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UBGS 3: Mega FIGHT! - Chapter One posted!

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Link to original post: [drupal=3383]User Blogs Group Story 3-: Title TBA[/drupal]

Okay, for the latest (and potentially greatest?!) UB story, we're going to do things a bit differently.

The setting for this story is a world-wide martial arts tournament (gee, I wonder where we've seen that before?), so before we can get started on the story, we need to know something about the fighters!

That's where you come in. Your job is to develop your own backstory and reasons for entering the tournament, and you must also decide if you are going to be a hero or a villain in the story. The roles of main hero and main villian are up for grabs: whoever posts first claiming them will be it!

You must also post the basics of your fighting style. This must include:
- The name of your style (it doesn't have to be real, make one up if you're feeling creative and/or lazy)
- 3-5 special attacks (this would be something like a Hadoken or Dragon Punch, but you're making up these for yourself)
- One ultra attack/technique

You can be as mundane or outlandish with your style as you wish, but keep in mind that everything you want has to be put into words by someone else! You can describe anything else about your character that you like as well: personality, clothing, appearance, etc., or you can leave it up to the writer's imagination. But you must include the above information if you want to be included.

In one week (Friday, June 4th), I'll post Chapter One of the story. New characters can be introduced after that date, BUT ONLY BY PMING ME THE NEW CHARACTER'S INFORMATION! After June 4th, the thread will only be for posting new chapters.

So have fun, be creative, and let's make this a success!

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT

Jam Stunna
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Affiliation: Villain

Jam Stunna is an ex-Marine officer, where he worked in counter-intelligence and covert operations against terrorist suspects around the world. He was dishonorably discharged for the secret killings of dozens of non-authorized targets, and has a well-earned reputation for taking matters into his own hands.

He has since opened his own "consulting firm," Cobalt Services, Inc. where he puts his skills to work for the highest bidder. His current employer is an anonymous billionaire, and has requested that he enter the tournament, presumably to eliminate a new target, although it remains hidden who that target is.

Personality wise, Jam is cool and analytical, even to his friends. He sports a full beard, mustache and sideburns, and wears a blue eyepatch over his left eye. He lost it during a special assignment in Pakistan, and has sworn to return to "find a replacement."

Favorite quote- "When people were in trouble, they sent in the Army. When the Army was in trouble, they sent in the Marines. They sent me in to stop trouble from starting."

Fighting Style- Marine Press Style

Rollout- Jam rushes down his opponent with the force of a tank, and drives them straight into the ground.
Predator- Jam performs a dive kick with laser-guided accuracy.
Exit Strategy- Jam camouflages himself, becoming invisible to the naked eye for a brief time.

One Shot, One Kill- An attack that combines aerial and ground superiority, Jam begins with a dive kick that sends his opponent flying. He grabs them as they fall and launches into a modified Rollout, which ends with Jam performing a neck-breaker.
Sounds like someone here has been playing fighters lately. I guess I'll throw in my hat.

Age: 22
Height: 5'9
Weight: 175 LB
Alignment: Chaotic Good, supporting hero

Finalark was an orphan on the steets of Hong Kong until he was discovered by the great Martial Artist Zhao Xang. He raised Finalark and taught him the style of Long Chi, however, Master Zhao Xang died of a terrible illness many years later. With his last words, he asked Finalark to spread the style of Long Chi around the world and to use it for good. Roughly four years later, Finalark heard news of a world-wide martial arts tournament and saw it as an opportunity to fufill his master's dying wishes.

As far as personality goes, think Goku crossed with Street Fighter's Ryu.

Style - Long Chi

Special 1: Fist of the North Star - The user takes as much time as s/he wishes to bring the power of the North Star into their fist, and then brings about a powerful, bone-shattering punch.

Special 2: Diamond Finger - The user concentrates their inner energy into their finger, then jabs their opponent with it, completely disabling whatever they touched for a brief period of time.

Special 3: Dragon Kick - The user concentrates their energy into their legs, then let off a kick that can go straight through a plate of iron.

Finisher: Mandate of Heaven - Using the power of all things, the user uses their body as a divine conduit and shoots a laser as big as a friggin' sports stadium from their hands. However, it incapacitates the user immediately after.
I call main hero!


Affiliation: Hero

Metal~Mario (hereafter referred to M~M) was just a normal teenager until his entire family died under suspicious circumstances. Afterwards, he was promptly kidnapped and held in a dark cell for weeks, “interrogated” by federal agents about things he didn’t even understand. One night, a strange vision appeared to him, stating he was “the true Master”. In this vision, M~M was granted a ball of energy that cast a bright shadow and emitted black light. M~M woke up to find himself surrounded by dead agents and the energy ball at his feet. M~M managed to escape the compound by using the black claw and white cannon formed on his right and left arms (respectively) by the orb. Upon returning to suburbia, M~M found a advertisement on the infoscope about a martial arts tournament and recognized Jam Stunna as one of his “interrogators”. Wasting no time, he entered online under the alias of the Master, seeking answers to his fragmented life.

M~M wears a silver hoodie at all times to avoid being discovered. He also wear glasses.

Fighting style: Chaotain

Chaos Crash: A vertical spinning manuveur using his black Claw. Spins 5 times before slamming into the ground.

Chaos Field: Palms the ground, sending a shockwave of energy across the entire arena.

Chaos Cannon: Slashes twice in an X formation, then fires a solid energy beam into the center of the X.

Chaos Comet: Jumps into the air, surrounded by a silver aura, and launches into his opponent.

Ultimate: Chaos End:
Punches opponent deep into the ground. Jumps into the air, and collects energy in both hands, forming two energy balls, one black and one white. Throws one ball at opponent, and shoots the other once contact is made, causing a MASSIVE explosion.
Name: Vrael
Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Weight: 155 lbs.
Affiliation: Villain

Vrael is a self-trained assassin. At the age of 13, his parents were murdered by a group of exotic-animal traffickers, because Vrael's father (a cop) was getting close to shutting them down. After training for two years, he returned and took out the higher-ups of the group. After that incident, Vrael was constantly on the run, living with the dregs of the earth: gangs, drug-dealers, and other assassins.

Vrael kills anyone in his way. He hires himself out when he needs the money, but often kills off employers if they are difficult with him. Numerous hitmen have attempted to kill him, but none have succeeded. Vrael mainly wears all black, but is known to also wear disguises. He has several aliases in order to escape from authorities. He refuses to kill policeman, as his father was one, and he respected his father above anyone else.

