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Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo Limpah! ~ Tingle for Smash Switch


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Welcome to the Tingle for Smash thread!

Who is Tingle?
Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo Limpah! Those are the magical words Tingle goes by. Making his first appearance in Majora's Mask, he was a developer favourite and was quite popular in Japan as well.

Then Tingle appeared in Wind Waker, and unfortunately that was the game that made him infamous in the West, giving rise to his rupee-hungry and obnoxious image. Despite that, Tingle remains popular in Japan and has continued making appearances in Zelda games.

He has since appeared in his own games - Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Tingle's Balloon Fight DS and Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. Regrettably, due to Tingle's unpopularity in the West, these games never saw a release in North America, though Rosy Rupeeland was released in Europe.

Lately, Tingle appeared in Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U and 3DS. A quirky fighter, he fights with his arsenal of balloons and rupees.

Why Tingle?
Outside of the Triforce trio of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf, Tingle is the most consistently recurring character character in the Zelda series. Aside from stylistic changes between games, his appearance, eccentricity and abilities have been remarkably consistent.

As such, I believe Tingle should be included in Smash. He also shows off a different, weirder side of the Zelda games, one not linked to heroism or bravery.

Tingle's recent appearance in Hyrule Warriors gave him a ton of material to work with, which should come in handy when crafting a Smash moveset.

A common argument against Tingle used to be that he can't fight or he doesn't look like a fighter, though Hyrule Warriors has done much to counter that. Regardless, I present a plethora of Tingle movesets created by users of SmashBoards, with due credit.

Jab: A simple whack with his Rupee Sack. 4%.
Forward Tilt: Tosses out a bit of confetti. 9%.
Up Tilt: With a big, dumb, grin on his face, Tingle flourishes, and tosses up confetti. 7%.
Down Tilt: Tingle sweeps his leg as if to trip. It can if the opponent is hit by his foot. 8%
Dash Attack: Tingle dramatically falls over like King Dedede. 9%

Forward Smash: Tingle blows a lovely kiss at his opponent. Lovely for Tingle, I mean. For the opponent, it's just terrifying. So terrifying, in fact, that it stuns them as if they've had their shield broken. 12%
Up Smash: Tingle inflates his trusty balloon. The longer this move is charged, the greater range it has. Tingle winces as he pops the balloon. His best kill move. 16%
Down Smash: Tingle faces the screen and reaches out on either side of himself. He pulls opponents into a hug (through knockback, not as a grab) and lets them go with an obvious frown. 10%

Neutral Aerial: A fabulous ribbon dancer spin. (Ribbon not included.) 8%
Forward Aerial: Tingle whips out a large Rupee, and jams it down in front of himself. 10%
Back Aerial: Tingle turns around with a large map. 11%
Up Aerial: A headbutt, like Ness'. 13%
Down Aerial: The classic Tingle Bomb. He drops it down, dealing 18% on impact.

Grab and Pummel: Tingle reaches out to give his opponent a great big hug. Aww, isn't that sweet of him? The opponent sure doesn't think so, as they squirm and wiggle to get this creepy, weird impossibly handsome guy off them. 2% per squeeze.
Forward Throw: Tingle does this motion with his opponent, a look of pure bliss on his face. He could do this forever and ever... if he didn't have such butterfingers, that is. On the third spin, Tingle's hands slip and his foe goes flying. (If you love something, let it go.) 8%.
Back Throw: Tingle turns around, and pops a balloon right in the opponent's face. 8%
Down Throw: In a strange imitation of Fox or Ness, Tingle throws the opponent down, and unleashes a storm of Rupees on them. Strange of him to be so wasteful with his money. 17%
Up Throw: Tingle performs the classic "item get" pose. His weakest throw with a piddly 5%.

Neutral Special--Rupee Sack: Tingle reaches into his trusty sack of Rupees, and pulls out a big, shiny, green one. He then throws it at a foe. 16%

Custom Neutral 1-- Rupoor Sack: Tingle pulls out a... Rupoor?! Oh noooooo... Tingle quickly and gingerly tosses it away, placing a flower on whoever it hits. Total 15%
Custom Neutral 2-- Tycoon Sack: This is a big shiny golden Rupee (Oooh... aaah...) The throwing animation is almost comically slow, but when it hits, it hits. 25%

Side Special-- Tingle Scuffle: Tingle lunges forward. If he hits someone, he pulls them into a large dust cloud and goes to town on them. Opponents can mash out. 12%

Custom Side 1-- Flower Scuffle: Longer distance traveled and Tingle leaves a flower as a parting gift.
Custom Side 2-- Intense Scuffle: Now Tingle's mad. The distance he moves is shorter, but Tingle deals more damage, and it becomes harder for opponents to mash out. Unfortunately, it also deals recoil damage to Tingle too. 23% total

Up Special
-- Tingle Balloon: The famous Tingle Balloon from Majora's Mask and Hyrule Warriors. Pressing the button makes Tingle flap his arms. If the move is performed well enough, Tingle can reach heights rivaling the Villager. Unlike him, Tingle's balloon can take a couple of hits before popping. If it is popped, then Tingle drops like a rock encased in steel.

Custom Up 1-- Tingle Bounce: Tingle inflates his balloon, and bounces off it instead of using it to fly.
Custom Up 2-- Tingle Deflate: Tingle flies upward... but then, calamity strikes. His balloon springs a leak, and Tingle goes flying haphazardly, sweeping in any opponents close enough. They all come crashing down at the end. 22%

Down Special-- Kooloo-Limpah!: The classic Tingle move! Tingle jumps and twirls. When he lands, any opponents caught in radius will be stunned, as Tingle gains a small power boost.

Custom Down 1-- Cautious Kooloo-Limpah: Tingle does this move slowly, and weaker too. But on the bright side, he's also invincible for most of it.
Custom Down 2-- Rash Kooloo-Limpah: It's quicker and faster, but if Tingle is hit out of it, he can't use it again for the next 10 seconds.

Final Smash
-- Color Changing Love Trip: Ooh, baby... Tingle blows kisses in the form of hearts that home in on opponents. The horror. Upon contact, everyone is drawn towards Tingle in a strange trance. Delighted with his newfound popularity, Tingle presents his admirers with a present. That present being a huge, ornate, Rupee-studded... bomb?! The opponents (and Tingle) all share a moment of sudden realization (imagine this) before the bomb goes off, sending everyone but Tingle flying for 50% damage.

