Jason- you're too good. Your ganon *****, and your falcon isn't that bad either haha. I definitely got wrecked in those matches yesterday.
Joe- Your Link is awesome. We should team sometime. TRIFORCE ALLL DEY
Marbin- Zelda is the superior princess, but peach is still aite
Garlen- Hope you had a good birthday
Nick- Zelda ***** samus. Use gimpachu
RKT - Nice rests during that last tournament set. Keep it up
Mr. Yahh - Your fox is pretty technical, just work a little more on spacing and mixups
Mr. Bojangles - Watch those bizzarroflame videos and you'll get better in no time
Holy - Mewtwo and yoshi actually require a lot of tech skill if you wanna get good with them. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use them because they're hard to master, but I'd recommend starting off with a character that's a little easier to use at least
GGs everyone