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TRC's mad respect thread of awesome praise

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
First things first I need to say - absolutely NO flaming in this thread. If you have problems take that elsewhere because this is pretty important to me, k thanks.

Now, the purpose of this thread? Two things. First, I want to ask some people of the Atlantic South some questions. Second, I want to say some things about some of the people. Nothing bad, it's all good, like really.

I'll get the question part out of the way. Now -

So, I'm TRC. Most people know me as "that SC guy with occasionally blue hair." I have a question for people who know me/ have met me. It's pretty simple. Well, have I done anything for you? Has my presence effected anyone in a positive manner? Cause honestly, I feel like everything I do is utter failure. And even Smash, I just feel like I've done more harm than good. I tried to do a lot for South Carolina - I really did, and maybe I have? Maybe not. But what I'm asking you is - have I? Would the world spin the same without TRC? This may seem kinda self indulgent but honestly, like I said, I just feel like a failure so many times, and I just want to know I've done something right.

Now the second and most important (to me) part of this is I wanted to address some things. I want to tell people things I haven't told them or regret not saying. There's one thing about TRC that you should know - I don't lie. Everything I post here is gonna be some deep from the heart ****. And I know some people are already giving that "wow it's just a game" thing, but yeah sure it is just a game, but it's something I apply myself to. It has taken a lot of time away from my purpose in life (I'm a writer) but also brought me many great people and memories. Anyway, here we go... I will seperate it by state.

South Carolina,

SC as a whole - I tried really hard to help. I drove to SOOOO many tournaments, usually 4 hours, without gas money from anyone coming. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but I just love doing stuff for people, y'know? I tried to encourage people and make myself better... I wanted to rep SC up some. I didn't want us to be bottom tier. I'm not sure I did much of anything, though, heh.

EverlastingYay - Tourney placings don't lie. There's nothing I can really say about that - you're the best in SC. Despite how much you say I'm better and I say you're better, we're not equal I guess. It's funny cause you and I don't even care about being number 1, but everyone else is always like "who's the best in SC?" all the time. But I would definitely say you, as you certainly perform better in tourneys. As even as we go when we play, I still say it's you all the way, you deserve it.

I don't think I ever say much serious stuff to you, at all. We're always joking and making fun of horrible movies like Open Water. Well I want you to know you're one of the greatest people I've known. Take smash away - hanging with you is a blast. You're just amazing man, I'm so glad I played this game because I got to meet you. I just wanted you to know how much I respect you, dude. Come over anytime, we don't even need to play Smash..... though of course we will lol

Holymarth - We've had our ups and downs early on, but it ended up fine, yeah? In the time between Smash Aid and Scha's smashfests, you became a true beast with Mario! I am really proud of your improvements man. Thanks for being so chill, as well.

Scha - My man! Of all the people in SC, you have contributed the most alongside me. I mean I drove to like 10 tournaments cause nobody else drives (or gave gas money >_<) and you finally appeared, relieving some pressure from me, as well as hosting a few tourneys? You rock the block son hahaha. Smash aside, again, I can honestly say you're just amazing as a person. Your optimism kinda scares me sometimes but ****, you've been a great friend. I hope you know that.

Chance/Juicebox - sorry I underestimated you. you're really good man, top 10 SC easy. You play really odd, but I like it. I like your Marth a lot too. Hope to play you guys some more sometime.

John, Yoshido, Daniel, KerryCodeBlue, Sean, Jme, Skye, Jeff, Franklin, Dan2 - Brandon, Joe, Greg... you guys have been awesome. you're my homies and I'll see you soon haha and thanks for coming with me to tournies and anytime you ever gave me gas money (for those who did <3)


Wow this is gonna be large. Basically, the entire state of GA I need to thank. Without the GA community, SC wouldn't have gotten as far as they have. No way. I wouldn't have had near as much fun, either. Words can't describe how much I love GA's community, despite it's shortcomings (like the recent wave of SPAM...) So many people have helped me so this list will be the longest for sure.