Up Taunt
: Kooloo-Limpah! It's animation is similar to Tingle's Down Special, so it's a marvelous mindgame move.
Side Taunt: Lovingly strokes a blue Rupee. (A tad too lovingly for others' tastes.)
Down Taunt: Whips out a picture of Pinkle and hugs it.

Victory Poses
Tingle lands from a flying kick (his boss finisher from Hyrule Warriors) and poses on the ground with a twinkle in his eye.
2. Tingle jumps for joy and lands in Pinkle's arms. (I leave the rest to your imagination.)
3. Tingle does his Kooloo-Limpah, and Rupees rain from the sky. All is well until a large gold Rupee hits him on the head, knocking him out.
Neutral B: Kooloo-Limpah! - Does his usual dance and a random thing happens, like spawning items, shooting a projectile of whatever sort, deal damage to himself, dealing damage in an area around him... think like Mr. Game & Watch's Side B, only crazier.

Side B: Rupee Throw - Throws a Rupee. This move has quick cooldown, so you can shoot many projectiles in little time. Damage and knockback depend on the value of the Rupee thrown, which is choosen at random. Green Rupees would deal 1% with no knockback, but a Big Gold Rupee would give a whopping 50% damage and good knockback. Like Peach's turnips, the better the Rupee, the rarer it is to appear.

Down B: Tingle Shield - Like Fox's Reflector or Pit's Mirror Shield, hold down to activate, and it protects Tingle from knockback... watch out, as the % would increase anyway. Or perhaps it could just reflect projectiles...

Up B: Tingle Balloon - Similar to Snake's Cipher, but with more control over the direction he moves.

Final Smash: Tingle Bomb Barrage - Unleashes a rain of bombs, not unlike what happens during long Sudden Death rounds.

Would be a lightweight character, unable to wall jump or wall cling and no gliding.


(ranked between S-F, S being the best & F being terrible)
Overall Strength: E
Size: C
Weight: D
Dash Speed: C
Traction: C
Basic Attack Speed: A
Basic Attack Range: E
Jumps: B
Aerial Mobility: B
Overall Recovery: A
Grab Range: E
Note: He can crawl.

Pros & Cons
+ His aerial game is excellent
+ His recovery is among the best
+ His attack speed is impressive

- His attack damage is poor
- He has short limbs, so his range is bad

Notable Animations

Floats in with his balloon. The balloon pops & he comically falls on his butt.
Fighting Stance
Tingle sways back & forth as seen in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland & WindWaker.
He will occasionally look towards the screen with an overjoyed face.
Sometimes he will quickly pull out a map & scribble something on it, then put it away.

Taunt 1
Spins around & poses with a confetti burst (Like in all the games he appears in)
Taunt 2
Does a short somersoult in the air then lands & poses
Taunt 3
Puts his hand to his mouth & starts giggling to himself while pointing forward
Taunt 4
Points at himself, looks at the screen with a happy expression & winks
Victory Pose 1

Victory Pose 2
Inflates his balloon & he floats off the screen
Victory Pose 3
Tingle turns left & right twice then holds his left hand in the air laughing 1:18-25
Special Victory
On Victory pose 2 sometimes his balloon will pop & he will fall down dropping several rupees; he will then run back & forth off the screen collecting them for the rest of the animation
Loser Pose
Claps with a obvious sad & whiny look on his face
100% Tired Fighting Stance
His stance has no movement, he is slouched over with his mouth opened
Sleeps using his arm to prop his head up like in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland


Neutral Special: Rupee Toss
Tingle tosses colorful rupees in a similar way like Game & Watch's B special. Each rupee will do between 1-4% damage with a flinch. Here's an example of his Rupee Toss, 8:00-06. It's like a close range "scatter shot," he throws multiple rupees at once. (Rupees that miss the target will remain on the stage until they disappear or Tingle goes past them; making the “chime” of the rupee, these rupees aren't used as an item, just an effect).
Side Special: Scuffle
5:35-53Tingle is enveloped in a cloud of smoke, about the size of King Dedede. Tingle will move in the given direction & will draw in opponents by rapidly pressing B. Tingle's face & trapped opponents faces will appear in the cloud when they take damage. One hit could be anywhere between 2-5% damage. The duration of the special is about 5 seconds. The attack gives minimal knock-back. The special can be stopped by attacks of greater priority such as smash attacks & strong projectiles. You can also shield & use DI to help avoid this attack. When used in the air, the special's duration is about 3 seconds & Tingle falls at a downward angle.
Up Special: Tingle Balloon
A balloon inflates from Tingle's backpack. Tingle then can then float around freely in the air for about 10 seconds. The balloon "wabbles" around & is constantly moving; bad "air traction." During this time his balloon will began to deflate & then eventually pop causing Tingle to fall into helpless state. When the balloon is hit by an attack, it will deflate quicker & he will be knock-backed like usual. If the balloon had HP, it would be about 25. Tingle can still perform attacks while air-borne. The balloon will pop when using uair, dodging, or side special. Tingle must touch the ground to use this special again.
Down Special: Tingle Bomb
Tingle pulls out a bomb from his backpack. The bomb is bigger than Link's & acts like a heavy item. It can be throw like any item. After it is thrown it will roll & come to a stop after about 5-7 seconds. When it hits an obstacle, it will flash red & explode soon afterward. It will immediately explode if hit by an attack. The explosion is the size of Wario & about 12-15% damage. The explosion has high knock-back. The bomb will start flashing red after about 10 seconds if it remains held. Opponents can't pick it up while it is rolling. The bomb can be pulled out when the balloon is deployed & be dropped. It's heaviness causes Tingle to "sink" in the air. He can't carry around heavy objects like DK. If he was to pull out a bomb in the air he would immediately fall straight down; the balloon helps to prevent him from falling too fast.


