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True Gamer Announcement

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Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2008
Hey guys I'm Tommy aka the president of True Gamer. Me and my friend Steven have been at this **** for months now trying to make it work. Evan was a sales rep for us more or less since the start, and he was good at what he did. I was cool with him for that reason, but my low level of involvement on Smash Boards really made our image get out of control. Evan shouldn't have taken credit for what he didn't do. I am THE sole designer for the company and Evan never helped me in any way with any of the designs at all. Period. Steven manages the company along with me.

I also want to say I'm sorry I haven't been involved with the online smash community as much as you may hope. I'm getting involved now because I need to step it up, I admit, and take credit for what I've done. I've been a member of the smash community since 06, and I have good standing with everyone in GA.

The reason I was backing up Evan this whole time is because he helped us out a lot, and he has been a friend of mine since he started playing smash... You know, before he got a reputation online. While he has been my friend for a long time, he shouldn't have taken the credit for my ****, and I regret letting it get this far. :(

As for the money situation. Evan owes me no money at all. I have never borrowed him any money, but I can obviously understand the problems generated by his debts, and I hate that this situation looks bad on me and Steven.

Also: This thread was NOT made to bash Evan... it was made to give credit where credit was due. That's all.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon

ftr I didn't think it looked bad for truegamer, it just looked bad for PB&J. I would still buy a shirt from you guys.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
My thoughts/Opinion.

People that are shady shouldn't represent a company.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Good stuff making this thread, TBag. People need to see this thread so they will know that True Gamer is still cool.


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2008
Thanks dudes, we are reprinting the waveshine shirt btw on like a blue ish grey color.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Tommy, i've been thinking about giving my designs to you. people seem to like them.
what say you?

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
tommy you should let crismas design things for you she is a professional artist and has a resume and such XD

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
If you need designs, go for Crismas. Shirts are mad cash

Seriously, though. I will still buy a shirt from you guys, but Evan has definitely sullied the name of True Gamer. He constantly appeared far too agressive when selling shirts, and all in all, needed to figure out how the shower worked.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
he asked me at gigabits if i wanted a shirt, I said how much? he said $20 I laughed and said i'm unemployed get outta heeerree


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
tommy- claiming that your the sole designer of the company is crap and u know it. yes u made all the desighns but the whole idea of the company was mine in the first place and i know soft and merc will back me up on that. plus merc designed the dont money match me one.

saying i was a sales rep is bashing me and its not cool.

i thought the company was split up into three parts.

u throwing me under the bus after everyone has done also is not cool

u know the whole t-shirt company idea was mine. plus documentary and reality show.

yeah i made a bad rep for myself and im working on it.

i was never in charge of making the price. so if people wanted to the shirts to be cheaper that was on steven

and if u keep saying i had nothing to do with the company besides selling the shirts.

we can go to court and let them decide

i thought u of all people will defend me but this is crazy


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2005
He constantly appeared far too agressive when selling shirts, and all in all, needed to figure out how the shower worked.
that pretty much sums up pbj. tried too hard to sell overpriced shirts, and smelled really bad. idcare about the other stuff, but man he smelled horrrrrrible


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
tommy- claiming that your the sole designer of the company is crap and u know it. yes u made all the desighns but the whole idea of the company was mine in the first place and i know soft and merc will back me up on that. plus merc designed the dont money match me one.

saying i was a sales rep is bashing me and its not cool.

i thought the company was split up into three parts.

u throwing me under the bus after everyone has done also is not cool

u know the whole t-shirt company idea was mine. plus documentary and reality show.

yeah i made a bad rep for myself and im working on it.

i was never in charge of making the price. so if people wanted to the shirts to be cheaper that was on steven

and if u keep saying i had nothing to do with the company besides selling the shirts.

we can go to court and let them decide

i thought u of all people will defend me but this is crazy
get over it, it's just some shirts, better now that you understand where you truly stand, than later when this apparel gear gets (if it ever does) big, and you don't get an excessive cut of the pay. :ohwell:

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA

I'll just give Merc a call later about that. And unlike the rest of you here, I've known Merc for over 5 years and he's a very close friend of mine outside of smash. I know he isn't the type to lie about anything like this. So god help you Evan if I end up not liking what Merc has to tell me later about the situation


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
what do u mean get over it..true gamer was my idea and tommy know it

he made all the desgns besides one

and i went to him and told him lets do this and then steven got on because he knew more about business than me

ive done some pretty messed up stuff but i dont deserve this

u know what

tommy just call me ..this is dumb

mike g- call josh too


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
PBnJ, from what i'm seeing, you had the idea, however never put any true work into the actual company itself. That doesn't give you power.

Tommy makes the shirts (except for one design, in which the person who made that design should be bought out)

Steven runs the business.

You had the idea, but no effort of your own.

It's their money from that logic. (and speaking of money)

Were you making money from this business? If you were, then you not being included doesn't matter, you're still making money. If you weren't making money, then you should've known that this wasn't your business from that fact alone.


Let's just get this whole problem calmly solved here, I agree this whole ordeal is unnecessary and brings too many people in drama who really aren't giving good insight, but you shouldn't be trusted on a one on one conversations where you could lie without someone being able to call you on your crap. No need to put extra work in this, except for certain people who don't go on smashboards.

I can't say you smell because i apparently have a weak nose, so w/e


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
Sorry to break this to you Evan, but the chances of you winning a dispute like this in court are fairly slim.

Tommy designed the shirts (and I assume was the one who physically ordered them - officially making business possible), and his friend Steven designed the website (as I read from the website itself). The idea for a business/product does NOT legally constitute ownership or the privilege of being owner unless the President specifies otherwise. In this, Tommy has made it clear that he is the President and you are a Sales Rep (of sorts...). While this may suck, he is legally in power over this company, and without a physical stake in the creation of such company, you cannot legally claim any ownership unless Tommy allows you (or steps down or something else weird happens).

