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Tingle for Brawl!

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
dude u just dont give any Nintendo Characters u dont like a chance dont u?:laugh:
Naw, I love a lot of Nintendo characters but I can't just see them playable. I could see Tingle making a great joke character, but just not for Brawl, make room for better characters first.
I find your theory on this raising WW Link's chances to be as valid as the theory that it doesn't de-confirm Tingle. What does a TROPHY being in the game have anything to do with a completely different character? Simply that they're using the cel shaded style for a model?
No, it's not that, it just shows that Sakurai is willing to explore WW things rather than just simply TP things, since Tingle's design is obviously straight from WW.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Naw, I love a lot of Nintendo characters but I can't just see them playable. I could see Tingle making a great joke character, but just not for Brawl, make room for better characters first.

No, it's not that, it just shows that Sakurai is willing to explore WW things rather than just simply TP things, since Tingle's design is obviously straight from WW.
Well of course he is. After all, you just said yourself that he's just a trophy, not a playable character. They don't have a TP rendering of Tingle, so what else would they use, the MM version that we already saw in Melee?

There are tons of old school things that I'm sure will make it into the game as trophies. That doesn't specifically equate that those things are ending up playable though, does it? Since there's no playable WW character yet at all, then we still don't have a basis of Sakurai wanting to make WW things playable. Which sounds redundant, but is still true.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
As a PC anyway, I'm still hoping for an obnoxious AT to piss everyone off.
The amount of people pissed off would be 1000x bigger if he was a PC than if he was an AT. :laugh:
How the **** are we in denial? It's people that are jumping the shark.

Whether a character would "make a great addition to Brawl" is an opinion. Whether a character has a chance or not is a fact. I could easily say that I think Sheik was a terrible addition to Brawl and I could "prove" it by saying how shi was overpowered, it's all a matter of opinion. All my opinion is is that I think that a strong, specific recurrence is many times more important than popularity when securing a spot in Brawl, which maybe why Munchlax only got in as a pokeball character.

I trust Nintendo, and if they think a character is worthy enough to be put in almost every LoZ game for the last 10 years then I trust that they're so fond of him for a reason if they're willing to work so hard and purely voluntarily to just improve his image. People say that Brawl wants to appeal to foreign audiences such as the United States, but the fact is Nintendo will never fully appeal to the west because the west is about macho guys with guns and first person shooters. Nintendo have all but said they will completely refuse going into that direction (Sakurai refused to give Snake guns), so let's face the facts; Nintendo's games are mostly unrealistic games set in a fantastical setting, and that the U.S Nintendo wants to appeal to, the ones they think they can appeal to, are young children. How can you blame them when everybody makes fun of Nintendo in the United States saying it's a console for "***s"?
And yes, the United States already their appeal, it's in the form of Solid Snake. Just because Sakurai wants to appeal to the United States doesn't mean it's going to sacrifice opinion in Japan because of it, Nintendo still, and probably will always, puts Japan first. Japan, while Tingle doesn't have THAT huge of a fanbase - though enough make his games sell - in Japan but they don't hate him so that barrier is off. Don't get so cocky since Sakurai said he was willing to listen to you, just because he is willing to listen doesn't mean he's going to do something if he thinks it's just a bunch of whiney fanbrats who hate one of Nintendo's characters for no good reason.
This is a company, a game made to make money (why else is the release near Christmas?). Will people still buy the game in the U.S if Tingle is in it? Yes.
What Nintendo says goes, you can criticize all you want but as long as their games sell well they probably won't find a reason to listen to you.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
Well of course he is. After all, you just said yourself that he's just a trophy, not a playable character. They don't have a TP rendering of Tingle, so what else would they use, the MM version that we already saw in Melee?

There are tons of old school things that I'm sure will make it into the game as trophies. That doesn't specifically equate that those things are ending up playable though, does it? Since there's no playable WW character yet at all, then we still don't have a basis of Sakurai wanting to make WW things playable. Which sounds redundant, but is still true.
ahh but in TP there's someone who reminds ppl of Tingle very much (^^)v


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
You mean the moderately flamboyant guy in charge of the STAR tent, right? I thought his personality was funny. All positive and showy on the outside while really hating Link on the inside.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
The amount of people pissed off would be 1000x bigger if he was a PC than if he was an AT. :laugh:
How the **** are we in denial? It's people that are jumping the shark.