Slaps forward; 2% with flinch
Slaps forward a second time; 2% with flinch
Slaps a third time; 2% with flinch
AAA (Hold)
Continuous slaps away from his face; 1% with each hit & very low knock-back
Dash A
Does a “trip” tackle; 9% damage & low knock-back
Side Tilt
Swats with a rolled-up map; 6% damage & very low knock-back
Up Tilt
A kick flip; 10% & low-medium knock-back
Down Tilt
Head-butts forward; 8% & low knock-back


Side Smash
Begins by pulling his body back, then he throws both arms forward like the letter “F.” (Similar to Diddy's side tilt); charged is 20% with medium knock-back & uncharged 12% with low to medium knock-back
Up Smash
Begins by spinning around, then he jumps in the air & does a somersault hitting multiple times; charged is 18% with low to medium knock-back & uncharged is 10% with very low knock-back
Down Smash
Tingle quickly spins around & kicks with his foot; charged is 16% with low to medium knock-back & uncharged is 10% with low knock-back


Pulls his arms & legs inward, then quickly throws them out; 12% & low to medium knock-back
Smacks with a rolled-up map; 9% damage & very low knock-back
Holds a rolled-up map out & spins around backwards multiple times; 12% total damage & low knock-back
Pops his balloon; 18% & medium to high knock-back
Spins around like a drill attacking with his feet; 14% damage & low knock-back


Grabs with both hands
Kicks opponent; 2% damage
Forward Throw
Quickly spins around once then releases foe in a burst of confetti; 8% & low knock-back
Back Throw
Jumps into the air & back-flips, releasing the foe; 10% & medium knock-back
Up Throw
Spins foe around & throws foe upward with confetti following behind; 8% & low to medium knock-back
Down Throw
Slams foe down like a mat causing them to bounce off the ground; throw is 5% & hitting the ground is 7% with low to medium knock-back

Final Smash: Rupee Barrage
Tingle flies to the top of the screen. You can now move Tingle around the top of the screen, left to right, with the control stick. By holding down the B button, Tingle will shoot rows of rupees downward (think how Lucario's Final works). These rupees cause very low knock-back & each individual rupee causes less than 1% damage. By holding down the A button Tingle will charge up for 5 seconds & release a large rupee that does 50% damage & very high knock-back, but it is rather slow. The duration is about 12 seconds. Watch

Neutral B - Tingle Shield
Tingle encases himself in a magical Rupee-shaped barrier like Zelda's Neutral B. The random color of the Rupee determines the damage dealt to the attacker. Green Rupees deal 1% and causes the opponent to trip. Blue Rupees deal 5% and causes the opponent to trip. Yellow Rupees deal 10% and knocks the opponent back. Red Rupees deal 20% and has a better knockback. Purple Rupees deals 50% and can potentially OHKO the attacker but this color is very rare.

Side B - Stray Fairy
Tingle opens a bottle and sics a Stray Fairy at the opponent. The controls is similar to using Link's Boomerang. The random color of the Stray Fairy determines the effects it has on the opponent. The orange fairies of Clock Town slows time down for the affected opponent like the Timer item (based on Inverted Song of Time learned in Clock Town). The pink fairies of Woodfall poisons the opponent like the white Pikmin (based on the poison waters of Woodfall). The green fairies of Snowhead burns the opponent like Ness's PK Fire (based on Fire Arrows found in Snowhead Temple). The blue fairies of Great Bay freezes the opponent like Lucas's PK Freeze (based on Ice Arrows found in Great Bay Temple). The yellow fairies of Stone Tower shocks the opponent with electricity like Pikachu's Down Special (based on Light Arrows found in Stone Tower Temple)

Up B - Tingle Bomb
Tingle throws a bomb overhead. The controls is similar to using Yoshi's Egg Throw. The reason I didn't have Tingle Balloon for a recovery move is because Tingle would already be able to float like Jigglypuff just by having his balloon puff repeatedly.

Down B - Rupee Like
Tingle encases himself in a magical Rupee-shaped barrier like Zelda's Neutral B. The random color... wait a minute! Why is this move the same as Tingle's Neutral B? Ahh, that's the nature of Rupee Like. They make you think the Rupees are safe to pick up but then they trap you when you pick them up. So, when the opponent attacks Tingle's false shield, the Rupee Like appears and traps the opponent like a regular Like Like in Melee's Adventure Mode would do.

Final Smash - Kooloo-Limpah!
Tingle does his Kooloo-Limpah! dance and then he starts flying around with his balloon. Holding down the A button will make Tingle shoot Rupees at a rapid-fire speed like a machine gun. This is from the final boss fight in Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. Pressing the B button will make Tingle drop a bomb down with a huge explosion radius like the Smart Bomb. Yes, Tingle's Final Smash practically makes him like a fighter/bomber plane.

Intro: Tingle! Tingle! Kooloo-limpah! Everyone's (?) favorite 35-year old wannabe fairy finally makes his grand Smash debut, and people the world over are thrilled! Like Wario and Yoshi, Tingle has struck out on his own, separating himself from his former home in the Zelda Universe and instead being the sole representative of the newest series to join the Smash Brothers family, the Tingle Series, consisting of Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Tingle's Love Balloon Trip, and Tingle's Balloon Fight DS. The Tingle Series Logo is, of course, a Rupee!

He's NOT Zelda Tingle, but rather Tingle Series Tingle and, yes, there is a difference! Tingle Series Tingle is a completely different character, apart from sharing a similar personality to the normal Tingle, and while there are elements of him that borrow from Zelda, his moveset is heavily inspired by the Rosy Rupeeland/Balloon Trip of Love Tingle.

Tingle...is...well, Tingle is a very special character who some might say is a "joke character". He's not very strong, and not very durable, but he does have a very unique mechanic that sets him apart...the Rupee Counter! You see, unlike other characters, Tingle has two different sets of numbers...first of all, his damage percentage which, like everyone else, increases as he takes damage. The second is the Rupee Counter. With Tingle, none of his attacks actually cause the damage percentage of opponent's to rise...rather, when he lands attacks, Rupees pop out of the foe, raising the Rupee Counter to possibly 999 max. When Tingle is attacked, he takes damage, and he loses Rupees equal to half of the normal damage inflicted to him, and he loses ALL his Rupees if KO'd. Anyway, the knock-back of Tingle's attacks aren't influenced by the opponent's damage percentage, but rather how many Rupees Tingle is carrying. The knock-back done to him, however, is influenced by his damage percentage just like everyone else. And Item Damage is calculated normally.

What this means is that Tingle can actually, when properly used, wipe everyone out as he'll do full knock-back to everyone he hits when he's at 999 Rupees, even opponents who have just respawned. Pretty broken, right? Well...not exactly. None of Tingle's attacks have strong knock-back, even when at max 999, so you're not guaranteed an instant win. His Specials are stronger (one of them being rather unique), but actually deduct Rupees to use. What does this mean? Playing as Tingle involves balancing Rupees, and using them to win. It's pretty much based on how Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland worked!