GAWes - Out of all the people in GA, you definitely inspired me the most. Remember when we first met at Momocon's ****ty tournament? That was a bad experience. Especially after when you got mad at me for some insignificant **** but thank god we resolved that misunderstanding. Cause if not, the following may have never happened lol

At Co_and_me's tourney... Lasers for the Children, me and you had like 20 matches. Almost all of these ended with you having 1 stock, and I was like "god **** it!!!" but they were awesome matches. Then at Smash Aid we didn't play. Then, at Initiation, after all that time, you improved big time, while I didn't really. I played you and got like 3 stocked by your Sheik and Falcon and I was like "><" then at Devotion, I got destroyed again by you, in tourney. At Falconpunchion I believe I did better agianst you, but still pretty bad. You had become something of a RC destroying machine. See, I set this goal where I was like "I really want to beat Wes..." Cause you just seemed so unstoppable and awesome. So after all that hard work I finally was able to beat you, after like a YEAR of trying to improve. At last Smash Aid, I was just really happy to play your Captain and Marth so evenly. Although I'm nowhere near as good as you, I'm just really glad I got so much better.

Wes you've always been such an inspiring figure, I am not even sure why. It's like this for a bunch of people too, not just me. You know, we really do miss you. Even me, in SC, miss you a lot up in old England. You're such a great person too, I really, truly respect you. I just want you to know it, man. Also, you showed me how badass Krystal is. Yeah, you're amazing lol

CoandMe - Of all the people that helped me not give up... It was you that really kept me going. You 4 stocked me with Samus a lot until I got better, and I really appreciate what you did for me. I miss you so much man. Everyone does. Thanks for everything.

Mike G - I never did get to play you again, but I'm sure that Peach would **** me. You've been one cool dude, thanks for taking the time to whoop my *** when I was so scrubby. I think I really needed it to know how much I sucked. <3

BobbyJust1111 - Same. Thanks for beating on me and just being so cool. I liked that time we chilled at Anime Weekend Atlanta lol. come to more tourneys!!!

Chaddd - What a beast you are. Stomp stomp stomp, yeah! You're so amazing. I'm glad I got to play you. I'd like to play you some more, and I still want to come down and see you and FullMetal and whoever else. We'll see if it can be arranged.

Marty - You crack me up so much dude. First memory I have of you is 2 Smash Aids ago when some of my friends and I were laying in the parking lot, and you came outside and started talking about how much you love showers? it was so weird cause you just kept talking about how good showers are, rofl. You've made me so much more comfortable at tournaments.

Eugene - Same as Marty, you guys just make it worth while to drive to GA. I mean at Reflex's tourney I was having a horrible time. I didn't sleep and felt sick, but as soon as I heard you two behind me singing "America for whites, Africa for blacks" I almost died laughing. That was phenomenal. For the record you guys sing wayyy better than the actual song LOL

SleepyK - I wish you had come along sooner so I had known you longer. You're so amazing, dude. You're under appreciated, I think. I wanna buy you some dinner or something cause you've done so much for people. You're hilarious! I really do appreciate what you've done, just so you know.

Prac - Thanks for letting us stay at your house that time, it was cool. You're really nice despite your constant "you suck" remarks. <3 good games son I want to see you again sometime soon, as well as the rest of Columbus.

Laijin - I must say you've actually gotten pretty good. Before, it was like "ah I'm against Laijin" in pools or something, but now it's like "aw **** it's Laijin" LOL. we've helped each other through some dumb **** I think. thanks for being cool about stuff.

112 - You've always beaten me around pretty badly, but I really love your Marth. You and Carter have taken me about of about five team tournaments. WAY TO GO JERKS LOL just kidding, I have mad respect for you guys. Somewhere in there, I feel like I may have pissed you off? and... I'm really sorry if I did.

Carter - You destroy. I have mad respect for that Fox. Amazing combos and all. You're really cool. Also, hope I didn't make you mad, either. I feel kinda like I did with both you and 112.

Soft - **** Jigglypuff!!!!!!!! LOL no but really you're awesome dude. Your Jiggly is so good! Those rests ain't nothin to **** with. That last stock with Fox I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO turbo rest rofl. man, we can **** in some teams. You're such a cool guy, too, thanks for helping me out and such as well <3

Tbag - Since Devotion, during tourneys we would always run into each other! Pools or brackets or whatever, and I think I always won, even though they were always AMAZINGLY close. Then BAM you beat me at Scha's thing. GOD I LOVE PLAYING YOUR PEACH! Even at Devotion year ago I was like "this kid's a BEAST with Peach" and you steadily improved since then, as well. Keep it up man you're on your road to being top 10 in GA, IMO.

FullMetal (Menthol!) - Thanks for the kind words. You said I'm better than people give me credit for, which kinda depresses me at the same time of making me happy. It's like... Yeah I'm pretty good but everyone thinks otherwise. Awww. Oh well <3 you're awesome man, I respect you bunches. We've had some great matches at Scha's tourneys. You're my favorite Marth player, SHEIK SLAYERRRR (rhyme) I love ya mangz, great times.