Whether a character would "make a great addition to Brawl" is an opinion. Whether a character has a chance or not is a fact. I could easily say that I think Sheik was a terrible addition to Brawl and I could "prove" it by saying how shi was overpowered, it's all a matter of opinion. All my opinion is is that I think that a strong, specific recurrence is many times more important than popularity when securing a spot in Brawl, which maybe why Munchlax only got in as a pokeball character.

I trust Nintendo, and if they think a character is worthy enough to be put in almost every LoZ game for the last 10 years then I trust that they're so fond of him for a reason if they're willing to work so hard and purely voluntarily to just improve his image. People say that Brawl wants to appeal to foreign audiences such as the United States, but the fact is Nintendo will never fully appeal to the west because the west is about macho guys with guns and first person shooters. Nintendo have all but said they will completely refuse going into that direction (Sakurai refused to give Snake guns), so let's face the facts; Nintendo's games are mostly unrealistic games set in a fantastical setting, and that the U.S Nintendo wants to appeal to, the ones they think they can appeal to, are young children. How can you blame them when everybody makes fun of Nintendo in the United States saying it's a console for "***s"?
And yes, the United States already their appeal, it's in the form of Solid Snake. Just because Sakurai wants to appeal to the United States doesn't mean it's going to sacrifice opinion in Japan because of it, Nintendo still, and probably will always, puts Japan first. Japan, while Tingle doesn't have THAT huge of a fanbase - though enough make his games sell - in Japan but they don't hate him so that barrier is off. Don't get so cocky since Sakurai said he was willing to listen to you, just because he is willing to listen doesn't mean he's going to do something if he thinks it's just a bunch of whiney fanbrats who hate one of Nintendo's characters for no good reason.
This is a company, a game made to make money (why else is the release near Christmas?). Will people still buy the game in the U.S if Tingle is in it? Yes.
What Nintendo says goes, you can criticize all you want but as long as their games sell well they probably won't find a reason to listen to you.
I'm not sure you're really appreciating the scope of the popularity issue here. Let's look at, say, Marth in Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was very popular in Japan, but unknown in the rest of the world, and he got in anyway. Western gamers, having a blank slate in regards to Fire Emblem, judged him for the first time based on that appearance, and most people wound up liking him (enough to force Nintendo to start releasing Fire Emblem games in the U.S., anyway). I've got nothing against one or two "Japan-only characters" in that sense.

Tingle is a totally different situation, though. It's not just that his popularity is Japan-specific...he is actually strongly disliked in the United States. The fact that a character would have an almost universally negative reception by about half of the people who are going to play Brawl is a really serious hurdle against his inclusion. Why would Sakurai include a character that would make so many people unhappy when there are other choices for Zelda representatives (neo-Young Link and Midna being the names that come up most often) who would be cheerfully accepted everywhere?

I'm not trying to be mean or spitefully speak against a character you support or anything like that, but from a developer's viewpoint, there just wasn't much of a reason to include Tingle as a major character in a globally-targeted game, especially considering that he was competing with other more consistently well-liked options from the same series (a series which Nintendo fans worldwide have a very high opinion of).


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2007
I'm not sure you're really appreciating the scope of the popularity issue here. Let's look at, say, Marth in Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was very popular in Japan, but unknown in the rest of the world, and he got in anyway. Western gamers, having a blank slate in regards to Fire Emblem, judged him for the first time based on that appearance, and most people wound up liking him (enough to force Nintendo to start releasing Fire Emblem games in the U.S., anyway). I've got nothing against one or two "Japan-only characters" in that sense.

Tingle is a totally different situation, though. It's not just that his popularity is Japan-specific...he is actually strongly disliked in the United States. The fact that a character would have an almost universally negative reception by about half of the people who are going to play Brawl is a really serious hurdle against his inclusion. Why would Sakurai include a character that would make so many people unhappy when there are other choices for Zelda representatives (neo-Young Link and Midna being the names that come up most often) who would be cheerfully accepted everywhere?

I'm not trying to be mean or spitefully speak against a character you support or anything like that, but from a developer's viewpoint, there just wasn't much of a reason to include Tingle as a major character in a globally-targeted game, especially considering that he was competing with other more consistently well-liked options from the same series (a series which Nintendo fans worldwide have a very high opinion of).
what a rant. I loved every stinkin' word of it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
I'm not sure you're really appreciating the scope of the popularity issue here. Let's look at, say, Marth in Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was very popular in Japan, but unknown in the rest of the world, and he got in anyway. Western gamers, having a blank slate in regards to Fire Emblem, judged him for the first time based on that appearance, and most people wound up liking him (enough to force Nintendo to start releasing Fire Emblem games in the U.S., anyway). I've got nothing against one or two "Japan-only characters" in that sense.