Vrael does not talk much, and is very secretive. If necessary, he can be tough, but he prefers keeping to the shadows and being alone with his thoughts. Think Sothe from Fire Emblem. He meditates often, and is known to be extremely smart, not only while fighting, but outside as well.

He is entering the Martial Arts tournament for the prize money.

Style - Silencer


Hurricane - Vrael jumps into the air and turns himself almost parallel to the ground. He sticks out his elbow, and slams them into his opponents with great strength. He also kicks with his legs while airborne.
Force Hook - Vrael spins and moves forward, grabbing the opponent's torso in the process. He then spins one more time, lets the enemy go, and jumps forward to continue his attack with whatever deadly combination he chooses.
Pain - Vrael runs one step forwards, towards the enemy, and then flips backward. Immediately following the landing, he darts toward the enemy with amazing speed, and kicks them in the midsection. He then spins and continues with a flurry of kicks.

Ultra - Revenge

Vrael licks his lips and then jumps over his opponent's head. He spins and puts his fist into his enemy's jaw, then follows up with more hits to the face. He then waits for his opponent's next move. On reaction, he darts behind his opponent and grabs them by the neck. He throws them on the ground and pummels them with his knees and feet, before dashing backwards and waiting for his next opening.
Age: 20
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 165 lbs
Affiliation: Hero

Zigsta is an assistant zookeeper hailing from the town of Duren. An avid reader, he grew up reading of adventure, dreams, and true love. He often recounts the stories he read to his animal friends at the zoo before guests arrive. Nothing pleases him more than teaching guests to the Duren Zoo about the many animals there. Deeply involved in his work, he never had a relationship. That is, until he saw her at the zoo. For the first time in his life, Zigsta fell in love, and at first sight. Having never dealt with courting a woman, though, he had no idea how to approach her.

Just when he finally worked up the courage to talk to her, though, the sky turned dark--so dark that Zigsta couldn't see his own hand in front of his face. He heard a scream. He instantly knew it was hers. A loud maniacal laugh boomed. The sky cleared. The girl had vanished. Zigsta was heartbroken.

Early next morning, Zigsta's boss approached Zigsta as he prepared to open the zoo for another batch of guests. His boss told Zigsta that the Duren Zoo was created to be a training ground, a place to locate someone pure of heart to defend the world from evil. The boss says that Zigsta is the hero he's been searching for. The boss says this battle of good and evil has happened time and time again. He hands Zigsta the keys to the zoo and says they'll transform into the weapon that reflects the hero's heart. Upon touching the keys, they transform into twin blue swords...but Zigsta can't lift them. Zigsta asks his boss if he's the real hero--the swords don't feel right to him. Without saying anything, the boss attacks Zigsta, who instinctively blocks the attack by raising a sword, its blade pointed to the ground.

Now knowing how to handle his weapon, Zigsta is informed of the martial arts tournament, where the villain who kidnapped Zigsta's true love plans to build an army of villains powerful enough to engulf the world in everlasting darkness. He's also told that if he wishes with his pure heart, his animal friends will appear to assist him in times of dire danger.

Favoring strong defense over offense, Zigsta is determined to save his true love.

Favorite quote- "All I want for her is a happily forever after."

Fighting Style- Reverse Dual Assist Style

Blue Tornado--Zigsta sticks his dual swords out by his side and spins into his enemy at high speeds.
Grizzly Peak--Zigsta summons a grizzly bear to pin the enemy in place. Zigsta then knocks the enemy into the air.
Falcon Dash--A followup to Grizzly Peak. Zigsta summons a falcon to fly upwards, creating a trail of clouds for Zigsta to run on. This is how Zigsta fights in midair.
Ravaging Cougar--Zigsta summons a cougar, who attacks the enemy from behind while Zigsta attacks from the front. His most offensive special, this is saved as his trump card.
Beastly Transformation--An attack Zigsta doesn't know how to activate on his own. When pushed to his limits, he merges with all the animals from the Duren Zoo, granting him massive strength, stamina, and agility boosts. His swords are exchanged for long claws. Zigsta's heart is so pure, though, that he can control his actions even in this beastly state.

He was the son of an extremely wealthy man. Because of his weath his father saw it fit that he was trained by masters in every martial art. He became so confidant in his abilities he believed the only way he could be anymore powerful was to become more than human. He arranged and gathered the most intelligent scientists to bio-mechanically enhance his body with super human abilities. After the success of the experiment, he traveled the world in search for the most powerful fighters killing those unfortunate enough to lose.

Masamune where's a dark Gi at all times with an Insignia of his own design on the back. He has short sleek hair which the experiment changed from his normal black to a more silver-white color, and his eye's glow green with power. His personality is cool and refined, but he is prideful and will except any challenge.

He is an all around fighter with high defense and strength, But his main weapon is speed.

Favorite Quote: "You will taste what little you know of death with this strike, and you will feel the nothingness that awaits you with this one."

Fighting Style: Lightning Step

After Image: Masamune moves at high speeds and leaves an image of himself after leaving that specific area.

Bolt Cross: A bolt of lightning strikes Masamune and he redirects it at the opponent. This leaves him motion less for a moment.

Hell Blitz: Masamune charges at the opponent at high speeds and strikes them with his fist.

Sneak Attack: Seemingly teleports behind the opponent and delivers a strike.

Light Rings: Masamune shoots rings from his arm that binds his opponent for a short time.

Light Speed: Moving at the speed of light, Masamune delivers a thirteen hit combo that can't be evaded or blocked. "They say he was just standing there one second and the next he was covered with blood."
Age- 27
Height- 6'1
Weight- 176lb
Affiliation- The main hero's best friend (HERO)

BOB grew up as an only child in Krakozhia. His Father named Floyce was a Karate master who taught at Saget Karate Academy. His father valued fighting more than anything else. He taught BOB a bit of karate but BOB was never interested in fighting. When BOB was 12, his father left BOB and BOB's mother to pursue a martial arts career.

BOB was very angry, his anger can turn his body into flames that'll hurt others but not BOB. BOB put all his anger into making a new fighting style that was completely different from what his father taught. His fighting style is like a mixture of judo and wrestling. BOB's style was all grappling while incorporating basic strikes if it were a real fight. This style is also all about ground fighting. And finishing with joint locks and chokes. He called this style.....Bobby Jiu Jitsu (BJJ.)

When BOB turned 16, he left his mother and moved to Canada where he opened up a BJJ dojo. He spent 10 years of teaching and training. At 26 he got married. He was living the happy life until he saw the TV one day. A world wide martial arts championship was on TV. He was watching the beginning of a fight about to start. Then......he saw his father going to the ring. It was the championship fight, his father's last fight before retiring according to the commentators. The fight lasted 10 minutes.....his father got knocked out. So Floyce got 2nd place.

