The trailers just keep on coming, people. Remember hearing about "Innocent Aces: Sky Crawlers?"
If not, that's because until now it was just a name, and one or two quick cuts in that big Nintendo trailer from their recent media summit. But now we've got this trailer, and it looks really, really cool. For the first minute I could've mistaken it for Gonzo's latest original anime.
The Executive: The first guy is Ken Washio, of the Science Ninja Team from the "classic" animation
EDIT - And hooray for bootleggers!
358/2 Days is up on YouTube. Most of it's the same old boring cutscenes of Twilight Town and it's "inhabitants", but there's also a good amount of actual gameplay.
I'm very happy to see that they kept the camera pulled so far back. That was one of the worst things about the first KH (which I relate to this one as they both have the same camera controls). And multiplayer looks awesome.