Thanks IP Law class I just took!

/intelligent post

I should also specify that this post is not meant to insult, I really want to deter any kind of legal action from taking place here. Going to court sucks for everybody. I know Smashboards (and everybody, really) gets excited when there's drama and people getting mad at each other, but frankly that part's over now and I'd like to see some resolution. I implore that you all treat this like gentlemen and settle it the only way gentlemen know how:


Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
dam.... if u wanna talk evan call DJ's house phone but if ur willing to listen to wat i have to say from my point of view of u. since the other thread was close i had to post over here. money wasnt really an issue between me and u cuz u know i madd nice wen it comes to money so idc u dont owe me anything son. dont put smash over friends cuz after all this u whining about not going to pound wen this isnt about smash its about ur homies. just cuz u pay everyone back dont mean it will all be good afterwards. the fact that u were like "if i payed everyone back and i still cant go to pound... life is too good is showing that u dont care. this iant the first time u apologized action>words and dont play that luttle hypocrite **** u alway play on me

my prob with u wasnnt money it was ur wack a$$ snake a$$ personality if u dont liek wat im saying ***** then w/e son then we done we finished


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2008
Evan, You can't possibly claim you helped with any design at all.
Me and Steven have handled every aspect of the company
As for the company idea being yours. I admit that you first said something about a gamer related clothing line, but that was when me and you owned the company together.
The company fell apart because of whatever then it was brought back by me and Steven who have done wonders for it.
I only want you to admit that I deserve 100 percent credibility to my own designs.


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2008
Merc had the idea for the money match shirt that is true. I made the design on my computer right in front of him, and consulted with him about it. I am the DESIGNER of our products. I make whatever we need happen that is all. I'm not the end all authority on everyone's ideas, and I use other people's input because it helps our company tremendously.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2006
Hijueputa Land
dam.... if u wanna talk evan call DJ's house phone but if ur willing to listen to wat i have to say from my point of view of u. since the other thread was close i had to post over here. money wasnt really an issue between me and u cuz u know i madd nice wen it comes to money so idc u dont owe me anything son. dont put smash over friends cuz after all this u whining about not going to pound wen this isnt about smash its about ur homies. just cuz u pay everyone back dont mean it will all be good afterwards. the fact that u were like "if i payed everyone back and i still cant go to pound... life is too good is showing that u dont care. this iant the first time u apologized action>words and dont play that luttle hypocrite **** u alway play on me

my prob with u wasnnt money it was ur wack a$$ snake a$$ personality if u dont liek wat im saying ***** then w/e son then we done we finished

Exactly its about your friends, who cares about the tourney? this just proves evan hasnt learned anything he just wants sympathy. me and chops was just talking about that same statement he made. and imma save the convo and show ppl at pound 4.
And idk why hes playing the god card because hes done that to me before when he got on my bad side and he said he was gonna change, he was nice to me for like a week and then continued to be a piece of ****.


Devil Ray

Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2009
Seoul, South Korea
wow, the chopz has spoken. good ****.

i always wondered how PB&J traveled to tournaments when he was so bad at the game. i'm like, this fat smelly dude sucks and yet he's selling t-shirts at every national tournament. wtf. i've never heard of a smasher this duplicitous about money. at least manacloud ran tournaments and tried to do stuff for ken. pbj just looks like a dirty liar who smells like a dead dudes dickhole


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
And idk why hes playing the god card because hes done that to me before when he got on my bad side and he said he was gonna change, he was nice to me for like a week and then continued to be a piece of ****.


Chops speaks a -lot- of truth.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
quick question, i got a winterfest shirt for free.

i'm going to feel really bad if someone else put into the production into and not pbnj.

because that's someone elses dollars, if not his, that was just given away.
so was the true gamer company behind the winterfest shirts or what?

i mean, there's vsa on it and stuff. I just want to make sure.


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2008
He was selling for us at Winterfest. We all came to an agreement about what to do with extra shirts or whatever. Don't worry about it.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
tommy- claiming that your the sole designer of the company is crap and u know it. yes u made all the desighns but the whole idea of the company was mine in the first place and i know soft and merc will back me up on that. plus merc designed the dont money match me one.

saying i was a sales rep is bashing me and its not cool.

i thought the company was split up into three parts.

u throwing me under the bus after everyone has done also is not cool

u know the whole t-shirt company idea was mine. plus documentary and reality show.

yeah i made a bad rep for myself and im working on it.

i was never in charge of making the price. so if people wanted to the shirts to be cheaper that was on steven

and if u keep saying i had nothing to do with the company besides selling the shirts.

we can go to court and let them decide

i thought u of all people will defend me but this is crazy
You've got to have balls of steel to bullsh*t like that, man.

You are by far one of the least motivated people I've ever seen, and for you to assume that "I had an idea for a T-shirt company" is the same thing as actually getting out there and making it happen, then it's no wonder why you owe so many people money.

Stop being a d*ck, you can't pretend like you did anything involving any creativity, work or initiative.

And please take it to court motherf*cker, I'm sure the people with the business license in their names will make sure you can owe another couple grand if you like.

"I sit on my *** and throw ideas around until someone motivated actually follows through with them, and then get indignant when they don't mention me as inspiration/equal parts owner in the endeavor." <---You


Smash Rookie
Nov 7, 2009
You know, theres already been two threads about this that have been closed. This one already served its purpose (to clarify the situation) the moment it was created. This is a private argument between a few people, it doesn't need to be all over smashboards.
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