Wobbling is stupidly gay. I am playing Ice Climbers from now on every tourney, they allow for random upsets due to the fact that no matter how good you get at this game, there are still natural limitations to the game that will allow you to get grabbed if you're guessed right (even a random number generator on a computer guesses right sometimes).
Think about it. If you tech, I have a 33% chance of grabbing you (usually more).
IF you jump, I have a high chance of grabbing you when you land, even if you waveland, I might predict it and grab you anyways. If you double jump and I try to grab you thinking you weren't going to double jump, I will probably be able to spot dodge as you come down and grab you after that. Yeah, pretty gay. Even if you start your aerial high so that it l-cancels fast enough to get you out of the way of me grabbing you as you land, I just might wait for you to spot dodge/roll after the aerial... yeah... gay...
I hope you guys are absorbing all this. It is impossible no matter how good you get to eliminate all chances to be grabbed, it comes down to guesses that are unavoidable.
Anyways... if we allow strategies such as wobbling in tourneys, why can't I use my strategy with Jiggly's rising pound? It's built into the game just like wobbling. No johns, don't fall behind in a match and I won't be able to stall.
This is stupid **** ******* in ***** **** *** ** in a *** ****** * ******... ...
And people still have the nerve to say all the arguments anti-wobbling are ignorant and childish... wtf... I still have yet to see a convincing argument for it, and nobody has refuted my stance and reasoning against it.
If wobbling is legal,
other "strategies (as Wobbles calls it)" such as Jiggly's rising pound must be made legal as well. Yeah, this game just got a lot gayer.
Oh, btw, I thought it was funny a while back when ARC was wobbling JF in teams and I walked up behind ARC and started wobbling his Nana
People who support wobbling are either:
1. Wobbles
2. People that know wobbles (notice the Arizona and Dallas players sticking up for it)
3. Ice Climber players
4. People who want to be different
5. People that don't know as much about the game as they think, even though they may still be really good. Being good doesn't necessarily mean you know the game really well, it just means you have a kick *** strategy.
And to all those idiots who are like, "well, if it's such a kick *** strategy then why don't u win a tourney with it lolololol", well... first off, why the **** would I waste my time with a strategy that if I succeed at, it will be banned anyway and all my hard work would be for not (I would be wasting my ****ing time). Second off... I have a huge moral problem with the infinite. I
know how wrong it is, I really question just refusing to do it... I don't think I could actually bring myself to do it in a tourney. Seriously.
And wtf at all the mods closing the topics discussing this. It's a "forum about a video game" as Cesar put it... lol, come on.
Regardless if pros could avoid getting grabed (let me remind u that that is false), this still ruins the game for 90% of the people that play this game. In other words, it does in fact ruin the game. It would make all tournaments with non-pro players totally false in rankings, because the IC infinite players would rise to the top, even though they may not be as good as the players that just aren't "pro" enough to avoid getting grabbed each stock.
Not to mention the Climbers aren't exactly the hardest character to grab with. They may be hard to grab with, but with desynching and weird *** crap that will take anyone by suprise, you can get grabs trust me. Anyone who knows the Ice Climbers well knows that. I'm sure I could research through videos and thinking about weird strategies for a while and think up some pretty kick *** ways to land grabs. If the Climbers whole goal is to get grabs, he will get grabs. It will become a game of how good you are at playing the Ice Climbers and getting grabs. Oh, and contrary to popular belief, the Climbers do not both have to be right there to get the infinite. The nana could be a short while away and still get there in time to start the infinite if she was desynching a short distance away when Popo got the actual grab, this depends on percents of course...
Class is dismissed. The
only way to refute my argument would be to be like, "Ok then, Jiggly rising pound and other similar strategies are now legal."
Ohhh, and don't get me wrong, I have to add this little disclaimer at the bottom of every post I make about "wobbling". Wobbles the Phoenix was a really cool person in person. I have nothing but respect for him. In no way do I want my post about "wobbling" to be related to the smash player, "Wobbles the Phoenix".