BOB remebered his father and how he leaved him and his mother to become a fighter. BOB still hated him and wanted to prove himself a better fighter than his father. He trained hard everyday and decided to enter the next world wide martial arts tournament to take first place!

Style- Bobby Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)


Flying Arm Bar- BOB jumps on the opponent, latches on to them and grabs the arm. The force knocks the foe down and BOB gets an arm bar.

Flaming Takedown- BOB's aggresion turns his body into flames. He rushes in for the "shoot" he charges fast like a fire ball and takes out the foe's legs.

The Death Choke- BOB wraps his arms around the opponents neck, preventing blood from flowing to the head.

Flying Kick- A flying super kick. This move was the only karate move he was taught by his father. This is the only karate move BOB has in his fighting arsenal. His foot is covered in a blue flame. The blue flame is even hotter than the orange one. This is because this move intesifies all the hate BOB has for his father.


Age: 22
Height: 5'8
Weight: 153 LB
Alignment: villain (comic relief)

Heartz is your club-dwelling, absent-sober rebel who likes to kick *** and drink alcohol, but never runs out of alcohol. She practices in the Drunken Art, although she can become literally intoxicated to augment her martial art prowess. Heartz can become so drunk that she can ignore certain pains. She wears a lavender martial arts tunic.

Heartz has an extremely short fuse, yet her anger is often drowned out by her constant drunkenness. She was trained by Master Ronjo, who teaches several types of fighting styles. Heartz was the toughest apprentice he had to deal with for the obvious reason, so he had decided to teach her the Drunken Style to compensate for her addiction.

She enters the World-Wide Martial Arts Tournament in hope of winning the prize money so that she can pay off the rest of her tab at the local bar.

Style - Drunken Style

Special 1: Sweetspot Slingshot
- Heartz will begin to falter back clumsily, then quickly ahead as if she is about to fall on her face, yet launches her body forward with a flying punch into her opponent's crotch.

Special 2: Bang Over
- Heartz will fall on her back with an expression of exhaustion, waiting for her opponent to approach her, then springs her body straight up, delivering a surprising and quick headbutt into the enemy.

Special 3: A Drunken Monkey On Your Back
- Heartz will wait for her opponent to strike, then grabs their arm or foot, pulling them down to climb onto them with her legs wrapped around their neck. She will then relentlessly palm strike their head like a bongo. Lastly, she falls back hanging down with her legs still constricting their neck as the enemy may struggle to get her off.

Finisher: Punch Drunk Love
- Heartz flails toward her opponent, ignoring any attacks and defenses and begins to deliver strong and unpredictable blows upon the enemy relentlessly, pushing them back and possibly out of the ring.
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral

Teran is a young student who has seen all of his close relationships destroyed by events beyond his control. He doesn't follow any sort of moral code or convention, but at the same time doesn't feel any need to be violent or unpleasant without provocation.

He has medium length dark brown hair, dark eyes, and wears no top. Pretty slim looking, wears flexible armoured trousers and metal boots. They don't weigh him down at all, he's pretty strong for someone so small.

Brought up by a somewhat overbearing mother, he has become somewhat prone to foul language and outrageous remarks whenever she isn't around, which is pretty much all the time. He is extremely patient and not angered by anything but betrayal of friendship (something he won't experience since he has no friends).

He took up martial arts as a young child because he felt it would help him control his releases of pent up aggression. It worked, his patient nature and flexible body allowed him to become adept at martial arts quickly. He fought with his head rather than blindly, and used tactics of efficiency rather than stylistic dragging out to get the job done. His movements are fluid and he adapts to work best in each situation, he believes in following the example of water, all powerful and adapting to whatever situation it's in. His movements are also very fluid to reflect this, mainly because he thinks it makes him look cute.

Being a smoker doesn't seem to affect his stamina, although he hopes that any tobacco smoke residue on his clothes might set off an asthma attack in opponents who may suffer from such condition.

His only real weakness is attractive males between the ages of 16-21. He'd much rather buy them dinner than beat them up, so he has a difficult time using full force.

Fighting Style- Lucid Dragon


Rainbow Kick- When in close quarters facing the opponent, twists body to the side and lifts legs off the ground, spreading them wide, before turning his back and and do a corkscrew with his body causing his legs to arch over and deliver and powerful double blow to the temple, which would knock pretty much anyone the **** out.

Telekinetic Explosion- Uses psychic energy to create a powerful force field in front of the opponent which pushes them away at very high velocity. Can be used a tactic to push away to allow him to regain composure, but is best used when objects are in the path for the opponent to crash into, since this would cause damage and allow time for rest. Could theoretically end a match if pulled off correctly.

Sky High Axe Kick- Launches himself high into the sky and starts a chain of flips at peak height to increase downward velocity, and unleahes an axe blow kick with the heel connecting to the top of the skull at full force. I heard it hurts. Pretty hard to land though considering it's as easily telegraphed as a priest in a boys' locker room.

Pulse Shield- Prevents damage from energetically based attacks, but has to remain completely still while maintaining it, leaving him open to physical attack if he makes the wrong call.

Surprise From Below- Releases a powerful column of energy as hot as magma from below the ground, used to pretty much burn his opponent to cinders. Unfortunately once in this attack he's locked in it for at least 5 seconds, and after completing it is unable to even move for another 5. Basically all flashy but if he messes it up he's gone.


Divine Shower- Teran focuses his mind and power to summon a shower of 17 meteors to pummel the opponent. Said to be the move he's been training to perfect to wipe out humanity one day, it's not quite there yet but it's still pretty bad. Don't bother trying to evade or block a meteor shower, just pray that you don't die.
Meh let's go with this :p

Age: 19
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral

A former molecular biology student, Cutter was exposed to a combination of cosmic radiation and gamma rays in a terrible experiment that had gone completely wrong. With just a fraction of a percentage of surviving, Cutter mutated to grow a metallic-like organic structure that augments all over his skin. At the backs of each hand are a retractable plasma blade that can be used in melee and in other attacks. This is quite possibly where the nickname "Cutter" came from. The organic metal gives Cutter somehow this sort of energy to work with.

The radiation exposure has greatly increased Cutter's stamina and power from the scrawny person he once used to be. He still feels pain though, and is still somewhat limited to what even the best of fighters can do.

He has entered the tournament to win the prize money so he can carry out his own research at figuring out the structure of the "organic metal" that makes up his body as well as attempting at undoing all the mutations that had been caused to him -- or possibly even enhancing them further.

