@Shishœ maybe in 4 hours or sometime before the end of the day phase. I'm not really being rigid about it. Whenever people want to.
Anyway, even though it's just D1, I'm going to give my understanding of things. I guess now I know how Koops felt when he was ISO'ing on D1, lul. Given the fast and quick nature of the game, I figure it's a good idea for me to come clean with my thoughts so as to help identify who our lynch target should be. I don't really expect to live another day, and goons aren't incentivized to get the crowd talking.
Order of appearance:
GLG - Makes an RVS vote on Shish. Jokingly claims Soup/Shish must be scum together in response to Soups "wagon" vote on GLG. Opts to interact with Disfunkshunal and Fire Emblemier in his next post; curious to know the specifics of Disfunk/FE being chosen (as opposed to Maven or other roster members for instance) but I don't think the answer itself would yield anything pertinent; it's not something that would root scum.
Says he did not have as much grape juice as intended (hopefully he had more than enough as opposed to too little :V). Is Town reading soup, myself, Disfunk, and Kantrip. I actually don't fundamentally disagree with his list except that I think Soup/Kantrip haven't really gotten their hands dirty yet. I don't necessarily disagree with their "tones" though except maybe Soup's to a small degree (specifically referring to when Soup phrased my recent game play as mech talk).
Shish - Jokingly "OMGUS" votes GLG. Claims Soup is clearly bussing Giraffe, and that Soup/GLG have to be the goon pair. Likes a lot of posts; is he perhaps trying to slide into these DMs on a slippery, buttery surface? (To be fair though, I also am a fan of liking posts). Shish questions FE's logic; this post reads to me as Shish/FE likely not being paired as goons. Hasn't voiced an opinion on who may be scum as of yet.
Soup - Votes GLG and states "wagon." Posts a funny RVS gif lol. States he thinks Shish is Town based on the tone of Shish's posts (does he really think this, though? It's pretty early in the game to call a Town read, but maybe that's also a part of Soup's RVS play? It would be easy to pivot one way or the other for him). Says no one is pinging him as scum at his #62, agrees that we should be hunting scum regardless of whether it's an SK or a goon (aka disagreement with FE). Is generally in disagreement about picking cop targets. I'm not sure how to read into the intent of #97; "mech talk" is generally construed as distracting and gets in the way of scum hunting (all in all, mech talk has a negative stigma if it goes on for too long, so perhaps he is not as content with my slot as perhaps others are?).
#HBC | ѕoup
do you still think Shish is Town? Current thoughts?
Disfunkshunal - Jokingly ISOs soup, jokes about Chrom (who?). Says that outing FBI check targets isn't a bad thing, but maybe they're not sure how it's helpful? The way their post is phrased seems odd. Not scummy per se, but it's built in a manner that suggests both disapproval of people who disagree with outing FBI checks and those that think we should. Their opinion isn't clearly pristine in this regard, or maybe I'm just being a goose. I think they probably agree with doing an FBI check vote more than not. It's still morning for me I guess.
Says my SK game was flawless in Nabe's mafia

(but to be fair, and maybe I'm being hard on myself: I won't say it was flawless since I brought on the attention of J near the end) but it was definitely a strong performance (with a little luck given how night actions played out); peeved that you-know-what ruined the integrity of that entire game

. Sorry, I always get a little upset when thinking about that game. Anyway, I can see Disfunk being wary (assuming their assessment of my play as the SK in Mayo is fair). I think they are correct in saying that an SK would likely not make the suggestion I have made, but I am also capable of doing this as an SK. But, to be realistic, I really wouldn't do it even if it netted me Town points because the only party it does not benefit is the SK and perhaps the goons (since they will have to chance being killed off by the SK by stating their opinions on who to check.)
anyone bother you at the moment?
Fire Emblemier - Makes a list identifying the most townie lords and the most scummy lords to use in a confirmation post (Hector isn't that bad though, come on bruh. ARMADS bruh!). He makes an interesting statement in #44 where he states we should be focused on the SK as opposed to the goons, which I don't really agree with; scum is scum, and it's not like we shouldn't be trying to figure out who the goons are as well.
Oh, I forgot Corrin. Probably cause that hydra is sooo inactive. I'm leaning mafia though because of that
Anyways, I was looking at the set up, theory crafting and we basically win day 1 if we lynch the SK. Its a 1/8 chance, so basically a shot in the dark.
Our next most likely chance of winning is if on n1 we bingo the sk. Doesn't matter who is lynched or killed as if a townie is lynched and another nk'd we still have the majority no matter what. 5-3 townies versus to 2-0 mafia and a SK.
This also means mafia can only win at its earliest D3. D4 if a goon dies.
Overall this makes me feel the gameplan is to hunt the SK first and foremost. If on d2 we mislynch we must lynch the mafia d3 even if the agent gets a sk bingo. Cause we would lose since mafia would be the majority.
I really thought I specifically read a rule that stated SK death would end the game. Guess I was mistaken due to the goons having no nk.
Based on these two posts, I don't feel that Fire Emblemier is a goon. The ladder look like a non-goon slip, which might come off as weird of me to say this because it's almost as though he is trying to deflect attention from the goons in pursuit of the SK, but I don't think his post was manufactured with that kind of intent in mind. So, in my mind, the question is whether or not FE is an SK.
#81 is a seemingly serious response to Kantrip joking about having caught FE as the SK; FE cites self-meta as a reason for why he would likely not
Maven - Posts a picture of James Bowie, jokingly talks about stuff that I had to poke him for :V, votes for me in what seems like an OMGUS to my warning (sorry bud, global rules and all). Nothing else to speak of from his slot. The SK likely isn't going to kill him, so Maven will inevitably be a burden if he doesn't get his hands dirty in the thread at some point.
Kantrip - States that Soup is basically "asking to get votes on himself." Votes for FE in his #58 and points out that he thinks FE might be the SK; this interaction makes me think Kantrip and FE aren't paired either even though it's fairly joke-ish in nature, but I concede this is a quick-hop to a degree. Moving on, Kantrip states he feels that cop targets might not be a good idea because of WIFOM that is introduced. I disagree with this, but I don't find Kantrip scummy for it; as I mentioned earlier, I don't feel that the SK would based their kill off FBI agent selections, and Town likely won't read into kills with sole focus on the FBI agent checks. Anyway, Kantrip realizes that a trailing cop check could be beneficial. Hasn't voted seriously yet. I don't really have a problem with his tone, but I am curious to hear more hard opinions from him.
In General:
Want to see peeps voice who they think is a goose in our midst. Want everyone in general to give some direction. Currently leaning towards swinging to inactives on policy but wouldn't do that if they give an opinion soon. Would be interested in hearing who people think are paired with each other. Just more content in general.