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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Seattle WA
First off, I love what you have as moveset ideas so far, I really think you've struck quite a nice balance between Robin's physical and magical combat.
Now then, I'm not sure how often you visit the Ridley thread, but I am now going to proceed into something with your moveset that I do with just about all of the movesets that get posted for Ridley in his thread.
In-Depth Questions/Suggestions (Another one of my infamous "Walls of Text" as some of the regular posters on the Ridley thread have called them)

Let's get right down to it, shall we?

For the aerials, given that you stated that you would like to have her magic aerials act as projectiles, I would therefore suggest that her Nair be the physical attack and that her Fair, Dair, Uair, and Bair all be her magic attacks. I feel keeping the magic's Aerial Denotation as directional only will help with the idea of having each attack as a projectile (since projectiles need to be fired in a given direction).

For Robin's N-B (Neutral B), would it be a safe assumption that the elemental charge can be saved similar to Samus's charge shot? If so, after beginning the charge, would you be locked into one specific element until you utilize it's power or could plausibly charge multiple elements at once? Going back to Samus's charge shot, would it be a safe assumption that you could immediately activate the charged elemental power with a second press of the B Button? Furthermore, would an increased charge of the elemental augmentation cause for an increase in the overall power of the augmentation that element would bring (for example, would a fully charged wind augmentation be significantly faster than a quarter charged wind augmentation?) as well as an increase in the time said augmentation was active, or would a greater charge time translate strictly into a greater amount of time with which the augmentation could be utilized? Also, with respect to the fire and lightning augmentations, will the knockback of the lightning augmentation be enough to the point where it would be a viable option over the fire augmentation in certain situations (do you mean to imply that the lightning augmentation will have only increased knockback and no change in damage?)? I ask this question because as you know, in Smash Bros. there is a often a cause-effect relationship between the amount of damage a move deals and the amount of knockback it deals to the affected character (this relationship I assume to be a multiplier-type relationship, like the relationship between damage dealt by a move and amount of hitstun given by said move). As such, if the lightning augmentation makes the player slower, then it would thus not be viable compared to the fire augmentation, which has increased damage (and thus, increased knockback) with no mobility drawbacks (or rather, no drawbacks at all, going off of this draft).

With regards to Robin's S-B (Side Special), since this move already requires directional input, would it not be logical that the Tornado would simply be sent in the direction Robin was facing when she executed the move (or in the direction of the initial directional input), or would this move have multi-directional properties similar to Mega Man's Metal Blade (so Robin could send a Tornado behind her without having to turn around)? Furthermore, could this move have any sort of charge capabilities (increasing the distance traveled and/or total damage with or without increasing the Tornado's size) or is that not planned to be implemented? Also, with regards to the damage of the Tornado itself, would it be a multi-hit projectile, or single-hit? Additionally, with regards to the movement properties of the Tornado, exactly how far would it move when launched (or would this depend, going back to some sort of charge capabilities for this move?), would it be able to cross from one end of Final Destination to the other, only cover the full distance of Battlefield, half of Battlefield, etc. (also, would the speed of the projectile vary if it has a charge capability?)? Also, when this move is used in the air, while Robin is either using it at close range or preparing to launch it, would she hover mid air or continue to fall with an unchanged speed? Going back to the projectile properties, if launched mid-air would the Tornado follow a straight horizontal line and eventually dissipate or would it be effected by gravity and travel in a downwards arc, eventually dissipating (how steep of an arc?)?

Now then, with regards to her D-B, would the elemental mine that she places eventually detonate like Snake's C4? Also, I have a somewhat complex idea that could expand off of this: What if the mine she places with her Down-B depends on the element she most recently utilized in her N-B for augmentation (with her initial mine element being dark)? Additionally, what if each of these different elemental mines had different properties as well? (For example, different damages, knockbacks, additional properties (like maybe the dark mine could act as a pitfall-type trap, where the enemy would get stuck like the Pitfall item?).