Fighting Style: Cunning opportunist


Plasma Blade: Cutter extends out both of his plasma blades. They can then be used in various melee strikes and do extensive damage.

While Cutter can use both of his plasma blades at once, he can also use just one and create a bigger and more powerful "sword" to use by concentrating all the energy into one plasma blade instead of diverting them into two.

Arc Blade: Extends out the plasma blades again, but this time Cutter swings with them very quickly to release an arc of energy that travels at a rapid velocity to the opponent. This is a "quick n' dirty" projectile that is excellent for both offense and defense.

If Cutter uses just one plasma blade as described above, then the energy blast that gets released will respectively have more energy and be more damaging, but has a slower rate of fire.

Plasma Strike: Cutter slashes the ground with his plasma blades, causing them to release shockwaves that travel in random directions in a radial pattern.


Doppelganger: Cutter concentrates all the energy in his body into his plasma blades. As the plasma surges outward, it starts to leak out and morph into a "plasma copy" of Cutter. This plasma copy then immediately engages the enemy and goes on a rampage, attacking them relentlessly. The real Cutter can also continue to attack the enemy as well, resulting in a very nasty double team that will prove to be extremely difficult to weather.
Age: 18
Height: 5"11
Weight: 150 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral (optimism)

A freelance engineer, Phoenixo was playing wrong with fire and tend to create his own fighting style due to duplicating a inferno, which it ingulf his small- house . Survived on luck and reflex skills, Phoenixo creates a style of fierce flames and accelerating wind. His medium is created from the hand-maded gloves which were a prototype and deemed to work with the minor accident. It seems to keep Phoenixo`s life as a life-support.

Phoenixo`s speed increase and strength, however his stamina improved by enduring training seemed to be weakened and needs to make sure not to be hit.

He entered the tournament to win the prize money so he can figure out what to do with his life as he optimistically please while being enjoying it with his various friends/ retirement

Fighting Style: Phoenixo- 3-way speed stun mixed martial arts


Flame twirl: Spins at a incredible rate while running/jumping creating a flame barrier during movement, he’s invulnerable for 2 seconds giving him enough time to counterattack with his speed. It can only stun when he’s in a critical state
On another note, he can fluctuated his movement/ trajectory/ etc. to keep his opponents on their toes

Flare Rising kick: A wind/flame punch that aims at a 65 degree angle and is be able to snuff out his opponent with the right timing

Comeback of the Century: A counter that if anyone get in contact of Phoenixo`s body, he’ll countered with a whirlwind kick that devours of a thousands sun


Infenox Breeze Sorrowfix: Phoenixo concentrates his energy to form a massive explosion of fire and wind in which he tears through his opponent limb by limb with blinding speed, as awesome classical music is playing and ending with a phoenix cross in his wake, purging their passion and dreams of their devote moments . This is a multihit and will leave the opponent in tears if they still live.

Hope this is good
Age: Unknown, estimated between 19-24
Height: 9'3"
Weight: 294 lbs
Affiliation: Evil, but doesn't like to be bad.

GigantoGuus (GG as his associates sometimes call him) is a light-hearted semi-giant. When he was a child, his parents did not enjoy raising him. He grew at an alarming rate and the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. There was a name created for his condition, which is now known as Lurando's Condition. It made him grow to an unimaginable height, and still growing.

As a young kid, he got picked on a lot in school for his size. He was tall, but skinny and weak. He got into his first fight, but was outclassed quickly. After that he wanted to pay back the one that did this to him. He started working out and become not only taller, but buffer as well. He always saw himself as the skinny boy that got picked on, and kept training. Now he is both the tallest and physically strongest man to have lived.

GG started fighting in clubs for money, but moreso for recognition, insecure as he was. In the clubs he met a lot of people who he thought were his friends. As big as he was, GG was not the brightest. People from the club took advantage of him and made him fight for money. He joined BigBad & Co. as a professional fighter and cashcow, briging in lots of money from tournaments all over the world. GG loves everything that lives and he does not like actually hurting other people unless he must.
He's a good guy, just sent on the wrong path.

Fighting style: Physical tank.

Gigohammah: Slams down his fist, sending a devastating blast around him, making everyone near him tremble
Endurance: GigantoGuus focuses all his energy on blocking hits on certain points, reducing the impact of physical hits, though lowering his own strength.
Kick of Kings: Kicks someone up into the air with unbelievable force and knocking them out until they hit something again.
Crowd's chant: More passive than an active special. GG gets more excited when the crowd chants for him, increasing his speed, strength and overall skill.


Flashbacks: GigantoGuus thinks back to his youth and the times he got beat up. He never got his revenge, but his current opponent will have to settle. GG will go berserk, increasing his strength by 100%, and is a lot more reckless.

GigantoGuus is weak against special attacks of the mind. As a tank, physical damage means little to him.

Lol this was fun to do.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Sounds like someone here has been playing fighters lately. I guess I'll throw in my hat.

Age: 22
Height: 5'9
Weight: 175 LB
Alignment: Chaotic Good, supporting hero

Finalark was an orphan on the steets of Hong Kong until he was discovered by the great Martial Artist Zhao Xang. He raised Finalark and taught him the style of Long Chi, however, Master Zhao Xang died of a terrible illness many years later. With his last words, he asked Finalark to spread the style of Long Chi around the world and to use it for good. Roughly four years later, Finalark heard news of a world-wide martial arts tournament and saw it as an opportunity to fufill his master's dying wishes.

As far as personality goes, think Goku crossed with Street Fighter's Ryu.

Style - Long Chi

Special 1: Fist of the North Star - The user takes as much time as s/he wishes to bring the power of the North Star into their fist, and then brings about a powerful, bone-shattering punch.

Special 2: Diamond Finger - The user concentrates their inner energy into their finger, then jabs their opponent with it, completely disabling whatever they touched for a brief period of time.

Special 3: Dragon Kick - The user concentrates their energy into their legs, then let off a kick that can go straight through a plate of iron.

Finisher: Mandate of Heaven - Using the power of all things, the user uses their body as a divine conduit and shoots a laser as big as a friggin' sports stadium from their hands. However, it incapacitates the user immediately after.
May 3, 2009

Three-day weekend + summer break coming up = hopefully me not johning out of this like the last one.

I'll post my character bio prolly either today or tomorrow ~5:00 p.m.


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2007
Eggmanland, obviously.
I call main hero!