Theme Songs/Intro: Tingle's Theme is the Tingle House Theme from Rosy Rupeeland.

His Stage Intro has him begin as the Human Tingle from Rosy Rupeeland, before suddenly transforming into the Tingle we all know and love!

The Tingle Series Victory music is Super Rupee from Rosy Rupeeland.

* Green Team: Default
* Red Team: Ankle from Wind Waker's coloring.
* Blue Team: Knuckle from Wind Waker's coloring.
* Alt #1: David Jr's White coloring.
* Alt #2: Pinkle's Pink coloring.
* Alt #3: Silver Tingle.
* Alt #4: Gold Tingle

Alternate Costume: The Dog from Duck Hunt. Tingle dresses up as the Dog from Duck Hunt. Yup.

Physical Characteristics: Tingle's design is based off his appearance in Rosy Rupeeland, meaning eyes open, unlike the slit eyes in Wind Waker, and a bit shorter and rounder too. He's a 3D model, although he has a slight filter over him that gives him a drawn-look, resembling the style of the Tingle Series, and he has very cartoony animations too. His voice-actor from the Tingle Series, Kazuyuki Kurashima, takes over to voice him, making it clear this is not Wind Waker Tingle, but Tingle Series Tingle. Of course, that's not to say that Tingle's elements from the main Zelda series are completely ignored, as they make cameos in his taunts and win-poses.

Tingle is very short, Toon Link's height, making him hard to hit. Due to his...gut...he's actually an upper-tier lightweight, so he's not easily blown away. He's got a slow, comical walk, and can run slightly faster, but he's pretty slow for a lightweight. He's really not that good in terms of physical condition. Tingle can do two short little hops, and falls really fast to the ground, so he's not a naturally good recoverer, although his Up-B makes up for that. He can crouch and crawl.

Tingle's Shield is unique, and possibly his saving grace. Resembling a Rupee, it completely shields him...and won't break! Well, as long as you have Rupees! As you keep it up, your Rupee count slowly takes down and, if you're struck, you lose a lot of Rupees, the full amount of damage the attack does as opposed to half like when Tingle is struck normally by an attack. But if you have a lot of Rupees to burn, you can protect yourself for quite awhile. The Rupee Shield is still vulnerable to certain shield-breaking moves, of course. Of course, a good defense won't win, so you can't hide behind the shield forever...

Normals: Tingle's Normals...well, suck. Utilizing extremely pathetic "sissy slaps" and stubby-leg kicks, his moves are fast, but have weak range and little knock-back, even when at max Rupee. So, what are they good for? Well, quickly wracking up Rupees! Because they do so little knock-back, it's easy to quickly chain them together and gain a lot of Rupees to use for Tingle's special attacks. You just got to make sure to not take any hits while doing it.

Tingle's Grabs are also kind of interesting, and based off the "battle system" from Rosy Rupeeland. Tingle has really short range but, when he grabs an opponent, he'll be surrounded by a cartoony "dust-cloud" as he brawls it out. He can slightly move as he beats up the opponent, possibly trapping other opponents in the dust-cloud. He'll then throw everyone trapped by the dust cloud out in the direction the control stick is pointing. Of course no damage is caused nor does he throw far but, hey, more Rupees for more opponents.

Neutral-B: Bodyguard: From Rosy Rupeeland, where Tingle hired bodyguards to protect and fight for him.

If Tingle has less than 200 Rupees, he'll instead frown and hold up a contract with "Rupee = 200", hinting at what you need to do to use the move. The Contract, incidentally, can actually reflect a projectile during its initial animation...but that's a hidden quality.

Tingle must have at-least 200 Rupees to use this, meaning that you'll have to do a bit of work at first. Pressing B summons Teddy Todo, the "required" Body Guard in T'sRR, who will follow Tingle around like a second Ice Climber! As he's out, your Rupee Count will quickly deplete, so call on him when you're close to foes! When it hits 0, Teddy Todo will vanish. Pressing B also has him disappear, if you want to conserve Rupees.

Teddy Todo is fully interactable, and is an upper heavy-weight, so he can potentially die if hit hard enough. He'll attack with his club mimicking Tingle's moves, and his knock-back is MUCH stronger. However, he still uses Tingle's Rupee Counter to calculate the knock-back caused and, since it's going down as long as he's out, it's not a broken attack. Also, his attacks won't add Rupees, although you can attack with Tingle to get some back. When Teddy Todo is out, Tingle's Side-B, Up-B and Down-B change.

Up-B has Teddy Todo jump high into the air, slamming back downward and causing a shock-wave akin to DK's Hand Slap that knocks foes into the air. Tingle is vulnerable too, although he won't suffer damage, just be thrown skyward. When using this, the Rupee Counter depletes faster.

Down-B has Teddy Todo pull out a Boom Box, calling up a barrier around him (and Tingle, if you're near) that deflects projectiles. When you hold B, it stays out, but your Rupee Counter depletes even faster. The Boom-Box plays the Zelda "da-da-da-da!!!" tune on replay.

Side-B has Teddy Todo dash forward, slamming anyone in his way with his gut. If Tingle's in-front of him, he'll actually run the poor guy over, flattening him, but not actually causing any damage. Using this also depletes the Rupee Counter faster, but is stronger than Teddy's normal attacks.

Summoning Teddy Todo is important, as it's Tingle's best means of scoring a KO. So save up those Rupees! Oh, and if you have over 500 Rupees when summoning Teddy Todo, he'll appear in his second, stronger form, with more base knock-back.

Side-B: Love Push: From Balloon Trip of Love!

Tingle holds out a present with hearts in his eyes, and any opponent in front of him is briefly stunned for a few seconds...from love. Tingle can then quickly attack before the opponent recovers, although he has a small opening. And...yeah, that's it pretty much. As an added bonus, female characters (Peach, Zelda, Barbara, Samus, and Medusa) actually have shorter stun times because, y'know, Tingle!

Tingle cannot use this when Teddy Todo is out.

Up-B: Tingle Balloon: From Tingle's original appearance, enter the famous balloon!

