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- U.F.B. Crew Thread - IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIVE!!!!! "ROLL 'EM UP" DEC. 21


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
OMFG LOLOLOLOLOL. I told u not to do it didn't i!!! You facebook stalkers. LOLOLOL. New storyteller in town!!!

This is a story about a boy named Matthew Bryant.

On his 11th bday Matt finally became old enough to become a bicep trainer.

As a youngin he has been dreaming for this day to come. Even playing with little foam dumbbell in his playpen.

After eating breakfast he grabbed his hat and rushed over to prof Billly Blanks Lab to receive his 1st dumbbell.

Prof Billy gave him a choice of 3 dumbbells. the 5,10,and 15lb. Prof Billly told Young Matthew to choose wisely as this will be his hardest decision yet. Young Matthew starts to ponder

He says he's going to go for the 15pnd. Prof Billy told him that starting so high will be tough in the beginning but it will pay off at the end. Matt says he understand. He took his precious dumbell with him and started his journey.

Days turned to weeks,Weeks turned to months Young Matt is pouring his heart out into the gym. But he's not leveling up as fast as he would like. With the dumbbell leagues only a mere week away Matt decides to do something drastic.

He heard of a rumor. Someone told Someone who told Someone that a man named Prof Chibo knew of a quick and easy way to level up.

He rushes over to Prof.Chibo's lab and asked him if the rumors were indeed true. Prof Chibo told Young Matt that the rumor is true. He told Matt that there is a way to have a infinite amount of any item he so chooses. Young Matt said he would like to have a infinite amount of Protein Bars.

Prof Chibo explained the glitch which was codenamed "Project Missingno!" After learning what he had to do Matt set off to Cereleum City. There he surfed on his Fitted along the coast of the ocean until he found what was known as "Missingno"

Little did young Matthew know missingo was actually a pokemon named Steph.

The Wild Steph attacked Matt. Matt used the all powerful HeadBeam attack and defeated the Wild Steph. It was a one hit ko. Doing so his protein bars tripled in amount. He started to eat them rapidly gaining levels after each one he ate. He reached lv 100 and thought that he was now ready to enter the Dumbbell League.

Matt enters and does great. He reaches all the way to the Dumbbell Champion. However little did he know that while he gained levels with his protein bars he didn't gain the muscles needed to keep those levels up. In battle with the dumbbell champion Matt's body starts to shrink. Only thing that didn't was his head. The dumbbell champion thought to himself that while he cheated there is still a good kid there and asked young matt did he want to start over and train right. Matt responds Yes.

15 years pass and while his body got a little taller His head stayed the same. This is what Matt looks like now.

The end

Secret Ending

Back in Pallet Town Prof Billy got a postcard from Matt. In the post card Matt explains how everything but his head shrunk and told him to tell his mom to not worry about him because he is working on fixing it. Prof Billy asked his assistant Mr.Owl how long did he think it would take for Matt's Body to correspond with his Head. Mr,Owl looked at Prof Billy and with a saddening look said and i quote "The World May Never Know!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
ahahahahahahahhahaa do one for me if you can find my facebook that is nobody knows my last name


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
thats the challenge lets see if anybody can remeber my last name i've told you all it and its starts with a v

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
D*mn, he did tell us what his last name was too. Can't remember it for the life of me.

Matt, these stories are simply ingenious. I'm actually kinda scared to see what my story would be......


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
i am thats some serious bull**** not evan my friends of like 9 years kno how to spell my name right


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
New Jersy
i've always had jokes i just kinda been undercover with em they've mostly been about you tho thats why you havent herd lol


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
i've always had jokes i just kinda been undercover with em they've mostly been about you tho thats why you havent herd lol
You don't even make jokes, you're just a straight **** to me. ;-;

Hurts, Ebo..... hurts real bad. :urg:

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
I can't just change my name at will. There's limitations I'm being held to, and since I can't change my name for another two months, you're gonna have to deal with it.

Not that I would change it. I mean, it's either this, or:

Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper TUSM (Song from GH2 and GH:SH)

KT Kasrani

Smash Champion
May 28, 2009
Philadelphia, Pa
^2 freakn months:(:(:(:(. ima get tired of looking at it

@PHILLYRIDER807: how is TUS gay. its the short term of TUSM. maybe i dont fell lik sayn M. and its better than TUS TUS.
every1 is gettin a nickname from me now.

ur **** name is phillyrider807. u need to buy a **** premium account and change that ****


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
^2 freakn months:(:(:(:(. ima get tired of looking at it

@PHILLYRIDER807: how is TUS gay. its the short term of TUSM. maybe i dont fell lik sayn M. and its better than TUS TUS.
every1 is gettin a nickname from me now.

ur **** name is phillyrider807. u need to buy a **** premium account and change that ****
Why the **** would u nickname a 4 letter name? And how is it not gay? Your calling him TUS. Just cause it's not AS gay as TUS TUS don't mean it's not gay.

And lol i want to change my name but **** it.

He'd probably change it to "phillyrider8072" or "phillyrider215."
Even if i did thats still a hell of alot better then yours. What the hell was u thinking?
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