Affiliation: Hero

Metal~Mario (hereafter referred to M~M) was just a normal teenager until his entire family died under suspicious circumstances. Afterwards, he was promptly kidnapped and held in a dark cell for weeks, “interrogated” by federal agents about things he didn’t even understand. One night, a strange vision appeared to him, stating he was “the true Master”. In this vision, M~M was granted a ball of energy that cast a bright shadow and emitted black light. M~M woke up to find himself surrounded by dead agents and the energy ball at his feet. M~M managed to escape the compound by using the black claw and white cannon formed on his right and left arms (respectively) by the orb. Upon returning to suburbia, M~M found a advertisement on the infoscope about a martial arts tournament and recognized Jam Stunna as one of his “interrogators”. Wasting no time, he entered online under the alias of the Master, seeking answers to his fragmented life.

M~M wears a silver hoodie at all times to avoid being discovered. He also wear glasses.

Fighting style: Chaotain

Chaos Crash: A vertical spinning manuveur using his black Claw. Spins 5 times before slamming into the ground.

Chaos Field: Palms the ground, sending a shockwave of energy across the entire arena.

Chaos Cannon: Slashes twice in an X formation, then fires a solid energy beam into the center of the X.

Chaos Comet: Jumps into the air, surrounded by a silver aura, and launches into his opponent.

Ultimate: Chaos End:
Punches opponent deep into the ground. Jumps into the air, and collects energy in both hands, forming two energy balls, one black and one white. Throws one ball at opponent, and shoots the other once contact is made, causing a MASSIVE explosion.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Heehee, cool powers are showing up already.

Sounds like someone here has been playing fighters lately. I guess I'll throw in my hat.
Well it was either this, or a blatant rip-off of The Wire. I figured that would be a little out of our league lol.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Here we go:

Name: Vrael
Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Weight: 155 lbs.
Affiliation: Villain

Vrael is a self-trained assassin. At the age of 13, his parents were murdered by a group of exotic-animal traffickers, because Vrael's father (a cop) was getting close to shutting them down. After training for two years, he returned and took out the higher-ups of the group. After that incident, Vrael was constantly on the run, living with the dregs of the earth: gangs, drug-dealers, and other assassins.

Vrael kills anyone in his way. He hires himself out when he needs the money, but often kills off employers if they are difficult with him. Numerous hitmen have attempted to kill him, but none have succeeded. Vrael mainly wears all black, but is known to also wear disguises. He has several aliases in order to escape from authorities. He refuses to kill policeman, as his father was one, and he respected his father above anyone else.

Vrael does not talk much, and is very secretive. If necessary, he can be tough, but he prefers keeping to the shadows and being alone with his thoughts. Think Sothe from Fire Emblem. He meditates often, and is known to be extremely smart, not only while fighting, but outside as well.

He is entering the Martial Arts tournament for the prize money.

Style - Silencer


Hurricane - Vrael jumps into the air and turns himself almost parallel to the ground. He sticks out his elbow, and slams them into his opponents with great strength. He also kicks with his legs while airborne.
Force Hook - Vrael spins and moves forward, grabbing the opponent's torso in the process. He then spins one more time, lets the enemy go, and jumps forward to continue his attack with whatever deadly combination he chooses.
Pain - Vrael runs one step forwards, towards the enemy, and then flips backward. Immediately following the landing, he darts toward the enemy with amazing speed, and kicks them in the midsection. He then spins and continues with a flurry of kicks.

Ultra - Revenge

Vrael licks his lips and then jumps over his opponent's head. He spins and puts his fist into his enemy's jaw, then follows up with more hits to the face. He then waits for his opponent's next move. On reaction, he darts behind his opponent and grabs them by the neck. He throws them on the ground and pummels them with his knees and feet, before dashing backwards and waiting for his next opening.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Age: 20
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 165 lbs
Affiliation: Hero

Zigsta is an assistant zookeeper hailing from the town of Duren. An avid reader, he grew up reading of adventure, dreams, and true love. He often recounts the stories he read to his animal friends at the zoo before guests arrive. Nothing pleases him more than teaching guests to the Duren Zoo about the many animals there. Deeply involved in his work, he never had a relationship. That is, until he saw her at the zoo. For the first time in his life, Zigsta fell in love, and at first sight. Having never dealt with courting a woman, though, he had no idea how to approach her.

Just when he finally worked up the courage to talk to her, though, the sky turned dark--so dark that Zigsta couldn't see his own hand in front of his face. He heard a scream. He instantly knew it was hers. A loud maniacal laugh boomed. The sky cleared. The girl had vanished. Zigsta was heartbroken.

Early next morning, Zigsta's boss approached Zigsta as he prepared to open the zoo for another batch of guests. His boss told Zigsta that the Duren Zoo was created to be a training ground, a place to locate someone pure of heart to defend the world from evil. The boss says that Zigsta is the hero he's been searching for. The boss says this battle of good and evil has happened time and time again. He hands Zigsta the keys to the zoo and says they'll transform into the weapon that reflects the hero's heart. Upon touching the keys, they transform into twin blue swords...but Zigsta can't lift them. Zigsta asks his boss if he's the real hero--the swords don't feel right to him. Without saying anything, the boss attacks Zigsta, who instinctively blocks the attack by raising a sword, its blade pointed to the ground.

Now knowing how to handle his weapon, Zigsta is informed of the martial arts tournament, where the villain who kidnapped Zigsta's true love plans to build an army of villains powerful enough to engulf the world in everlasting darkness. He's also told that if he wishes with his pure heart, his animal friends will appear to assist him in times of dire danger.

Favoring strong defense over offense, Zigsta is determined to save his true love.

Favorite quote- "All I want for her is a happily forever after."

Fighting Style- Reverse Dual Assist Style

Blue Tornado--Zigsta sticks his dual swords out by his side and spins into his enemy at high speeds.
Grizzly Peak--Zigsta summons a grizzly bear to pin the enemy in place. Zigsta then knocks the enemy into the air.
Falcon Dash--A followup to Grizzly Peak. Zigsta summons a falcon to fly upwards, creating a trail of clouds for Zigsta to run on. This is how Zigsta fights in midair.
Ravaging Cougar--Zigsta summons a cougar, who attacks the enemy from behind while Zigsta attacks from the front. His most offensive special, this is saved as his trump card.
Beastly Transformation--An attack Zigsta doesn't know how to activate on his own. When pushed to his limits, he merges with all the animals from the Duren Zoo, granting him massive strength, stamina, and agility boosts. His swords are exchanged for long claws. Zigsta's heart is so pure, though, that he can control his actions even in this beastly state.

I'll go for main hero if it's available.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Call Main villan!