Tingle spins around as a large, red balloon inflates, lifting him up into the air. He will quickly rise, level out and slow down, and then float downward towards the stage, but is slow-moving, thus an easy target, but it's a great recovery move, and it doesn't use any Rupees either! The balloon will slowly deflate and will eventually pop, leaving Tingle helpless as he falls towards the ground. Oh no!

When flying around, Tingle can attack as well! Press B to drop a small bomb, costing 20 Rupees, that will fall to the ground and blow up those below. It has decent range, but the knock-back isn't anything to write home about, but it's the only move of Tingle's to actually knock-back based on the opponent's damage (but doesn't add any damage). It's worthless in a 1-on-1 fight since Tingle won't be able to score damage often to the foe, but can be fun to use in multiplayer fights.

Tingle can't use this when Teddy Todo is out, so Tingle is lacking a solid recovery move during that time.

Down-B: Treasure Shovel: An item in Rosy Rupeeland, it itself inspired by the Shovel from classic Zelda games.

Tingle digs into the ground (like with Peach, any platform, even metal/wood, works) with a shovel, unable to cancel out until he's finished and thus vulnerable to enemy attacks. There are a few things you can dig up, from common to rare...
* Green Rupee - 1 Rupee is added to the Rupee count.
* Blue Rupee - 5 Rupees.
* Yellow Rupee - 10 Rupees.
* Red Rupee - 20 Rupees.
* Item - A random item is dug up, but it won't be any item turned off.
* Bomb - To prevent spamming, sometimes a bomb will appear, blasting Tingle away and subtracting Rupees. It will also hurt any nearby foes.
* Purple Rupee - 50 Rupees
* Orange Rupee - 100 Rupees

Use this move to gather Rupees whenever the opponent is busy! Oh, and it can't be used while Teddy Todo is out.

3DS Final Smash: Love Paradise~: Inspired by Balloon Trip of Love!

Tingle jumps on the bottom screen, as Kakashi, Buriki, and Lion from BTL appear, and they all begin dancing. During this time, Tingle's player must tap the indicated buttons on the bottom screen DDR-style in order to keep dancing, slowly earning rupees the more successful he is.

For the rest of the players, however, the top screen becomes bright pink and filled with hearts and, during the entire duration, any damage they do is converted to Rupees for Tingle!

This Final Smash does no damage, but is a great way to quickly wrack up Rupees and then summon Teddy Todo to do some serious damage.

Wii U Smashformation: Too Much Tingle!: The name is inspired by the Too Much Tingle Pack DSiWare, but the effect is based off Rosy Rupeeland.

When Tingle uses this...everyone else becomes Tingle via Uncle Rupees Tingle Curse! Yes, everyone is turned into the default Tingle, making it hard for them to tell each other apart from a quick glance, making things initially confusing and chaotic. The new Tingle, however, have one weakness...well, two. First off, they're as weak as Tingle. Second, since they are Tingle, they can no longer cause damage, and instead only gain Rupees when attacking each other, which disappear after the effect wears off (and go to the real Tingle too). And the copy-Tingle don't have access to the Special Moves, meaning that they're pretty much worthless. This allows Normal Tingle to go crazy and do some damage to people on his playing field.
Neutral B - Rupee Throw
Throws a rupee as a projectile. Has trajectory and can be charged to go further. Color is random, but only for decoration.*
B<> - Noggin Bonk
Brings down his abnormally shaped and sized head in front of him for an attack similar to Olimar's.
B^ - Tingle Balloon*
Blows up his signature red balloon, after it's blown he can jump 4 times and each time it gets deflated more.*
Bv - Plumet
Tingle dives downward with his head first.*
A - headbutt, kick, punch
A<> - Tingle Roll
Does a front flip. Damage is caused if touched, weird range because of his head.*
A^ - Rupee Scatter
Tosses a wave of rupees upward of various colors, press twice to do it again consecutively, waves may have different amounts of rupees, however this doesn't affect hit boxes.
Av - Whoops.*
Tingle falls over. Doesn't cause self harm, because self harm sucks. Damages anybody standing in the ground close to him, and knocks them on their butts.*
A dust cloud appears as tingle is attacking an opponent that he has grabbed.*
If thrown, he'll roll backwards and throw them, with decent knockback, and throw rupees at them sort of like mewtwo does.*

Shield: Covers his eyes*
Taunt 1: Tingle, Tingle, Koolooh-Limpah!
Taunt 2: Makes the grin he does after throwing Rupees in the pond in FP:TRRL
Taunt 3: Tingle accidentally drops a rupee and ecstatically picks it back up.*
Entrance: Flies in by balloon.*
Weight: 1/5, same as Olimar
Height: 1/5, a tiny bit taller than Olimar
Speed: 3/5, a bit slower than Fox
Fall speed: Slightly floaty*
Map-maker, Rupee-lover, and Traveler supreme

He inflates his balloon, sending himself quickly into the air straight up. After reaching the top of his rise, the balloon starts to deflate and he slowly drifts to the ground. While floating, his attacks all function as if he were normally in the air with the exception of Up+B and throw, both of which release the balloon so it can float upward.
- The balloon can be popped if enough (30%ish) damage is dealt to it.
- Enemies can stand on the balloon. If they stay on the balloon after it's released, then they will be lifted off the stage along with it, but at no point does this excellent recovery move deal damage.

Similar to Link's bow except weaker, faster charging and, most importantly, can be shot in any direction. The bullet is affected by gravity and disappears when it hits anything. (Tingle used a slingshot in one of his spin-off games)

A fairly slow move, essentially having him dance while singing his magic words and cause a very random effect at the end.
First, he dramatically throws confetti behind him, then in front of him, then spins and does a backflip, throwing confetti in a big burst all around him. Each little piece of confetti floats slowly to the ground and deals 1% and interrupts enemies (like being hit by Falco's blaster).

If Tingle is allowed to fully complete his dance, one of these random effects will occur:
1. A random food item appears (not including Maxim tomatoes/hearts).
2. A random small throwable item appears (freezie, bob-omb, etc.
3. Tingle Shield: For the next 10 seconds, Tingle is enveloped in a protective bubble and cannot take damage. He can still be knocked around.
4. Tingle suddenly explodes, sending out a huge burst of the dangerous confetti all around him. The explosion doesn't actually hurt Tingle or send him away, but he is vulnerable for a second as he dusts himself off. Fortunately, it's not super easy to get in close enough to him through the confetti cloud.


