Dude. You are the only one who thinks this. Sure, that doesn't mean we're right and you're wrong. But it probably means that it's more possible and plausible than you think it is. I mean sure, it would be a little strange considering P5 took about 8 years to make (2008-2016), and it's only been 3 years since P5's launch. But I will say that we have no idea how much of that time was spent on each individual aspect. Most of the character models would still be the same, as would the gameplay engine. Sure, dialogue would be different (and I admit to not knowing the exact in depth ups and downs of the plot), but how much of the story would actually really change. Just based on my rough knowledge of the development process, implementing a female protagonist would probably require about 1/3 or 1/4 of the work and time needed to build the entire game up from scratch, which would be about 2.6 years of dev time max. So it's not as unreasonable as you may think. Sure, it's a big job. And we don't know everything about the project. We don;t know how long they've been working on it and we don't have an exact breakdown of how long each individual element takes. I'm just trying to highlight that there is a logic behind the idea that that's what we could be getting, even outside of the leaks from Smash.