Wait, who the hell leaked Banjo? I never heard of this.
Give me the deets so I can rain down upon it with a torrent of intense cynicism.
No one really did. It came from PolarPanda who said a Microsoft source with potentially a lot of ties with the company was sure that Steve wasn’t a newcomer, or isn’t as likely. He only mentioned hearing about Banjo once before turning back on it since it wasn’t a sure possibility either.
That and along with rumors of Microsoft and Nintendo collaborating at E3, People took this and sort of stretched it to say that it would heavily favor Banjo.
A heads up, but simply because Steve isn’t in doesn’t necessarily equal to Banjo getting in either, things like these aren’t as easy as a coin flip, and it’s possible a Microsoft character wasn’t decided for Smash.
Is Banjo more likely? Possibly. But we’re still in the dark.