A chargeable explosive that is thrown when the button's released. Charging increases all aspects of the bomb: Range, blast radius, and damage. The thrown bomb only explodes after the fuse runs out after a few seconds; it does not explode on impact with the ground or objects, but it will lightly damage and bounce off enemies.
Ground: The bomb is thrown in an arc in the direction he's facing. The bomb rolls like a barrel upon hitting the ground.
Air: The bomb is dropped straight down. Most useful when Tingle's floating with his Up B balloon high above enemies. Death from above!
The ideal moveset for Tingle should be silly and hard to take seriously while being effective.

A: Butt Bump
Tingle turns to his side and bumps the enemy away.

F Tilt: Swat
Tingle leans forward, swings his right hand over his head and swats the enemy

U Tilt: Balloon Bounce
Tingle quickly inflates and deflates a balloon above his head. Has a large radius.

D Tilt: Bag Bash
Tingle swings a heavy backpack infront of him while crouching on the ground.

U Smash: Cheers
Tingle jumps up into the air and claps his hands together overhead. This also shoots fairy dust everywhere to cover up for him on the sides.

F Smash: Head First
Tingle pulls his head back and delivers a headbutt. It's very powerful, but Tingle has trouble keeping his balance and hops forward a few times.

D Smash: Spinner
Tingle plants himself on his head and spins himself around with his hands. This is also very powerful. He gets up rather quickly but he finds himself dazed for a few seconds.

Dash Attack: Belief
Tingle jumps forward flapping his arms and trying to fly! Though he fails and tumbles on the ground.

N-Air: Twirl
Tingle spins with his arm spread out. If he misses with his arms, fairy dust will cover his retreat.

F-Air: Paper Cut
Tingle pulls out a map and swings it vertically from over his head to below his feet in a spinning motion. This move is weird because it hits the opponent straight upwards and behind Tingle but has a lot of power and can vertical-kill floaties.

U-Air: Enjoyment
Pretty much like his U-Smash only in the air. Tingle claps his hands together above his head. It's faster but weaker.

D-Air: Diver
Tingle faces downwards in a diving position and spins around. This delivers multiple hits then one strong hit as Tingle spreads out his hands at the end, which acts as a meteor smash.

B-Air: Lazy Kick
Tingle places his hands behind his head in a relaxing manner while tilting forward and then kicks his legs out.

B: Rupee Blast
Tingle crosses his arms and clutches them inward. After he lets go, rupees and fairy dust flies everywhere a short distance before him. The longer Tingle holds it in, the more rupees that will fly out. It can be used as an edge guard.

B Forward: Paper Airplane
Tingle folds his map into a paper air plane rather quickly and throws it. It's a weak projectile that travels in a wave before hitting the ground and fading away.

B Down: Tingle Trick
Tingle steps back with one foot and holds one of his hands out for 2 seconds. If he is attacked physically in the first second, he will evade their attack and stuff them in a bag. Tingle can then attack them while they're in the bag much like how Yoshi can attack egged victims. Since this is risky, it last longer than Yoshi's egg.

B Up: Tingle Away
Basically, just him using his balloons as a recovery. There are too many ways to do this, so just use your imagination. :p

His grab would either just be with his hand or for comic relief, a hug. (Since he's overly friendly due to business reasons.)

Grab Attack: If hug, bear hug. If grab, back handed swat

F Throw: Heave!
Tingle lifts them over his head, leans back and then throws them forward.

D Throw: Cushion
Tingle throws them down and jumps on them in a cannoball position with his butt first.

U throw: Away!
A unique up throw. Tingle ties a balloon to them and swats them in the air. The balloon keeps carrying them upwards until they recover. The higher the percentage, the longer it takes. The floatier they are, the faster they float. It can be fatal to a very floaty character in the higher percentages.

B Throw: Trash Disposal
Tingle throws the foe behind him overhead as if they were nothing.

Final Smash: Tingle Strike
Tingle does his traditional dance, and with a "Tingle, Tingle, Kaloo Limpah!" he pulls out a Tingle Tuner and pushes a button. A bunch of balloons will float over the stage and drop bombs in the obnoxious shape of Tingle's head. They're very powerful and shoot fairy dust everywhere upon impact.

A few defining qualities
Tingle is a very cumbersome character and has a lot of ending lag on some of his attacks. However, his attacks come out pretty quickly and suprisingly pack a punch. Tingle is weight rank above Luigi despite his size because of his fat appearance and all of his rupees. Tingle has poor mobility, but if they have flown too far away he is capable of some basic combos. Whenever Tingle is struck hard enough, rupees fly all over the place and shatter! It's really a nice touch. The key to playing as Tingle is to avoid using those very laggy attacks to deal damage until the opponent is high enough of a percent. Tingle has a really hard time approaching projectile spam but he has paper air planes to help him out.
Tingle Moveset:
Neutral Special: Fairy Dust: Throws Fairy Dust at his opponents. Does very little damage, but I hear it really bother his opponents. Especially because they have no idea what "fairy dust" is.
Forward Special: Rosy Rupee: Tingle shoots a rupee. Damage depends on value of rupees. Green = 1%. Blue = 5%. Red = 20%. Rupoors misfire and hit Tingle. Give him ten percent damage, but very rare
Up Special: Balloon Float: Balloons raises Tingle up and he can move like a balloon fighter. Balloon can be popped if it receives up to 60% damage itself, and if he drops, he will automatically perform...
Down Special: Kooloo-Limpah - Flips backward if he's falling and hits the opponents below with fairy dust. Fairy Dust hits from both sides. If on the ground, he does a backflip and then performs the move. Lands crouching either way. After the move, he lets out a giggle, so if you miss, opponent can hit you fora brief second. Can be a knock out move.

Tingle invented these moves himself. Don't steal them.

Final Smash: Tingle Tuner:
Tingle takes out a Tingle Tuner, as if just found it in a Zelda game. The discovery an item music plays. The camera zooms in on the Tingle Tuner, which shows the stage with the opponent(s). When it finishes zooming in, only the black border on the Tingle Tuner is visible. (They can now move). Tingle launches bombs like snake and gets a limited amount. At the end of the move, the black border of the Tingle Tuner fades away.[/collapse]
[collapse=Moveset by Pacack]Tingle: A

He has a ton of wacky abilities, that's for sure. Tingle has a couple of possible playstyles, but I'll outline my own vision below. Essentially, Tingle's specials include the items and abilities he displays in-game, while his physicals are primarily whimsical and zany poses, with a few quirks thrown in. Tingle would probably be more of an aerially-inclined character with his balloon.

