Really, can someone tell me and explain the good points of Golden Sun? Because I can't see them

It has too much exposition. The game goes out of it's way to explain to you over and over again your objetive, as if you had amnesia. When exposition is needed, though,
they don't give it to you, like that puzzle about growing plants. There's not even a hint about what you need to do.
It's consistency with the story is bad. I already gave some examples of that, but I can gladly give others. I'm thinking of replaying the game just to list all examples I can find.
Talk about no life.
The character's personality is nonexistant. I'm sorry, but I can't find any unique trait, flaw or whatever. They feel like 1 dimensional characters, with all the shameless exposition that is dumped on their dialogues.
And the game progression, oh god. most of the game just feels like a big side quest. You have no idea why you need to do stuff, like helping Ivan, storywise. And It's not like you can't poke all these leaves with your sword, and c'mon,
leaves? Couldn't you think of a better obstacle, Camelot? Even a *shudders* boulder would be better.
and what about the entire Tret sequnce? Was it really necessary? Couldn't the characters just go to the Mercury tower to, you know, save the world? But no, they go there because they wanted to get some healing water for the Tree guy (which only becomes avalible
after you fail at not letting the lighthouse get lit. Huh, maybe they failed deliberately). All the "main" story stuff feels like just a bonus.
and c'mon, if the 'villains' were trying to save the world the entire time, why the hell didn't they say so at the start? Just to have some lulz time getting their ass handed back to them when fighting by Isaac's gang? It's like the writers didn't plan this entire twist out. It's no wonder no one expected that.