Yeah, about the trip San Antonio took.....
You know how they say that it's not the destination, it's the journey that counts?
Well seriously, **** the journey part part of this trip.
Let's go from the top.
We took two cars. I'm in Nike20 (aka Aaron)'s car with Morningstar (Eddy) and we are following Greyfox (Quincy) who has with him Espy, K Prime and JuJ (James Pena). We get up really early because we have about a 4 hour drive ahead of us, stop by Chacho's for some breakfast and set out.
After a couple of shenagians trying to following each other leaving Chacho's, we get out of San Antonio without any incident.
But about an hour and a half into the drive, I vote for a pit stop because I need to use the restroom and pick up some halls (sinus's were acting up). Nike takes the exit first, and the turn is much shaper than expected plus the road was slick from the fog that morning...... so we barely slide past a small poll that would have at least left a few good dents. We laugh about it, then continue our trip.
As all road trips that don't involve Dave seem to include as a requirement, we get stopped by the highway patrol for speeding.... glad I wasn't the one getting a speeding ticket for once.
So they pull Aaron out of the car, and I'm talking with Eddy, who mentions he has a pipe on him. ****! I say to myself, we need to hide that **** fast. I tell him to put it under my jacket next to him, because sure enough, Aaron gets nervous and the cop wants to start a search, and he pulls Eddy out and pads him down. I guess I didn't get pulled out because I was the oldest in the group and when asked if I smoked weed, I simply said "Yes I have officer, but that was years ago and I don't do it anymore." I was hoping he wasn't going to search the car, but like all cops, he bullies Aaron into giving consent to search the vehicle. He starts with the truck, so I quickly think to try to move the pipe from under the jacket, and it ends up falling to the other floor boards in the backseat. He then searches my bag and jacket, finds nothing, and he lets Eddy back in the car. I'm thinking we're homefree now, but being the persistent ******** that he was, decides to get everyone out of the car again, doing a full search and of course he locates the pipe (finally). Eddy confesses that it was his (saving my worries of getting tied into this somehow), and ends up getting charged with possessing drug paraphelia (and loses the pipe of course), while Aaron is left off with a warning for speeding. After being delayed for probably half an hour, we catch up with Quincy's car at the next exit in a rest stop, and head out together again.
Getting through Houston was fine, although once we got through the city we got onto to winding forest roads (Tomball is north of Houston) and have a little bit of trouble finding the place because there's hardly any block numbers listed on the street signs. Anyways, we find the place after a few turn arounds.
The tournament was in a still under contruction grill/bar. There were plenty of things still being finished, such as well the menu and half of the tables, but what there was around was still good accomadations. The main event was Brawl, but luckily Bear, Gabe and a number of other Houston Melee players I had never played until then were around. So while everyone else entered Brawl I enjoyed many hours of Melee with new opponents. I've never gotten so much practice in one weekend, which has me even more exicted for my next really big smash tournament in one week from today. For those who don't know:
Final Smash 5: Reunion, Brawl/Melee January 10th and 11th at Gamelot
So we end up leaving the tournament somewhere between 8:30 and 9:00 pm, stop by Jack in the Box for some eats while discussing how the day went, and attempt to get ourselves back to the highway. The winding roads combined with the darkness proved difficult, and because we were following Quincy, we ended up having to turn around in an attempt to follow him. This is where things get ridiculous.
At one turn around, Aaron goes off to the side of the road so we can turn around as well. We get off the road and....... get stuck. It didn't even look like mud, because of all the pine tree needles, but the dirt was so soft that the front wheels couldn't get any traction. At first we thought with 7 guys we wouldn't have a problem pusing it, but it seemed to be to no avail no matter how hard we pushed because of the mud. So in a moment that no one will ever forget, Espy simply says out loud:
"Man, we really need like a big truck or something to come and just pull us out."
And 5 seconds later a huge big rig stops, helping to block the road so we won't have to worry about on coming traffic. The driver pulls out a chain, and straps it to the back of Nike's car. With several cars stopped looking at us, we manage to get it out, almost sending it into the opposite ditch. The tire is caked in so much mud you can't even tell it was a tire except by the shaped. People are clapping as we pull out. Sooooooooo after we stop at another gas station to clean off the mud and get new directions, we manage to get back to the highway.
It's starting to get past 10 and we haven't even gotten out of Houston, leading us to worry if anything else is going to go wrong. We follow Quincy on the highway, but at the last second his pro driving allows him at the last second to cross 5 lanes of traffic and the white lines marking an entrance ramp and we get separated. Being close to I-10, we decide to continue on separetly.
Our car finally makes it to I-10, and what happens?
The "check engine" light comes out as soon as we switch highways!
We're over 180 miles from home, and now we might have the engine blow out on us. We get worried and end up stopping in a shopping center.
While I'm checking under the hood to see if any fluids are missing, a nearby car alarms goes off (and we see a guy and girl inside said car). Then the trees suddenly swarm black as hundreds of crows are startled and fly away. I'm pretty sure we accidently interupted a guy's one night stand in his car, but whether or not he intended to use his car alarm.... well that's a one mystery we'll never solve.
So we're attempting to locate some help, but this being Houston, help is extremely hard to find. The only people we see are some gangs hanging around in an empty Sam's Club parking lot. We find a Shell station and I ask two guys for help, and while one of them didn't seem too upset about it, the other guy simply throws up his hands and says "Does it look like I have a ****ing sign on my head that says Joe Mechainic?!" and flicks me off.........
A simply no would have sufficed, douchebag.
So we decide to just take our chances and get back on the highway. We hit some REALLY thick fog on the way back around 2 am. It was so thick that the other cars slowed down as much as 40 to 50 mph because even lights ahead were hard to see, plus I was worried about deer or something else (I took over the wheel for an hour because Aaron was really tired). We stopped to try to wipe up the windshield, I switched off again and we finally got back to San Antonio.
Me being tired, Aaron not familiar with the downtown area, causes us to lose track of I-10. I managed to direct us to 281 north to 410, which, while out of the way, could have been worse.
I finally get into my house at exactly 3:10 am.
The trip was memorable and all, but seriously, this is why I don't like Houston, and it was my first time going back in two years..... I don't think I'll be going back for another few years again.
PS Quincy recorded some video of the aftermath from pulling Aaron's car out of the mud, I'll link it whenever he uploads it.