Let me try my hand at making him a moveset:

B: Rupee beam/shot

Tingle fires a beam of Rupees at the opponent that do multiple small hits that flinch the opponent. Shooting it without charge only sends out s few rupees at once, but it can be charged to fire for longer. (From Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland)

> B: Tingle Bomb

^ B: Tingle Balloon
A must. Tingle inflates his balloon, which canNOT be popped in order to differentiate it from Villager's up-B. He first shoots straight up a bit (a hitbox) and then his balloon must be guided left or right as it glides. Tingle cannot deactivate his balloon until he hits the ground or an edge, but this comes with the serious advantage of letting Tingle use his aerial moves in chains, and his fair, bair, and up air all move the balloon slightly in their respective direction; adding a layer of complexity to his recovery game that no one else seems to have yet. Learning how to use this move is vital in learning how to effectively play Tingle.

Down B: Tingle Shield
This move incases him a rupee-shaped barrier that gives him invulnerability for a few seconds. This move must recharge for some time after each use as to prevent spammability. It's especially useful for Tingle, since many of his strongest moves need some time to work well. This move ends up defining a lot of his playstyle, as it can be used before charging one of his killing moves.

A+A Combo: Tingle swings a bottle back and forth as if he's trying to catch a fairy. Low damage and knockback, but a good move to link combos with.
> A: Tingle kicks the opponent as if he's doing the can-can. Sends the opponent at a 50 degree angle.
^ A:
Tingle does this fanciful pose. It has a hitbox right on his hand and knocks opponents straight up to keep them in the air.

Down A:
Tingle stomps his foot on the ground angrily. This move has practically no cool down and can be used over and over to make it look like Tingle is angry. Knocks opponents outwards at a 10 degree angle. Has a small hitbox and honestly isn't too great a move to link with, but it does okay damage.

Dash attack:
Tingle falls over with a kinstone bag in hand before brushing himself off.

Tingle pulls out a map and puts it away with movements that are a bit more exaggerated than are really necessary. The biggest hitbox is right when he pulls it out. It knocks the opponent outwards.

Pose of the Tingle on the far right. It's a kind of weak move, but it moves his balloon significantly.

Tingle looks backwards suspiciously before admiring a large Force Gem, then he puts it back. This move has two major hitboxes. One when he looks back and one when he puts away the gem. Both of these movements move his balloon if he has it activated, making it useful for recovery.

Up Air:
Tingle throws glitter upwards in two diagonal directions, similarly to how he does at the beginning of this gif.

Tingle drops one of his signature bombs directly downward. If it hits the opponent, it knocks them directly upward so that Tingle can attack them again.

Up Smash: Kooloo-Limpa!
Tingle's signature magic words. He spins upwards and releases confetti and glitter, similarly to how he does in the final part of the gif above. This is, by far, his best killing move. Knocks opponents really high up into the air, with the power being focused closer to his body.

Side Smash:
Tingle makes this pose and hearts come from him. The hearts themselves are a deadly hitbox. The hearts would be larger than in the above picture, though.

Down Smash:
Tingle makes this goofy pose. Knocks opponents upwards.

More stuff to come.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
That reminds me, I need to play Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland one day.

Definitely still support that quirky bloke. He's got enough potential as a joke fighter.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
You know there's something missing here.

There. That being said, I still support that green clown.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
You know there's something missing here.

There. That being said, I still support that green clown.
This video never gets old.

So that's where the American's Hate Tingle header image came from. :troll:

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
I gotta admire you guys for wanting Tingle for Smash despite the fact that he's hated in my home country of America. While I prefer other characters for Smash 5, can I still support you guys?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I gotta admire you guys for wanting Tingle for Smash despite the fact that he's hated in my home country of America. While I prefer other characters for Smash 5, can I still support you guys?
Sure, though you can ask Falkoopa for that.

That being said, most of Tingle's hate comes from things like the Triforce Hunt and greed in Wind Waker than his overall weirdness and creepy behavior in Majora's Mask. The Japanese tend to love these traits and find him a very endearing character. Same thing goes for Europe too.

Thus only few Americans can really appreciate his character because of said weirdness and Triforce Chart Hunting rage. That's why Japan and Europe are lucky enough to experience his weird DS adventures that happened because of his popularity there.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I gotta admire you guys for wanting Tingle for Smash despite the fact that he's hated in my home country of America. While I prefer other characters for Smash 5, can I still support you guys?
Sure, you can.

At any rate, you should support who you want. Don't let others' opinions of a character decide that for you.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
oh go on then, i love zelda characters so the more the better throwing bombs and exploding balloons would make a great moveset

personally id prefer him to have his toon appearance rather than his MM look though i suppose his alts could be 50/50

it occurs to me that has been a while since his last appearance in a main series games and im not counting his cameos as figures and outfits

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Guess who's got their own Did You Know Gaming? video.

I like how the director of Tingle's games admit that he made them just to make more people like Tingle, even those that hate him. If only the damn games were bought to the US...


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I'm somewhat torn on Tingle. I like most incarnations of the character, but I absolutely can't stand the WW version. There are numerous characters I'd rather see before him, but there's no way you can ignore that he is among the few recurring characters in the Zelda series and has a couple of his own games under his belt as well. I guess I'll finally put in my support for the eccentric little green guy.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I'm somewhat torn on Tingle. I like most incarnations of the character, but I absolutely can't stand the WW version. There are numerous characters I'd rather see before him, but there's no way you can ignore that he is among the few recurring characters in the Zelda series and has a couple of his own games under his belt as well. I guess I'll finally put in my support for the eccentric little green guy.

Wind Waker Tingle design is fine, but damn does he charge too damn much for Triforce Charts of all things.

Maybe the character would have been less hated if it weren't for his role in Wind Waker.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC

Wind Waker Tingle design is fine, but damn does he charge too damn much for Triforce Charts of all things.

Maybe the character would have been less hated if it weren't for his role in Wind Waker.
Wind Waker Tingle is the only reason I disliked the character for a long while. :p

I liked him just fine in Majora's Mask, love him in Hyrule Warriors, and while I haven't played them, I think what they did with him in his own games was pretty interesting.