Age: 24
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 204 lbs

He was the son of an extremely wealthy man. Because of his weath his father saw it fit that he was trained by masters in every martial art. He became so confidant in his abilities he believed the only way he could be anymore powerful was to become more than human. He arranged and gathered the most intelligent scientists to bio-mechanically enhance his body with super human abilities. After the success of the experiment, he traveled the world in search for the most powerful fighters killing those unfortunate enough to lose.

Masamune where's a dark Gi at all times with an Insignia of his own design on the back. He has short sleek hair which the experiment changed from his normal black to a more silver-white color, and his eye's glow green with power. His personality is cool and refined, but he is prideful and will except any challenge.

He is an all around fighter with high defense and strength, But his main weapon is speed.

Favorite Quote: "You will taste what little you know of death with this strike, and you will feel the nothingness that awaits you with this one."

Fighting Style: Lightning Step

After Image: Masamune moves at high speeds and leaves an image of himself after leaving that specific area.

Bolt Cross: A bolt of lightning strikes Masamune and he redirects it at the opponent. This leaves him motion less for a moment.

Hell Blitz: Masamune charges at the opponent at high speeds and strikes them with his fist.

Sneak Attack: Seemingly teleports behind the opponent and delivers a strike.

Light Rings: Masamune shoots rings from his arm that binds his opponent for a short time.

Light Speed: Moving at the speed of light, Masamune delivers a thirteen hit combo that can't be evaded or blocked. "They say he was just standing there one second and the next he was covered with blood."


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2009
Age- 27
Height- 6'1
Weight- 176lb
Affiliation- The main hero's best friend (HERO)

BOB grew up as an only child in Krakozhia. His Father named Floyce was a Karate master who taught at Saget Karate Academy. His father valued fighting more than anything else. He taught BOB a bit of karate but BOB was never interested in fighting. When BOB was 12, his father left BOB and BOB's mother to pursue a martial arts career.

BOB was very angry, his anger can turn his body into flames that'll hurt others but not BOB. BOB put all his anger into making a new fighting style that was completely different from what his father taught. His fighting style is like a mixture of judo and wrestling. BOB's style was all grappling while incorporating basic strikes if it were a real fight. This style is also all about ground fighting. And finishing with joint locks and chokes. He called this style.....Bobby Jiu Jitsu (BJJ.)

When BOB turned 16, he left his mother and moved to Canada where he opened up a BJJ dojo. He spent 10 years of teaching and training. At 26 he got married. He was living the happy life until he saw the TV one day. A world wide martial arts championship was on TV. He was watching the beginning of a fight about to start. Then......he saw his father going to the ring. It was the championship fight, his father's last fight before retiring according to the commentators. The fight lasted 10 minutes.....his father got knocked out. So Floyce got 2nd place.

BOB remebered his father and how he leaved him and his mother to become a fighter. BOB still hated him and wanted to prove himself a better fighter than his father. He trained hard everyday and decided to enter the next world wide martial arts tournament to take first place!

Style- Bobby Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)


Flying Arm Bar- BOB jumps on the opponent, latches on to them and grabs the arm. The force knocks the foe down and BOB gets an arm bar.

Flaming Takedown- BOB's aggresion turns his body into flames. He rushes in for the "shoot" he charges fast like a fire ball and takes out the foe's legs.

The Death Choke- BOB wraps his arms around the opponents neck, preventing blood from flowing to the head.

Flying Kick- A flying super kick. This move was the only karate move he was taught by his father. This is the only karate move BOB has in his fighting arsenal. His foot is covered in a blue flame. The blue flame is even hotter than the orange one. This is because this move intesifies all the hate BOB has for his father.




Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Age: 22
Height: 5'8
Weight: 153 LB
Alignment: villain (comic relief)

Heartz is your club-dwelling, absent-sober rebel who likes to kick *** and drink alcohol, but never runs out of alcohol. She practices in the Drunken Art, although she can become literally intoxicated to augment her martial art prowess. Heartz can become so drunk that she can ignore certain pains. She wears a lavender martial arts tunic.

Heartz has an extremely short fuse, yet her anger is often drowned out by her constant drunkenness. She was trained by Master Ronjo, who teaches several types of fighting styles. Heartz was the toughest apprentice he had to deal with for the obvious reason, so he had decided to teach her the Drunken Style to compensate for her addiction.

She enters the World-Wide Martial Arts Tournament in hope of winning the prize money so that she can pay off the rest of her tab at the local bar.

Style - Drunken Style

Special 1: Sweetspot Slingshot
- Heartz will begin to falter back clumsily, then quickly ahead as if she is about to fall on her face, yet launches her body forward with a flying punch into her opponent's crotch.

Special 2: Bang Over
- Heartz will fall on her back with an expression of exhaustion, waiting for her opponent to approach her, then springs her body straight up, delivering a surprising and quick headbutt into the enemy.

Special 3: A Drunken Monkey On Your Back
- Heartz will wait for her opponent to strike, then grabs their arm or foot, pulling them down to climb onto them with her legs wrapped around their neck. She will then relentlessly palm strike their head like a bongo. Lastly, she falls back hanging down with her legs still constricting their neck as the enemy may struggle to get her off.

Finisher: Punch Drunk Love
- Heartz flails toward her opponent, ignoring any attacks and defenses and begins to deliver strong and unpredictable blows upon the enemy relentlessly, pushing them back and possibly out of the ring.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral

Teran is a young student who has seen all of his close relationships destroyed by events beyond his control. He doesn't follow any sort of moral code or convention, but at the same time doesn't feel any need to be violent or unpleasant without provocation.

He has medium length dark brown hair, dark eyes, and wears no top. Pretty slim looking, wears flexible armoured trousers and metal boots. They don't weigh him down at all, he's pretty strong for someone so small.

Brought up by a somewhat overbearing mother, he has become somewhat prone to foul language and outrageous remarks whenever she isn't around, which is pretty much all the time. He is extremely patient and not angered by anything but betrayal of friendship (something he won't experience since he has no friends).

He took up martial arts as a young child because he felt it would help him control his releases of pent up aggression. It worked, his patient nature and flexible body allowed him to become adept at martial arts quickly. He fought with his head rather than blindly, and used tactics of efficiency rather than stylistic dragging out to get the job done. His movements are fluid and he adapts to work best in each situation, he believes in following the example of water, all powerful and adapting to whatever situation it's in. His movements are also very fluid to reflect this, mainly because he thinks it makes him look cute.

Being a smoker doesn't seem to affect his stamina, although he hopes that any tobacco smoke residue on his clothes might set off an asthma attack in opponents who may suffer from such condition.

His only real weakness is attractive males between the ages of 16-21. He'd much rather buy them dinner than beat them up, so he has a difficult time using full force.

