I dunno, I think it may be because these pokemons aren't even my favorite
Absolmasterrace, and the way the pokemon games works make these creatures seem like...they aren't too relevant. You never get characterisation for, say, that Ralts you captured on route 10.
Actually, you can capture another Ralts that's the exact same thing, so they never get any individualisation, either. It's just another Ralts.
You can forcibly take pokemon from it's home, trade, release or put it into the storage to never see the light of the day ever again as you please. It's not like they are going to complain, anyway.
And yet they try to sell the idea that pokemons are friends.

Of course they are, it's not like they have much of a choice in the matter.
What I just said is probably uncalled for, but it always bothered me.