Finally, I have a potential suggestion for Robin's Up-B, since her specials make use of magic, could she not do a magic teleportation type move (non-canonical without a stave, I am aware)? For example, since her base element could be dark for her mines, maybe her Up-B could be her stepping into a dark portal and then the portal opening violently (so that the move would have a hitbox) some distance away (the teleport having omni-directional control, similar to Zelda's recovery)? Or maybe this move could not have a hitbox and instead be used for continuing combos or zoning? For the non-hitbox alternative, I would thus suggest that her Up-B act like Mega Man's/Sonic's where she doesn't go into a completely helpless state of freefall and can still perform aerial attacks (what are your thoughts on this?). Or, if you want to get really complex, we could have the element of her Up-B change depending on which element she most recently used for augmentation (with dark being the default), each element contributing different properties to the recovery move (although I personally think this last idea is a bit of stretch, from a viability standpoint).

In conclusion, I completely agree with your ideas of Robin as being a Zoning-type character with mobility similar to PM Roy. The above statements are simply some questions and thoughts/suggestions I had for your moveset in the interest of expanding and improving it. Right now, it seems the way you've put it you'd like to develop her magic side first, so I excluded any physical/swordplay questions from this post which I will post at a later date if you'd like (I also think the magic side would take priority over the physical side, since it is something new and unique, with many possibilities).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and respond to my questions and thoughts.
I will contact you when the zombie Apocalypse starts, and you can protect my house with your walls of text.

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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I will contact you when the zombie Apocalypse starts, and you can protect my house with your walls of text.

We still need to surpass them in terms of posts.

Which shouldn't take long.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I disagree with this objective.

You be you. They be they. Some of us, we are many.

Does it matter how many posts a character thread has? You know Robin's thread has more active supporters, isn't that enough satisfaction to fulfill your arbitrary need to know more people are like you? Does more people liking something you do become anything of value when it is a character who, like the other thread supports, is just as likely to not appear at all? How many of these are quality posts? And what if I spent as much time posting in the Chrom thread, a character I genuinely like... does this make me a detractor to your cause?



Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Seattle WA
I disagree with this objective.

You be you. They be they. Some of us, we are many.

Does it matter how many posts a character thread has? You know Robin's thread has more active supporters, isn't that enough satisfaction to fulfill your arbitrary need to know more people are like you? Does more people liking something you do become anything of value when it is a character who, like the other thread supports, is just as likely to not appear at all? How many of these are quality posts? And what if I spent as much time posting in the Chrom thread, a character I genuinely like... does this make me a detractor to your cause?

yes it because my logic is better than your logic


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I disagree with this objective.

You be you. They be they. Some of us, we are many.

Does it matter how many posts a character thread has? You know Robin's thread has more active supporters, isn't that enough satisfaction to fulfill your arbitrary need to know more people are like you? Does more people liking something you do become anything of value when it is a character who, like the other thread supports, is just as likely to not appear at all? How many of these are quality posts? And what if I spent as much time posting in the Chrom thread, a character I genuinely like... does this make me a detractor to your cause?

*Shrugs* I don't really care how much posts or pages this topic can have. The Greninja support thread literally only had one and a half pages before the Direct, and hardly anybody even considered it to be a possible candidate.

I think a lot of the recent activity in this thread could possibly be attributed to the reveal of the Coliseum today.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
First off, I love what you have as moveset ideas so far, I really think you've struck quite a nice balance between Robin's physical and magical combat.
Now then, I'm not sure how often you visit the Ridley thread, but I am now going to proceed into something with your moveset that I do with just about all of the movesets that get posted for Ridley in his thread.
In-Depth Questions/Suggestions (Another one of my infamous "Walls of Text" as some of the regular posters on the Ridley thread have called them)

Let's get right down to it, shall we?

For the aerials, given that you stated that you would like to have her magic aerials act as projectiles, I would therefore suggest that her Nair be the physical attack and that her Fair, Dair, Uair, and Bair all be her magic attacks. I feel keeping the magic's Aerial Denotation as directional only will help with the idea of having each attack as a projectile (since projectiles need to be fired in a given direction).
Hoo boy that's a lot. And yea, I planned to make her Nair physical with the other ones being projectiles.