Tingle is a totally different situation, though. It's not just that his popularity is Japan-specific...he is actually strongly disliked in the United States. The fact that a character would have an almost universally negative reception by about half of the people who are going to play Brawl is a really serious hurdle against his inclusion. Why would Sakurai include a character that would make so many people unhappy when there are other choices for Zelda representatives (neo-Young Link and Midna being the names that come up most often) who would be cheerfully accepted everywhere?

I'm not trying to be mean or spitefully speak against a character you support or anything like that, but from a developer's viewpoint, there just wasn't much of a reason to include Tingle as a major character in a globally-targeted game, especially considering that he was competing with other more consistently well-liked options from the same series (a series which Nintendo fans worldwide have a very high opinion of).
Righteous. This is what I've been trying to tell the Tingle fans. You, sir, win the internet.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I'm not sure you're really appreciating the scope of the popularity issue here. Let's look at, say, Marth in Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was very popular in Japan, but unknown in the rest of the world, and he got in anyway. Western gamers, having a blank slate in regards to Fire Emblem, judged him for the first time based on that appearance, and most people wound up liking him (enough to force Nintendo to start releasing Fire Emblem games in the U.S., anyway). I've got nothing against one or two "Japan-only characters" in that sense.

Tingle is a totally different situation, though. It's not just that his popularity is Japan-specific...he is actually strongly disliked in the United States. The fact that a character would have an almost universally negative reception by about half of the people who are going to play Brawl is a really serious hurdle against his inclusion. Why would Sakurai include a character that would make so many people unhappy when there are other choices for Zelda representatives (neo-Young Link and Midna being the names that come up most often) who would be cheerfully accepted everywhere?

I'm not trying to be mean or spitefully speak against a character you support or anything like that, but from a developer's viewpoint, there just wasn't much of a reason to include Tingle as a major character in a globally-targeted game, especially considering that he was competing with other more consistently well-liked options from the same series (a series which Nintendo fans worldwide have a very high opinion of).
I would have liked Tingle as a playable character, but you hit the nail on the head.

Tingle for best AT Ever (Yes, better than Resetti)


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I would have liked Tingle as a playable character, but you hit the nail on the head.

Tingle for best AT Ever (Yes, better than Resetti)
Whoooooa man. Hold on there. Better than what they did for Resetti? Is that even physically POSSIBLE? I dunno, I think you might be flying a little close to the sun with that one.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2007
And I personally like THAT character a lot more than Tingle.

Also, odd little side note...isn't jumping the shark a reference to when a TV show has passed its prime?
Yes, "jumping the shark" refers to something becoming so bizzare or over used that it no longer has the same effect it once did.

I believe the poster meant "jumping the gun" which means to assume something as facts long before one should

However, I don't think that people are jumping the gun to say that Tingle is pretty much deconfirmed. There is such a small possiblity of him being a playable character now that he has been shown in this update because the Dojo has never done this so far.

As I said before, if nothing else is said about Tingle this week, its a guarentee that he is not going to be a playable character.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
In fact, "to jump the shark" refers to, what was that show called, Happy Days? In one episode, this Fonzie guy literally jumped over the shark. People cite that scene as the one that marked the decline of the series.
So, the expression denotes the event that a long-running series does something really over-the-top in order to gain attention, thus proving that it no longer has the spirit it used to have. Basically, Sonic.

And yes, Wyvern is on the best way to becoming a BRoomer. o_o


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
In fact, "to jump the shark" refers to, what was that show called, Happy Days? In one episode, this Fonzie guy literally jumped over the shark. People cite that scene as the one that marked the decline of the series.
That one show? This "Fonzie Guy"? Yes, it was Happy Days, and you don't ever, EVER disrespect it, especially the Fonz. And the only reason it marked the decline was because they could never do something as awesome as that again.

