Also, in regards to FE: If, if the Hosshida or whoever are just a peace loving nation being attacked by the Glory Seeking Nors, I may have a hard time justifying siding with St. Gannon. I really personally cannot be the aggressors. Unless I'm attacking something that just deserves to be wiped off the face of the Earth. And from what tiny bit I've gathered, the Hokido do not warrant being attacked. Unless there's far more grey involved than "Glory Seeking Nots" and "Peace Seeking Horatios". Which I'm guessing there is, otherwise it's going to be very hard to sympathize with St. Gannondorf and company, and if a side isn't sympathetic, a lot of people are going to be turned off.
Sorry folks. I may be an outlier here...
However, I will tell you all, that whichever side I side with, that will be the side I side with. No matter how much grey there may or may not be, I will be unable to break the trend that this side is good, and that side is bad.
Case in point: Skyrim. I have never been able to play the Stormcloaks. It's ALWAYS the Imperials. I cannot break that. No matter how hard I try. I see the Imperial characters, and Imperial side as the good guys. There is no breaking that.
So if I join the Neithers, I will be with the Neithers until the end of time. If I choose the Hitokiri, I will be with the Hitokiri until the end of time.
OK. I'm done editing this post. FOR NOW....