Smash Lord
Idea: I want to open a video game tournament venue that focuses on having top quality everything, with frequent (multiple, every weekend) self hosted tournaments of any games with a competitive community behind it. It'd also (hopefully) be beast place to go to for casual gamers, with some sort of membership fee.
Example in question:. The venue comfortably fits 80-100 people. Air conditioning, perfect setups, leather couches/chairs. intricate but familiar atmosphere. (perhaps murals of multiple video game worlds blended throughout the walls/room), food and drinks, high end computers, hot chicks standing around and ****. In other words, the best of the best of what you could think of. This would be what every weekend would consist of. 3 to 4 different tournaments running every day of the weekend.
Would you, as a casual/competitive gamer with knowledge of a place like this existing, visit it? Give it a shot? If it held up to be everything it promised, would you pay a membership fee to make moderately frequent or even habitual visits?
What would you as a customer (non-member) expect if you had to pay 10 bucks to get in, but are permitted to play any games we have for 5 hours. (As in, other accommodations that'd keep you coming back/make a 10 dollar fee justifiable).
Because I may be in a position to one day open a place just like this. I'm still in the very early planning stages of my idea here, and I'm trying to get as much feedback the the smash community as possible because I know how experienced everyone is as tourney goers. Everyone knows what they like and what the don't like. What they'd prefer. It should be noted that as of right now, financially, I should have no problem pulling something like this off IF I have a steady enough stream of customers.
I personally would love to see a place like this near me. I know other people would too, I can't be the only one who'd pay 50 bucks a year for some kick *** place to go to whenever I want to play whatever games are out.
Give your ideas and stuff I guess. I more than anything just wanted to present the idea for some feedback or if anyone has any knowledge of similar situations that worked out/failed and stuff. Yeah.

Example in question:. The venue comfortably fits 80-100 people. Air conditioning, perfect setups, leather couches/chairs. intricate but familiar atmosphere. (perhaps murals of multiple video game worlds blended throughout the walls/room), food and drinks, high end computers, hot chicks standing around and ****. In other words, the best of the best of what you could think of. This would be what every weekend would consist of. 3 to 4 different tournaments running every day of the weekend.
Would you, as a casual/competitive gamer with knowledge of a place like this existing, visit it? Give it a shot? If it held up to be everything it promised, would you pay a membership fee to make moderately frequent or even habitual visits?
What would you as a customer (non-member) expect if you had to pay 10 bucks to get in, but are permitted to play any games we have for 5 hours. (As in, other accommodations that'd keep you coming back/make a 10 dollar fee justifiable).
Because I may be in a position to one day open a place just like this. I'm still in the very early planning stages of my idea here, and I'm trying to get as much feedback the the smash community as possible because I know how experienced everyone is as tourney goers. Everyone knows what they like and what the don't like. What they'd prefer. It should be noted that as of right now, financially, I should have no problem pulling something like this off IF I have a steady enough stream of customers.
I personally would love to see a place like this near me. I know other people would too, I can't be the only one who'd pay 50 bucks a year for some kick *** place to go to whenever I want to play whatever games are out.
Give your ideas and stuff I guess. I more than anything just wanted to present the idea for some feedback or if anyone has any knowledge of similar situations that worked out/failed and stuff. Yeah.