#2157 really isn't, like, anything. I don't know what you want me to address there, all you did was quote me, and acknowledge that you had read it.
#2163 I didn't think Nabe was town. By the time we saw Nabe's lack of a flip, we had received Vinyl's flip. There was no longer any reason for me to doubt people's alignments based on the possibility of them still being alive. We had seen that the missing lynches were, in fact, dead. Not abducted.
In vinyl's case, it was an issue of setup balance. I figured if he was alive (which the wording of his "non-flip" led me to believe could be the case), there was no way he was scum. A setup that took somebody we lynched, and whisked them away unharmed, would be bull****. I figured if he was dead, he was scum. I was wrong about that one, sue me. i already explained all this stuff back when it was happening, so I don't know why you didn't catch it while you were supposedly "rereading me".
Nabe's lack of a flip wasn't indicative of his alignment. It wasn't the same as with vinyl, because now I understood more about how the setup worked. These people were dead, and something was covering up their flips. So in Nabe's case, it's an easy call to make. Read him the way I read him when he was alive. I read him as scum, btw. By the end of the day, there was little doubt. His play may not have made sense as good scum play, but it made exactly zero sense as town play of any caliber.
#2166 You think I directly believed Nabe and was playing along with his claim? Hell no, I've already explained how this went down. I didn't believe Nabe at all, his play made no sense to me. But you were steering the town away from him, and when I thought he wasn't going to be the play anymore, I unvoted him. I didn't directly believe him at all. I directly believed you. And since he had explicitly stated a desire to shoot me using the role he described, I unvoted him to be safe. Again, sue me.
Where's my previous theory about the missing flips you ask? Well this will be the dozenth time I've explained this, but Vinyl had already flipped by the time Nabe went missing. Since it obviously wasn't abductions, because they were dead, why would I talk about it?
you done with your terrible push yet?