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Uhhhh.... (stupid guy over here, lol)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2008
Over there! no, no, the one on the left or is it t
Yeah um, hi I've been using my sheik alot recently and i thought i was ok but uhhh, my friend recently mained pikachu now his pika 3 stocks me every time ( even though he's a camper ) but umm yeah I was wondering is pikachu a hard match for sheik or do i just suck ( If I suck can someone like help me? please=( )

P.S. I'm leaning towards suggestion number two, lol


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Pikachu is a really hard matchup for Sheik, I would recommend that you use Zelda against your friend.

Exia 00

Smash Champion
May 3, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
^^^^^^^^^^ What he said. I have the same problem as well. I do better with zelda but i still cant win yet >.> Atleast im not getting 2 stocked anymore.......


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Pika has only one long hand move. One. Neutral B.

It's all about spacing with him and being quick. Watch out for D-smash and Thunder.

Personally I have an easier time as Zelda, but if that's not an option for you (I highly recommend it become an option) don't stay near him for lond. Use lots of smash attacks. If you're good with the chain, use that from a distance if he's near the edge.

His recovery is hard to counter sometimes, but you know where he's going to end up, so start charging a D-smash or something when he goes off the side.

Try waiting for an opening and jumping in with f-air > f-tilt > f-tilt > f-tilt > D/U-Smash.

I never tried this on smaller characters, but fair > 2 ftilts > fair > 2ftilts > fair etc... works well.

I don't have much experience with Pikachus, so I don't know if all of this stuff will work for sure, but it's something to try. Seriously, though. Zelda.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
like the G&W match-up, make sure not to overdo any combos (pauses.....) against pikachu, otherwise u will get punished by that d-smash. try and keep pika in the air with d-tilts and such. and punish missed d-smashes.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
i havent' used my sheik against pikachu ever... because Zelda does great. Zelda vs. Pikachu is a pretty fun matchup. Take it for a spin


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
Pikachu's Dsmash isn't that great. It's probably the easiest smash to smash DI out of by far. Just smash up toggle your joystick between up and diagonally up and away. You should fly out without taking too much damage and it can never kill you as long as you get out of taking the last hit.

Pikachu is a hard matchup though. If he knows he can chaingrab you to ridiculous percents, you're fighting a steep uphill battle. Choose Zelda or a counterpick.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
Villi your avatar disgusts and entertains me at the same time

pika is not impossible if your opponent can't chain grab.

the thunder and dsmash is what is going to be screwing you up if you are inexperienced, but after that predicament is over (di, DI DI) then pika aint that bad. basically to be frank, pikachu's aerials suck. bair is slow, fair has bad range, uair is lol, dair is OKAY..

sheik's bair, nair and uair do wonders against pika. learn to sh over the neutral b and you should be ok

then when your friend learns to chaingrab, down b <_<;


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
Umm... don't get grabbed :] he'll learn how to cg you eventually, haha. Knock pika into the air and just fair him to death xD i've been lucky at times to fair him during his upb and just harass him off stage to gain a lot of % then turn into zelda for a quick kill


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
Pikachu really only has about 6 moves you need to worry about:

Fair - His main method of approach. High priority and long duration, good at poking shields, but rather short range. Not sure, but I think you can outrange him with an Ftilt, and I'm pretty sure you can counteract with an Utilt or Dsmash.

Dsmash - His best defensive move. Learn to DI it and you basically take away its power. Don't try to shield or dodge it though, as it is long enough to poke/hit you out of the dodge. Keep your distance, backtrack if he seems about to use it, and then hit him in the lag.

Thunder - Too laggy to use unless you're in the air, but it can be deadly if you are. Try to avoid being directly above pika at the top of the screen, because lightning hits very quickly up there and kills at stupid low percentages. Use DI to your advantage. He may also try to use this to edge-guard. If it looks like he's trying it, either airdodge through it if you're too far in, or back up, drop down, and tether the ledge as fast as possible.

Grab - He will chaingrab you if he knows what he's doing, and there's very little you can do about it. His grab range is bad though, so space well and avoid laggier moves (Upsmash, Up air near the ground, Fsmash, Dash attack) unless you know they will hit and knock him away. Throw out single jabs a lot to disrupt potential grabbing.

Thundershock - Just learn to jump it and you should be fine.

Fsmash - I find this annoying because if the attack starts at all, it will hit you even if you hit him. Be cautious about it, and don't jump to punish if you see him starting it.

Good moves for you to use are as follows:

Uptilt - Always a good choice. Prevents basically any aerial shenanigans and works great against dodgers.

Downsmash - Again, a great defensive move. Good against dodges and shields, hard to punish, decent kill power

Fair - Quick, allowing you to hit Pika out of most of his aerials.

Bair - Longest ranged aerial. Abuse the crap out of this for approaches and such

Needles - Your projectile game is better than his. Make him know this.

Ftilt - He's not the most lockable of characters, but you can still combo well with this. I'm a fan of Ftilt -> Ftilt -> Utilt -> Aerial follow-up. Or at lower percentages you can even walk into more Ftilts.
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