Okay, gather around as I tell you the tale of what happens at The Feast...
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Greek Philosopher Xenopher decides not to go to The Feast.
Shotostar decides not to go to The Feast.
SneakyLink's Special Hat strangles Scorbunny with a rope.
Bandana Dee falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Every Human Born in 1993 decides not to go to The Feast.
Teeb147 decides not to go to The Feast.
Ryumo decides not to go to The Feast.
Grookey decides not to go to The Feast.
A Hacker, but it's 4Chan decides not to go to The Feast.
UtopianPoyzin decides not to go to The Feast.
God, but Yoshi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.