I know I said I wasn't going to continue this discussion, but...

Then the genre rpg shouldn't exist by any means, if you can read a story via a book or watching a movie.
Transform GS in a adventure/puzzle game and the problem is gone.
The thing is: Golden Sun tries to sell itself as a RPG. It tries to have a story. People tried to write a story for it, even if I consider it to be bad, actually, it has more words than Metal Gear. Of course I'm going to care about it, because my care in RPG's lay, principally, in the story. If I wanted a puzzle game, or an adventure game, I wouldn't be looking here.
I prioritize storyline over gameplay aspects, principally in older games. Even more so because Golden Sun's gameplay isn't anything special.
Personally, I don't consider the battle system to be awesome: It's the old turn-based fight with random enemies and Djinns as a little twist. Actually, there's no reason not to spam Djinns the entire game, killing much of it's need for actual strategy.
Most puzzles didn't faze me, but eh, my opinion. I give points for them trying to to get psynergy as a way to resolve puzzles, but most of these stuff weren't practical (The rope puzzles, for example. Couldn't you just buy a rope?).
I do love the battle moments, though. I think it looks pretty, even if I overral don't like 3D feel of the game.
Finally, I'm just trying to express my opinion that this game is too overrated for it's actual contents and why I think that. I don't hate it, per se, even if I think it's bad. I gave time to analize it's contents, even though I got bored within 2 hours of the game, trying to find something that would make me say "It's good, I recommend it for X reason" but I couldn't find anything of the sort. It was particulary disappointing for me, because as a kid I liked the game, but I couldn't understand the story for not being able to read English at the time. When I played it a second time, it was just disheartning.
So, no, saying that I should stop caring, or putting the gameplay as a more important aspect just because Camelot can't write anything better is no excuse for me.
Can't we just kill this topic now? I regret ever bringing it up now.

I honestly apologize for starting to ramble on it rather unnecessary on Moydow's list of games.
P.S. I can't believe I actually attracted people from the Isaac support thread just because of that.

and I have a lingering feeling it was your fault @