For Robin's N-B (Neutral B), would it be a safe assumption that the elemental charge can be saved similar to Samus's charge shot? If so, after beginning the charge, would you be locked into one specific element until you utilize it's power or could plausibly charge multiple elements at once? Going back to Samus's charge shot, would it be a safe assumption that you could immediately activate the charged elemental power with a second press of the B Button? Furthermore, would an increased charge of the elemental augmentation cause for an increase in the overall power of the augmentation that element would bring (for example, would a fully charged wind augmentation be significantly faster than a quarter charged wind augmentation?) as well as an increase in the time said augmentation was active, or would a greater charge time translate strictly into a greater amount of time with which the augmentation could be utilized? Also, with respect to the fire and lightning augmentations, will the knockback of the lightning augmentation be enough to the point where it would be a viable option over the fire augmentation in certain situations (do you mean to imply that the lightning augmentation will have only increased knockback and no change in damage?)? I ask this question because as you know, in Smash Bros. there is a often a cause-effect relationship between the amount of damage a move deals and the amount of knockback it deals to the affected character (this relationship I assume to be a multiplier-type relationship, like the relationship between damage dealt by a move and amount of hitstun given by said move). As such, if the lightning augmentation makes the player slower, then it would thus not be viable compared to the fire augmentation, which has increased damage (and thus, increased knockback) with no mobility drawbacks (or rather, no drawbacks at all, going off of this draft).
It can be saved like Samus' charge shot. You would select the element at the end of the charge. You wouldn't gain the elemental ability until it is fully charged. Think of the lightning charge to increase kill power, I'm thinking Robin should have low kill power in default state, so it makes it give Robin more viable kill options, but I'm not against the idea of having Robin keep regular speed during it. While Fire is meant to rack up damage faster. Also, if I'm reading you correctly, hitstun only changes with KB and not damage and increased damage does not affect KB, as far as I can recall anyway.

With regards to Robin's S-B (Side Special), since this move already requires directional input, would it not be logical that the Tornado would simply be sent in the direction Robin was facing when she executed the move (or in the direction of the initial directional input), or would this move have multi-directional properties similar to Mega Man's Metal Blade (so Robin could send a Tornado behind her without having to turn around)? Furthermore, could this move have any sort of charge capabilities (increasing the distance traveled and/or total damage with or without increasing the Tornado's size) or is that not planned to be implemented? Also, with regards to the damage of the Tornado itself, would it be a multi-hit projectile, or single-hit? Additionally, with regards to the movement properties of the Tornado, exactly how far would it move when launched (or would this depend, going back to some sort of charge capabilities for this move?), would it be able to cross from one end of Final Destination to the other, only cover the full distance of Battlefield, half of Battlefield, etc. (also, would the speed of the projectile vary if it has a charge capability?)? Also, when this move is used in the air, while Robin is either using it at close range or preparing to launch it, would she hover mid air or continue to fall with an unchanged speed? Going back to the projectile properties, if launched mid-air would the Tornado follow a straight horizontal line and eventually dissipate or would it be effected by gravity and travel in a downwards arc, eventually dissipating (how steep of an arc?)?
I want the Tornado to also have the option to act as a stationary wall to limit the opponent's options, give your self some breathing room, or give your opponent less room to operate, which is why I made it multi-functional. No multi-directional properties, can only go left or right. I didn't play on it being a charge move, and I don't want there to be too many charged moves either (one is good enough). Single-hit. It will keep on moving till it leaves the screen or the amount of time it can stay out is depleted (unsure on how long I think it should stay out). It would depend on how long you left it standing still, and it depends on the time amount I think is good. Robin would hover. It would go straight.

Now then, with regards to her D-B, would the elemental mine that she places eventually detonate like Snake's C4? Also, I have a somewhat complex idea that could expand off of this: What if the mine she places with her Down-B depends on the element she most recently utilized in her N-B for augmentation (with her initial mine element being dark)? Additionally, what if each of these different elemental mines had different properties as well? (For example, different damages, knockbacks, additional properties (like maybe the dark mine could act as a pitfall-type trap, where the enemy would get stuck like the Pitfall item?).
I believe I already said the mine would disappear after a set amount of time if Robin doesn't detonate it sooner. That's an interesting idea for sure, but I kinda wanted Nspecial to solely boost her physicaly properties.