Soma - you're simply amazing. we need to hang out some more dood : )

other GA peeps who helped me in one way or another - Alpha, Gerbil, Ares, Cornel, Daniel Zaman, Dogy, Tong, Rayku, PB&J.

North Carolina

I don't know much of NC honestly. we've had a somewhat rocky road relationship for whatever reasons. anyway here we go

LoZR!!! You are awesome man. You're easily one of the most friendly people I've met playing this game, and I'm really glad I got to play you. Your Fox is a rapist, and I love watching it. I would love to come chill with you and play sometime maybe bring Yayuhz along too. Also just so you know LOL Holymarth recorded this match between Scha and Yay, and when I found it recorded Audio I dawned my utmost southern accent and yelled CATFIIIISH!!! I'M LOZR I'M PRETTY AWESOME WITH FOX" or something LOL no harm meant of course, just wanted to tell you personally. love and respect <3

Brownguy - Thanks for inspiring me even if you didn't mean to. I had a drive to improve cause you called our state ******* that time lol but I know you love us deep down inside. That goes for Twig too, who is just too boss. BOSS HOG FTW

Pac - You are so amazing. I loved at MPJ when we left for McDonalds. We were driving along while this country music was on and like 5 minutes down the road you're like "dude I dunno why this **** is on" LOL yeah so whenever you kill that guy and need a place to hide, I got yer back man : ) hope to see you again, sometime.

El Cancel? I had a dream with you in it oddly enough. you were stealing something from like a museum. it was really weird. no idea why I put this down here lol

Dr. Neo and Knorr - thanks for making the most badass pancakes I've ever eaten.

Other States

Aura Fox! Nobody influenced me as much as Aura. He doesn't play anymore or see these boards but still, he taught me so much and he was the reason I played competitively. Without Smash I would have never met him, or anyone else, and that makes me feel like I HAVEN'T wasted all this time playing a simple game.

Reflex - by far the best out of state friend I've made across all this time smashing. thank you so much for everything you've done for me, and for supporting me during the hard times. I hope we continue an awesome friendship of awesome-ness and one day win teams as Wario and Diddy Kong. talk to you later dude : ) keep up those amazing low tiers

Nite - You probably don't know it but you're my favorite Falco player. I love watching you play, and I would train at home (cause I use red falco, also) and I would uhhh edgehog or something and be like "... Nite woulda dropped down, shine bair'd him..." and I pushed myself to do better things. "what would Nite do?" LOL not that bad. but still, you really inspired me NiteMare! gogogogo Red Falco!!!!!

Chadachu, PikaChad, Chaddical - you're so awesome. I really respect you and you're the best Pikachu ever. EVER. EVERRRRRRR, EEEEEEEEEEVVVVEEE okay you get the point. I hope to play you a couple more times before Melee is all said and done.

Iori, Spaceballs, Mookie, Exarch, Rice, Green Mario, thanks everyone for being so awesome <3


So guys, it's coming to 2008 now and Brawl is right around the corner. Having played it at E for All, I kinda feel that I won't be playing this game like I did Melee, so likely I won't be attending tournaments. So in a way, I just want to say what I had to say to everyone before it all comes to an end. Is that okay? There's been a lot of spam and flaming going around lately and it's really frustrating when I want to post something meaningful, heh. I hope you got something good out of this. I feel like I said everything I needed to. So... yeah. Now I want to hear from you. Hopefully I've done something right, cause I certainly feel like kind of a nuisance to the community, and I hope I'm wrong. Much love, from da South Carolina.

<3 Atlantic South


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
yay I was mentioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT - Yes that was for a first post >.< Don't hate me :p

@RC - You're a badass. 'Nuff said. I don't think anyone in GA has a problem, and in fact I think we all rather enjoy your company. I still remember the complaints in the past about people not making OOS tournies cause everyone is "lazy" or "just don't want to." But every time I think of people that do travel all the time, the first one that comes to my mind is you RC. You've made so many tournies that I went to all I can think is "****... what a long *** drive...." I give you much kudos, and a lot more respect. :)

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
YOU GOT THAT FIRST POST SO ****ING FAST LOLOLOLOL I LOVE YOU GERBIL!!! funny cause I was like "yo Reflex if you hurried you could get first post before... nope LOL"

much love Gerbil, you're so amazing especially at first posts


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
As my actions tend to be anti-social, I tend to be a person that keeps to himself unless otherwise asked to. Smash has helped me work a lot of that out, and I see you, along with many that you've mentioned, as family. I love the Southeast/Midsouth community.