Some Beedrill

Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2017
Behind you
I support since Tingle is one of the closest things we can get to a meme being in Smash. What I mean: I support cause it's Tingle

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
fully support!

B: Rupee Blaster: Tingle shoots Rupees from his Rupee Blaster. works like Fox's laser but rapid fire

Up B: Tingle's Balloon Fight: Tingle quicky rises up high with his balloon. it immediately pops once Tingle has reached a certain height, leaving Tingle helpless. it cannot be controlled.

Side B: Love Push: Tingle charges up a kiss. the more charge it has, the bigger it'll be and further it'll go. at low sizes it just explodes once it hits an opponent, but at bigger sizes it'll push a foe until it finally explodes.

Down B: Scuffle: a counter attack where Tingle goes into a smoke ball. both parties can press A to deal damage to each other, but no matter who deals more damage, Tingle will still win, knocking back his foe.

Final Smash: Kooloo-Limpah!: Tingle does his magic Kooloo-Limpah inchantment. will give foes flowers on their heads and cause one of multiple effects:
random tripping for everyone except Tingle
balloons covering all the characters except Tingle
random explosions that can harm everyone except Tingle
the time being slowed down for everyone except Tingle who gets faster
one-hit KOs
swapping the stage


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2013
Wind Waker Tingle is the only reason I disliked the character for a long while. :p

I liked him just fine in Majora's Mask, love him in Hyrule Warriors, and while I haven't played them, I think what they did with him in his own games was pretty interesting.
It's funny, for me I really enjoyed Windwaker Tingle. I find Windwaker to have the most lively/positive in relation to NPCs (heck even some of the villains), and Tingle just fits right in. I think what also helped, is on my first playthrough I didn't free him from jail at the start, so it was really refreshing to come across him on the second playthrough.


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2014
No one can get to like what they don't know! I highly doubt anyone would hate Tingle after playing Rosy Rupeeland or Balloon Trip of Love.

I'm happy with him being an AT, but I wouldn't mind if he gets a spot in the roster. Just imagine his final smash riding Lion with Buriki and Kakashi and sniping everyone with his love-filled slingshot :3


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
Oh what the hey, put me down for Tingle support. For better or for worse, he has made multiple Zelda appearances, and he is a character I think of when I hear "Zelda", after Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and then maybe Beedle (And let's be real here Tingle has more moveset potential than Beedle.). Plus I'm sure there's moveset inspiration to be found in his Japan exclusive spin off games too.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2013
Tingle is still my top Zelda pick (not letting the Tingle an stigma get to me). I do think we might see another Tingle game, hopefully a Western translation mod this time. With his absence in Breath of the Wild, Nintendo maybe wanting to slowly cut his ties to the Zelda universe and as a result become a sorta Donkey Kong of Zelda. If he does have a new game it will be interesting to see if rupees make an appearance. An out there idea, probably just over analysing.

Also some signature icons have been made, they're all really awesome.

Done by:



Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Abso-friggin-lutely, sign me the hell up. I was skeptical of Tingle at first, but I've warmed up to the idea immensely having considered what other options Zelda has for a newcomer at this point, i.e. not many good ones. Tingle would be perfect not only as a new Zelda character after all this time, but as a joke character, and unlike meme picks like Waluigi, who I can't stand, I honestly think Tingle would be the best pick for his series. He's consistently recurring, which isn't something most Zelda characters can boast, and besides, wouldn't it just be ****ing hilarious for the first non-Triforce-wielding Zelda character playable in Smash to be this guy? If we get a Zelda character this game and it isn't Tingle, I'll legitimately be disappointed. All aboard the Tingle hype train!


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Nintendo is going to want to appeal to home market, and Tingle is quite popular in Japan, but i honestly feel their gonna add Midna or Skull Kid first. I still want Tingle as much as the next guy, however, who doesn't love a weird guy in a green jumpsuit who sells maps for a living?
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I always wanted Tingle in Smash since the pre-Brawl days. I think Tingle would be fun to play as in Smash and it would be cool if Tingle had a stage from his own games.

Rupeeland could be his stage. It could take place on top of Uncle Rupee's tower and Uncle Rupee is the stage hazard.



Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Rupeeland could be his stage. It could take place on top of Uncle Rupee's tower and Uncle Rupee is the stage hazard.
If he joins, I don't think he'll get a stage honestly, I think we'll keep the Zelda stages we have right now, and Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland is a Japan Exclusive, so i don't think many casual players will know what it is.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
If he joins, I don't think he'll get a stage honestly, I think we'll keep the Zelda stages we have right now, and Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland is a Japan Exclusive, so i don't think many casual players will know what it is.
It wasn't exclusive to Japan. It came out in Europe too.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
Alright so pretty much all of the other Zelda reps got deconfirmed today except for Impa (who could be a decent Echo of Sheik). As far as I know, Tingle has not shown up as an Assist Trophy in any footage and despite the fancy new hd-ified Great Bay showing up in a lot of the trailers I haven't seen him there either, although that may just be because only the Omega version has been shown (90% he's still a stage element though). He wasn't in Toon Link or Young Link's character trailers, which seems like an obvious shot to drop in there for one of them at least.

I doubt it, I really do, especially considering there won't be many newcomers and much more popular characters like Takamaru, Waluigi, and Bomberman didn't make the cut, but here are some straws to grasp at for the next 24 hours until he pops out of an Assist Trophy for somebody on the show floor.

I think the worst possible fate would be for Tingle to be cut as an AT and ONLY appearing as a stage element on Great Bay, but we'll see.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I think the worst possible fate would be for Tingle to be cut as an AT and ONLY appearing as a stage element on Great Bay, but we'll see.
If we can have two child Links with different art styles, I think we can have two Tingles with different art styles.

Tingle from Majora's Mask would be on the Great Bay stage. Toon Tingle from The Wind Waker would show up as an Assist Trophy.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
If we can have two child Links with different art styles, I think we can have two Tingles with different art styles.

Tingle from Majora's Mask would be on the Great Bay stage. Toon Tingle from The Wind Waker would show up as an Assist Trophy.
Yeah this is probably the most likely scenario. This would make him the first character to be both, right? I mean that's pretty cool.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Yeah... which means the playable Tingle should be the Tingle from his own games.


Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Question: Has anyone spotted Tingle yet? Either as an assist or as a character in Great Bay? Because as far as I know there has been no sign of him.
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