Actually, I just remembered something.
Yesterday, I watched the Treesicle Video about how Gaming on Youtube is "Dying" (I haven't watched the Game Theory video on the same subject yet, however).
They talked about how the system in place now is unsustainable for Gaming on Youtube: i.e. the biggest gaming Youtubers tend to be based in whatever's hot at the time (Minecraft, Indie Horror, Overwatch, Fortnite etc), and how the Youtuber is forced to branch out once the bubble inevitably bursts.
But the thing is... all those Gaming Youtubers could, you know, not try to lure in viewers with whatever the current fad is, Gaming Youtubers like the Game Grumps, Chuggaaconroy, ProtonJon, NintendoCapriSun, MasaeAnela, Lucahjin, StephenPlays, BrainScratchComms/SuperGamingBros., NicoB and others do just fine (even if some are wobbly because of copyright and demonetisation) because the viewers come for them, and not CoD/Minecraft/FNAF/Overwatch/DDLC/Fortnite etc). Even PewDiePie, Markiplier and JackSepticEye did more than just the fad games when they hit it big.
They were saying "we get a lot of comments asking when we'll cover FNAF again", and the answer to that should be "we aren't a FNAF channel" and "we'll cover more FNAF when there's more FNAF to cover" not "our channel is dying because people expect us to cover FNAF".