Fighting Style- Lucid Dragon


Rainbow Kick- When in close quarters facing the opponent, twists body to the side and lifts legs off the ground, spreading them wide, before turning his back and and do a corkscrew with his body causing his legs to arch over and deliver and powerful double blow to the temple, which would knock pretty much anyone the **** out.

Telekinetic Explosion- Uses psychic energy to create a powerful force field in front of the opponent which pushes them away at very high velocity. Can be used a tactic to push away to allow him to regain composure, but is best used when objects are in the path for the opponent to crash into, since this would cause damage and allow time for rest. Could theoretically end a match if pulled off correctly.

Sky High Axe Kick- Launches himself high into the sky and starts a chain of flips at peak height to increase downward velocity, and unleahes an axe blow kick with the heel connecting to the top of the skull at full force. I heard it hurts. Pretty hard to land though considering it's as easily telegraphed as a priest in a boys' locker room.

Pulse Shield- Prevents damage from energetically based attacks, but has to remain completely still while maintaining it, leaving him open to physical attack if he makes the wrong call.

Surprise From Below- Releases a powerful column of energy as hot as magma from below the ground, used to pretty much burn his opponent to cinders. Unfortunately once in this attack he's locked in it for at least 5 seconds, and after completing it is unable to even move for another 5. Basically all flashy but if he messes it up he's gone.


Divine Shower- Teran focuses his mind and power to summon a shower of 17 meteors to pummel the opponent. Said to be the move he's been training to perfect to wipe out humanity one day, it's not quite there yet but it's still pretty bad. Don't bother trying to evade or block a meteor shower, just pray that you don't die.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Oh and **** you Jam I'm sticking this because it's always awesome.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
Meh let's go with this :p

Age: 19
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral

A former molecular biology student, Cutter was exposed to a combination of cosmic radiation and gamma rays in a terrible experiment that had gone completely wrong. With just a fraction of a percentage of surviving, Cutter mutated to grow a metallic-like organic structure that augments all over his skin. At the backs of each hand are a retractable plasma blade that can be used in melee and in other attacks. This is quite possibly where the nickname "Cutter" came from. The organic metal gives Cutter somehow this sort of energy to work with.

The radiation exposure has greatly increased Cutter's stamina and power from the scrawny person he once used to be. He still feels pain though, and is still somewhat limited to what even the best of fighters can do.

He has entered the tournament to win the prize money so he can carry out his own research at figuring out the structure of the "organic metal" that makes up his body as well as attempting at undoing all the mutations that had been caused to him -- or possibly even enhancing them further.

Fighting Style: Cunning opportunist


Plasma Blade: Cutter extends out both of his plasma blades. They can then be used in various melee strikes and do extensive damage.

While Cutter can use both of his plasma blades at once, he can also use just one and create a bigger and more powerful "sword" to use by concentrating all the energy into one plasma blade instead of diverting them into two.

Arc Blade: Extends out the plasma blades again, but this time Cutter swings with them very quickly to release an arc of energy that travels at a rapid velocity to the opponent. This is a "quick n' dirty" projectile that is excellent for both offense and defense.

If Cutter uses just one plasma blade as described above, then the energy blast that gets released will respectively have more energy and be more damaging, but has a slower rate of fire.

Plasma Strike: Cutter slashes the ground with his plasma blades, causing them to release shockwaves that travel in random directions in a radial pattern.


Doppelganger: Cutter concentrates all the energy in his body into his plasma blades. As the plasma surges outward, it starts to leak out and morph into a "plasma copy" of Cutter. This plasma copy then immediately engages the enemy and goes on a rampage, attacking them relentlessly. The real Cutter can also continue to attack the enemy as well, resulting in a very nasty double team that will prove to be extremely difficult to weather.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada

Rainbow Kick- When in close quarters facing the opponent, twists body to the side and lifts legs off the ground, spreading them wide, before turning his back and and do a corkscrew with his body causing his legs to arch over and deliver and powerful double blow to the temple, which would knock pretty much anyone the **** out.
I got a kick out of this. I'm sure san fran would too.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
Area 42
Age: 18
Height: 5"11
Weight: 150 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral (optimism)

A freelance engineer, Phoenixo was playing wrong with fire and tend to create his own fighting style due to duplicating a inferno, which it ingulf his small- house . Survived on luck and reflex skills, Phoenixo creates a style of fierce flames and accelerating wind. His medium is created from the hand-maded gloves which were a prototype and deemed to work with the minor accident. It seems to keep Phoenixo`s life as a life-support.

Phoenixo`s speed increase and strength, however his stamina improved by enduring training seemed to be weakened and needs to make sure not to be hit.

He entered the tournament to win the prize money so he can figure out what to do with his life as he optimistically please while being enjoying it with his various friends/ retirement

Fighting Style: Phoenixo- 3-way speed stun mixed martial arts


Flame twirl: Spins at a incredible rate while running/jumping creating a flame barrier during movement, he’s invulnerable for 2 seconds giving him enough time to counterattack with his speed. It can only stun when he’s in a critical state
On another note, he can fluctuated his movement/ trajectory/ etc. to keep his opponents on their toes

Flare Rising kick: A wind/flame punch that aims at a 65 degree angle and is be able to snuff out his opponent with the right timing

Comeback of the Century: A counter that if anyone get in contact of Phoenixo`s body, he’ll countered with a whirlwind kick that devours of a thousands sun


Infenox Breeze Sorrowfix: Phoenixo concentrates his energy to form a massive explosion of fire and wind in which he tears through his opponent limb by limb with blinding speed, as awesome classical music is playing and ending with a phoenix cross in his wake, purging their passion and dreams of their devote moments . This is a multihit and will leave the opponent in tears if they still live.

Hope this is good

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I think I'll extend the deadline for character submissions through Sunday.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Trying to wait for a few more characters. I wanted 12-16, but if no one else signs up, we'll just make them up as we go along.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Age: Unknown, estimated between 19-24
Height: 9'3"
Weight: 294 lbs
Affiliation: Evil, but doesn't like to be bad.

GigantoGuus (GG as his associates sometimes call him) is a light-hearted semi-giant. When he was a child, his parents did not enjoy raising him. He grew at an alarming rate and the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. There was a name created for his condition, which is now known as Lurando's Condition. It made him grow to an unimaginable height, and still growing.

As a young kid, he got picked on a lot in school for his size. He was tall, but skinny and weak. He got into his first fight, but was outclassed quickly. After that he wanted to pay back the one that did this to him. He started working out and become not only taller, but buffer as well. He always saw himself as the skinny boy that got picked on, and kept training. Now he is both the tallest and physically strongest man to have lived.