So, the expression denotes the event that a long-running series does something really over-the-top in order to gain attention, thus proving that it no longer has the spirit it used to have. Basically, Sonic.
*High-Five's Fawriel* Nice. At least I still have a Genesis to play Sonic 2 on.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
I got the wrong expression? =/ Well, English isn't my first language, but eh. I think people understood what I meant.
Yes, I do think people are jumping the gun. Since Tingle's last appearances have been cell-shaded it would be very possible to appear that way in a classic trophy like the Ice climbers in Melee.

Anyway, as I've said again, I don't think popularity is as important as people say. Really, Link's uncle was on the **** poll. Everybody already talks about what representative they want in Brawl, and that speaks for itself;

rep·re·sent·a·tive /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rep-ri-zen-tuh-tiv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person or thing that represents another or others.
2. an agent or deputy: a legal representative.
3. a person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body, esp. a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or a lower house in certain state legislatures.
4. a typical example or specimen of a group, quality, or kind.
–adjective 5. serving to represent; representing.
6. standing or acting for another or others.
7. made up of representatives: a representative assembly.
8. of or pertaining to a system of governance by chosen representatives, usually elected from among a large group: representative government.
9. exemplifying a group or kind; typical: a representative selection of Elizabethan plays.
10. corresponding to or replacing some other species or the like, as in a different locality.
11. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of representationalism.
12. pertaining to or of the nature of a mental image or representation.

What Tingle can do and what Midna can't is represent more than one game. Midna can only represent Twilight Princess - she can do it very well, but she can only do it once. Skull Kid can probably do it better, but can't do it to the degree Tingle can. Cell-shaded Link is definitely a viable contender, but technically he is still Link* with similar weapons, etc. and I don't see the point of making him an entirely new character when Sakurai and the team could save space and make him an Alternate costume.

And I don't see what's the problem of including him, it's just one character from 35-40, and Brawl would still be a hit either way. I don't care what characters or in or not, when Brawl comes out I plan to use every character and get to know the excellent movesets Sakurai has given then no matter what I think of the character itself.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I'll tell you all right now that if Tingle is a playable character, I will personally not buy the game, and I will actually try my hardest to destroy any other copy I see.

Sadly, I'm not kidding.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
A creepy old man in tights poncing about thinking he's a fairy....


Or not! I can see why people dont like the guy but the upmost hatred the guy brings out in people puzzles me. Its not like he is a serious character or anything.

Deleted member

A creepy old man in tights poncing about thinking he's a fairy....


Or not! I can see why people dont like the guy but the upmost hatred the guy brings out in people puzzles me. Its not like he is a serious character or anything.
I think it could be because he was never considered "cool" or THAT well-liked by Zelda fans to have his own game.

It was a true WTF moment when it was announced.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
I think it could be because he was never considered "cool" or THAT well-liked by Zelda fans to have his own game.

It was a true WTF moment when it was announced.
I've heard its apparantly really kooky, weird and in some places funny and generally very far removed from the LOZ series. I was shocked when i heard it announced as well.

You know I might actually check it out.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
OP said:
Actually, Tingle is straight as proven by him dreaming about getting kissed by two women in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. Even if he was gay, why would it matter?
He's a middle-aged man prancing around in a fairy costume and says stuff like "Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah".

Tingle's Freshly-Picked Rosy Rupeeland
Actually, this just says it all.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
He's a middle-aged man prancing around in a fairy costume and says stuff like "Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah".

Actually, this just says it all.
If he was a character in say Family Guy for example, people would be lapping it up. But in Legend of Zelda in seems out of place.

I dont like him but i really dont get all the hate.

Gerudo Warrior

Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
the concept of this character scares me


i think he could be implemented as a character. i like the moveset on the first post i might post my own later


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I haven't forgotten this post, just don't know what to say really. Implementing Tingle would be so displeasing. I know any character will displease people, but Tingle is on his own scale like no other. So while I want him, I don't want to make more people upset than this topic already has. It's against my nature. xP

Gerudo Warrior

Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
this topic is not making anybody upset. Some people hate him some love him. i think tingle is 1337. the moveset that you gave him was wicked. If he was in why kick up a stink. Dont like him dont play him it's as simple as that.
so now moving on to how he could play he could hold 1 ruppie with him for a weapon and for his down special he create 1 to fight with or throw.
for a good animation rupees could fly out of him if hit hard and shatter in the air. they are his life force


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Lombard, IL
yeah the main reason i wanted tingle in is because his upsmash would be exactly the same as pichu's. he's also probably pichu's height. he'd be the new pichu.
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