Apparently ProsafiaGaming has already uploaded the final boss for Yoshi's Crafted World.
While I get many would probably agree you can't really spoil a Yoshi game, the fact Prosafia keeps doing this with literally every Nintendo release weekend is getting old. It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't just plaster the final boss all over their thumbnail, knowing that that's the only reason they get clicks, because they can't and won't make any actually meaningful content. Splatoon 2 and Kirby Star Allies final bosses got spoiled for me because this person's videos keep showing up in recommended feeds on YT and it's pretty dang frustrating.
On the bright side, Nintendo's new policies state you can't monetize just pure gameplay, so there's hope this will force them to change their content. Maybe, I dunno, make actual videos that require effort? At least try to offer something that isn't just "lul fnal bos xDDDD".