Your friendly sentiments have really helped me break out of this shell (literally, too - that's why my Bowser's so fast!). I am glad that I have been able to make a difference to you. I know that our great antics and awesome friendship has seriously made a difference to me. I hope that Brawl can catch your interest as Melee does so I can see you at tournaments. Either way, remember, Wario's got your back. Thanks for everything; you've made quite the imprint in me.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
TRC is too good and overly optimistic just means I know you can do anything you put your mind to. And yay says you got a big ol' C O K. Mad love and respect as always from this side of SC. Also, even if you aren't going to be playing or traveling a lot anymore doesn't mean I'm not coming to visit your *** when I get back down here.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I know I don't deserve any recognition after what I said, but I love the message here. My impression of you was one of someone that works hard, but has a good time while doing something. Mad respect to you, TRC.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
Aww TRC. Yeah you've done us good. You have definetly helped me out alot. I had some great matches. Even if i really f'd up, promise for you that wont happen again. But yeah man, your always this happy smash guy. And I love joking with ya. Its kinda sad to hear, but if theres ever any tournies an you wanna go for the ride. Your welcome to come free of charge. Lol An yeah I'll be seeing ya sometime this week. Lol an then when brawl comes out, I can own you with sora lol jk.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
yeah all those comments were amazing except for you Yoshido. Sora? SORA>!??!? AIN'T NO SORA IN BRAWL OR MY THREAD ***** LOLOLOL

just kidding

thanks especially to Dr. PeePee... I mean Kevin. Who is awesome.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
Much <3 to TRC

TRC, you inspired me to get better at this game. The first time I played you at Smashaid 6, I could easily tell that you were a hard working player who was just trying his best to have fun and do anything he could for the SC Community. And let me say this- you've done so much, that it's almost impossible to count. You have represented this state with Vigor and prescence, and given a good impression of SC due to your amazingly awesome personality. Everyone enjoys hanging out with you, and I think that because they do, people think differently of SC then if you didn't come along. Your skill DOES matter. Without you, I'm sure you and company wouldn't have beaten NC at the MPJ. Thank you for playing this game. Thank you for showing me how to get better, for being patient and nice about it as well. Thank you for your kind words on my Mario, and for "ELBOW!". Thank you for your ROFL impression of Lt.Surge. But most importantly, thank you for being a good friend, and a truly irreplacable person in the smash community, and in my heart (in the most non gay way possible xD) <3.

Hope to see you in Brawl. If not, hope to see you again sometime, good friend. =)


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Whew, thank you so much for forgiving my ******** comment. I was on a serious guilt trip there -cuz nothing makes me feel worse than someone hating me or being disappointed in me-and I forgot to say something: the only reason I played Yayuhz over you in the end was that I wanted to see if I really could take him, since I always lose my nerve in tournies. If I hadn't had to leave when I did, you were priority number 1 afterwards. You're an awesome dude too.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Lol RC, i loves ya man. You don't remember, but i met you at like... AWA 9 or something. I was like "you're the RC?" and i took a picture. this was before i was into competitive smash, though, lol.

I can't find the picture for some reason, but you rule also, and curse distance for being a factor in hanging-out timesies.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Dude I remember that. me and Sean were just like sitting around and you were like HEY, YOU'RE LIKE A FAMOUS SMASHER and I'm like "... I am?" then some dude threw pennies at me, wtf

Sleepy you're amazing I'm gonna have to sneak up on your house someday


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
oh crap, i forgot about the pennies. lol you were like "i need money!"

man, good times before we even knew each other! we r00l.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
i haven't been dreaming of you.

but i do remember the blue hair, the crew battle at mpj, and you winning a match or two against chudazzle.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
yo trc

im in france *****; check this out é'çè(&àç_è&éç"'èà()$£$£$$$¤¤¤ crazy business; this keyboard is a ***** to type on; exclamation point is not even a listed key; what kind of **** is that; get excited france; anyway; thanks for all the praise man; if nothing else i think you showed a lot of players that distance and tournament area density where not acceptable johns. thanks so much for showin to all those tournaments and trying to get south carolina sorted; but thats all smash; in real life thanks for being a really chill individual and always taking things lightly and jokingly. maybe sc will get their **** together more for brawl; and hopefully thatll bring you back into the scene; be a shame to see the red comet die just because a new video game replaced an old one

peace love and food bro

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