GG started fighting in clubs for money, but moreso for recognition, insecure as he was. In the clubs he met a lot of people who he thought were his friends. As big as he was, GG was not the brightest. People from the club took advantage of him and made him fight for money. He joined BigBad & Co. as a professional fighter and cashcow, briging in lots of money from tournaments all over the world. GG loves everything that lives and he does not like actually hurting other people unless he must.
He's a good guy, just sent on the wrong path.

Fighting style: Physical tank.

Gigohammah: Slams down his fist, sending a devastating blast around him, making everyone near him tremble
Endurance: GigantoGuus focuses all his energy on blocking hits on certain points, reducing the impact of physical hits, though lowering his own strength.
Kick of Kings: Kicks someone up into the air with unbelievable force and knocking them out until they hit something again.
Crowd's chant: More passive than an active special. GG gets more excited when the crowd chants for him, increasing his speed, strength and overall skill.


Flashbacks: GigantoGuus thinks back to his youth and the times he got beat up. He never got his revenge, but his current opponent will have to settle. GG will go berserk, increasing his strength by 100%, and is a lot more reckless.

GigantoGuus is weak against special attacks of the mind. As a tank, physical damage means little to him.

Lol this was fun to do.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Okay, we've got twelve people now, so we're good to go! I'll post chapter 1 either tonight or tomorrow.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Normally I would write more for a first chapter, but I think I've locked us into too narrow of a path in the past, so I'm leaving this one more open.

Chapter 1: Chaos Theory

How do I get myself into these situations, Metal Mario thought to himself.

It had been a pretty good evening up until now. He'd met a woman at the Indian grill named Desmona. They'd set up their blind date over the infosphere, and to his great surprise, the picture she'd posted on her profile actually made her look worse than she really did. She was tall and brunette, with green eyes and full lips. Her hair was pulled into two cute ponytails on either side of her head. M~M really had a thing for ponytails.

The date had gone well. Too well, now that he thought about it. She laughed at all of his jokes, especially the bad ones. Her hand was on his leg the entire evening, and by the time they were asking for the check it had found its way to his inner thigh. They kissed beneath the awning outside the restaurant. Just a little; M~M wasn't one for making out with strangers. It had been the perfect evening, except for one thing that had bothered him: why had she insisted that they go to a restaurant in the worst part of Tri City, and at 11:00 PM at that? It was going on 2:00 AM when they stepped outside. As a group of young men approached them, the pieces fell into place.

"So did you know that I liked ponytails, or did you just get lucky with that one?" M~M said to her, shaking his head at his own stupidity.

"It's buried in your profile somewhere, honey," she smiled, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his wallet. "He's loaded," she said to the leader of the group of thugs, a scrawny punk with pale skin and dreadlocks. "That's a platinum line credit card he's using."

"I don't hit girls, but you're going to want to give me back my wallet," M~M said. He pointed to the thugs. "For their sake."

The leader laughed, and his men quickly joined in. "Yer a bigun, I'll admit that," he drawled. "But I think we all can take down a big boy like you."

"I don't think you can, but I've been wrong before." M~M reached out his hand towards Desmona. "My wallet, please."

Desmona looked towards the leader, who motioned for it. She tossed it to him. " Sorry honey, but finder's keepers," she said.

"So I'm guessing he's your boyfriend then? You lure out the marks with your looks, show them a good time, then your boyfriend and his motley crew rob the sucker blind? Good gig, I guess, although you could have chosen a more handsome thug boyfriend."

"Make yer jokes, I got yer money. I can take a few jabs for that," the leader said.

"Oh, you can? Let's find out."

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
My PSP has a char limit so I'm gona multipost.

Chapter 1 cont.

"So you think your tough do ya? Lets see if your making wise cracks after this?!" said the the leader as he pulled back his right fist.

M-M just stood there motionless looking into the eyes of his opponent through his glasses. Just as the the thug brought down his fist, M-M blocked the blow with his left arm.

"What the hell?" Cried the thug as he noticed his hand was broken. "You'll pay for that!" He yelled.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Hate the char limit!

I'm going to ask one time, give me my wallet back. M-M said as he stuck out his hand.

"F*** that!" said one of the goons.

"Lets beat his face!" said another.

"Guess it's the hard way then." Said M-M in an almost excited voice.

The group of thugs gathered around M-M. M-M jumped up and kicked the goon in the face on his right.

"One down three to go!" M-M thought.

While in the air M-M flipped behind another goon. As the leader saw this, he picked up a metal pipe.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Still hate

M-M grabbed one of the remaining goons and punched him three times in the gut before throwing him to the side.

"Two left." M-M smirked

But just after he threw him, the last goon approached from behind, at the same time the leader charged from the front.

"Your dead!" said the leader as he swung the pipe with his left hand. M-M ducked and timed it perfectly, as the leader hit his friend with the pipe.

"Not your lucky day is it?" Mocked M-M.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Chapter 1 cont.

"So you think your tough do ya? Lets see if your making wise cracks after this?!" said the the leader as he pulled back his right fist.

M-M just stood there motionless looking into the eyes of his opponent through his glasses. Just as the the thug brought down his fist, M-M blocked the blow with his left arm.

"What the hell?" Cried the thug as he noticed his hand was broken. "You'll pay for that!" He yelled.

I'm going to ask one time, give me my wallet back. M-M said as he stuck out his hand.

"F*** that!" said one of the goons.

"Lets beat his face!" said another.

"Guess it's the hard way then." Said M-M in an almost excited voice.

The group of thugs gathered around M-M. M-M jumped up and kicked the goon in the face on his right.

"One down three to go!" M-M thought.

While in the air M-M flipped behind another goon. As the leader saw this, he picked up a metal pipe.

M-M grabbed one of the remaining goons and punched him three times in the gut before throwing him to the side.

"Two left." M-M smirked

But just after he threw him, the last goon approached from behind, at the same time the leader charged from the front.

"Your dead!" said the leader as he swung the pipe with his left hand. M-M ducked and timed it perfectly, as the leader hit his friend with the pipe.

"Not your lucky day is it?" Mocked M-M.

"You won't be smirking once I beat that four eyed face of yours!"

"Really? Four eyes?"

Desmona realized her boyfriend was fighting a lost battle.

"Love to see this end, but I think I'm gonna pass this time." She said as she left the scene.

"Dam! Lets not mess around anymore. M-M then sliced the pipe with his claws.

"What the f*** are you?" The thug said just as M-M punched the thug in the gut, causing him to pass out.
EDIT: I found a real comp and this is the whole version.

I'll let someone else finish it.
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