while distracted. Jenny Wakeman jumps in and gets shot with an arrow instead.
Mr. Ed survives.
staindgrey resides in a nearby cave, and is not seen during this attack. tehponycorn peeks outside and is caught.
Punished faygoshill does not hear Cyndane coming while distracted. Goku jumps in and gets shot with an arrow instead.
Noipoi dies due to bleeding out, heavily.
Rottytops survives.
Dante resides in a nearby cave, and is not seen during this attack. Rain peeks outside and is caught.
Cyndane reads the Necronomicon, which kills Captain Falcon from shock.
Chinderblock survives.
Doctor Strange trips and falls on the hard ground, and dies due to internal bleeding.
Geno survives.
Sheik survives.
Cyndane reads the Necronomicon, which kills JDCabrera from shock.