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Trouble K.Oing


Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2008
Bay Area
Well, I just started playing as Zero Suit Samus today, and Im really enjoying the long range and nature of her attacks. That, and I mained Samus in SSB and SSBM [ metroid fan ]. I have one big problem though. It always takes me up to getting my opponenet to 150+ % before Im able to K.O them with her side B or Uair. Are there any other reliable K.O moves that she has?

Also, what are some good edgeguarding techniques that she can use?


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Usually the Side B is able to kill before 150%. But there's other moves you can try as well. Zamus' Back Air is a reliable killing move with very nice knockback. It's a little bit harder to land than the side B though. I don't see it talked about too much but if you can do your down b and kick at the right angle it can kill pretty nicely as well.


Mar 16, 2007
Moves I tend to KO with in order of commonness.

1. Bair
2. Plasma Whip
3. Fair
4. Uair
5. Flip Jump

A lot of people don't realize this, but Fair kills Mario from the middle of FD at 132%. It's a useful move othewise, so it'll likely degenerate a bit, but it makes it a nice edgeguard move.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
If your opponent is above you and has a good amount of damage %, use Zero Suit Samus' (ZSS hereafter) u-air. It can kill your opponent. It can also be used multiple times before landing. If your opponent decides to use his/her d-air on you (ZSS, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, or Sonic), or if you think he/she is going to use his/her d-air, use the Up+B in the air to draw them down. Sometimes they'll fall straight to the ground and you can land your own d-air on them.

ZSS' can also perform her f-smash in the air or on the ground. It can kill your opponent instantly. Be sure to use the u-smash as well. You can run at your opponent and perform this. The dash animation will still be in effect, but you'll be sliding while u-smashing. Her jab attack is quick as well, but if blocked, it can become a problem, since your opponent can grab you. Be sure to also use ZSS' b-air or f-air. These are powerful attacks, as is her B+Down. She will do a flip, and you can direct your kick in either direction. This can insure a KO.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2006
Just move the control stick slighly in the direction you want. You can also do this for the jump.
For killing near the edge dsmash dsmash fsmash is pretty good, for aerials i tend to kill more with fair or >B now since my opponents learned to airdodge. But if your opponent is high enough you can throw in an unexpected uair at about 130% for a kill too. You can also try to mindgame their approaches alittle to a shorthop DI back a little and >B. Some characters that recover in the way like captain falcon does you can upb the edge and hang down pretty far, but dont do this against marths. It will most likely get you killed, a single gun shot worked good for them.
For space animals either stay behind when you are late on your edgeguard or pressure them with dsmash or shots. They tend to let go of the edge and use that >B move. So if the get cought in >B or fsmash.
In general you can try to get your enemies of stage with fair, upb, or >B but dont get too low. If your enemy gets the edge first downb footstool is the only help in most cases.


Oh no she betta don't
Nov 6, 2004
Cape Coral, FL
My fave way to KO (not the easiest) is when your opponent is recovering, just before they reach the edge, stun them with Dsmash, then use Dsmash again and follow up with a flip jump. 9 times out of 10 theyll be spiked without ever getting a chance to escape the combo.


Smash Rookie
Mar 1, 2008
Don't know why, but I seem to f-air my opponents a lot off the sides. Otherwise, b-air and side b are her most effective KO moves.

Pubik Vengeance

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Washington State
Others have said this, but you should be able to KO before 150%. I usually can around 90%, maybe a little lower, maybe a little higher, but yeah.

Also, Bair is good.

Witty Board Name

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
New Jersey
I always find it exciting to use your B--> to recover to the stage. Especially when your opponent is about to grab the edge, it snags it right under them and will usually resort to many people ending up confused and not having enough time to react.

Another small, yet powerful strategy is to D-Smash as their recovering--off the ledge, then zap em mid-air.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
None of your business
The side-B is a great KO move! Also, try your flip jump kick, if you kick them on their sides when on land, you can send them hurdling sideways off the stage into one less life land.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 28, 2008
I am not sure this is the right place to ask this but i do not want to start a new thread for a simple question. How do you deal with chaters who just need to evade and spam down smash? Any way my favorit way to kill is up air but with how they did a way with one air doges its easy to just spam air doges and get out of it. Other then that down smash to Fsmash when they are very high in dmg seems to be a nice end.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
I am not sure this is the right place to ask this but i do not want to start a new thread for a simple question. How do you deal with chaters who just need to evade and spam down smash? Any way my favorit way to kill is up air but with how they did a way with one air doges its easy to just spam air doges and get out of it. Other then that down smash to Fsmash when they are very high in dmg seems to be a nice end.
Don't let them get close, mindgame them into a stun-gun, where you can move up with dsmash then a side-b.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 28, 2008
They can move faster then a non charge shot well if you get in that states and all may be i should jump shot more often its just its really hard to shot hop with zss. Often with side b they fall into what looks to be a dead spot so they take no dmg i would love to use side bu when i down smash them through but it always seems to fall in this dead spot or the small stun like hit that it dose when it first comes out. I wander if spam the only way to go in this game.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Woodinville, Washington, USA
They can move faster then a non charge shot well if you get in that states and all may be i should jump shot more often its just its really hard to shot hop with zss. Often with side b they fall into what looks to be a dead spot so they take no dmg i would love to use side bu when i down smash them through but it always seems to fall in this dead spot or the small stun like hit that it dose when it first comes out. I wander if spam the only way to go in this game.
Who are you playing against?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 28, 2008
Its metaknight, rob, pit, luweges, and um.. i know more do this but through are the ones i fight most of the time. On the note of metaknight you cant even approach him from the air because his air attk is longer rng or stronger then zss air attk or something i just do not know what to do there makes is seems like you have to play a chater where you just need to hit one buttle to win. I cant believe ppl would not call them spamer but they will complane about ppl who dose rng attk.
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