Cutie Gwen
Lovely warrior
Ehhhhhh Endgame's easily one of the biggest movies of the last what, 5 years? When something's as highly anticipated as that something's bound to get leaked. If anything the fact it's only happening a week before it hits the theatres is proof that it's gone very well for Marvel up until nowThis just goes to show that the more you care about leaks and spoilers the more likely it is to happen. Just get over it Marvel.
Yeah, especially as Hulk is actually pretty likeable now as of Ragnarok. Can't believe it took until a ****ing Thor movie for someone to go "Hey maybe make Hulk have quite a bit of dialogue as that can flesh him out immensely?"eh tbh hulk has had the whole "show how strong the new character is by having them beat one of the strongest guys" thing happen to him twice now
would rather it happen to like thor or carol or something in that case so hulk doesn't become too much of a butt monkey
holy **** nobody showed me this I ****ing love and ****ing despise comics