Finally, I have a potential suggestion for Robin's Up-B, since her specials make use of magic, could she not do a magic teleportation type move (non-canonical without a stave, I am aware)? For example, since her base element could be dark for her mines, maybe her Up-B could be her stepping into a dark portal and then the portal opening violently (so that the move would have a hitbox) some distance away (the teleport having omni-directional control, similar to Zelda's recovery)? Or maybe this move could not have a hitbox and instead be used for continuing combos or zoning? For the non-hitbox alternative, I would thus suggest that her Up-B act like Mega Man's/Sonic's where she doesn't go into a completely helpless state of freefall and can still perform aerial attacks (what are your thoughts on this?). Or, if you want to get really complex, we could have the element of her Up-B change depending on which element she most recently used for augmentation (with dark being the default), each element contributing different properties to the recovery move (although I personally think this last idea is a bit of stretch, from a viability standpoint).
She could, but I want the Uspecial to still have a trap themed idea to it. And I don't want her to have same special elements. I'm really wanting to do something with lightning the most for Uspecial. I kinda liked the idea had earlier, with the help from other people, for it. But I think it could be made better.

In conclusion, I completely agree with your ideas of Robin as being a Zoning-type character with mobility similar to PM Roy. The above statements are simply some questions and thoughts/suggestions I had for your moveset in the interest of expanding and improving it. Right now, it seems the way you've put it you'd like to develop her magic side first, so I excluded any physical/swordplay questions from this post which I will post at a later date if you'd like (I also think the magic side would take priority over the physical side, since it is something new and unique, with many possibilities).
I am mainly focusing on the magic side because it is easier to figure out for single like moves. With the physical attacks, I know what I want them to work like, but it's extremely infuriating to come up with single physical attacks because it is hard to visualize them and make sure they interact together properly with everything else.


Smash Cadet
May 6, 2014
It's pretty nice, how the Avatar/MU(I don't like calling him/her, Robin. TBH), is tied with the chrome thread.
Even, tho Avatar/MU is interesting to be in SSBU.
but, I support Avatar/MU for smash?


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Does it matter how many posts a character thread has? You know Robin's thread has more active supporters, isn't that enough satisfaction to fulfill your arbitrary need to know more people are like you? Does more people liking something you do become anything of value when it is a character who, like the other thread supports, is just as likely to not appear at all? How many of these are quality posts? And what if I spent as much time posting in the Chrom thread, a character I genuinely like... does this make me a detractor to your cause?

Not sure if it should be a goal to beat the Chrom topic, but it is certainly worth noting if it does happen. Topic size means nothing, but, overall, it shows how important a character is to us Smash fans. The big ones seem to be Palutena (100+ pages), K. Rool (300+ pages) and Ridley (700+ pages. Good god.) Not like we can't get a curveball like Greninja with a staggering 1 page topic before his reveal, but it is intersting to note.

And for a topic that skyrocketed 20+ pages recently there is surprising amount of good content (probably the same amount per page as the Chrom or Ridley topics).


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It's pretty nice, how the Avatar/MU(I don't like calling him/her, Robin. TBH), is tied with the chrome thread.
Even, tho Avatar/MU is interesting to be in SSBU.
but, I support Avatar/MU for smash?
I am not entirely certain as to what you are trying to convey. I assume you support her based on your avatar, but I do not understand the question. I do not necessarily feel as though we are "tied" to the Chrom thread, there is a correlation, sure. But I would not necessarily say that there are any invisible ties here.
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
I am not entirely certain as to what you are trying to convey. I assume you support her based on your avatar, but I do not understand the question. I do not necessarily feel as though we are "tied" to the Chrom thread, there is a correlation, sure. But I would not necessarily say that there are any invisible ties here.
I think he meant both topics have the same amount of pages...


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Not sure if it should be a goal to beat the Chrom topic, but it is certainly worth noting if it does happen. Topic size means nothing, but, overall, it shows how important a character is to us Smash fans. The big ones seem to be Palutena (100+ pages), K. Rool (300+ pages) and Ridley (700+ pages. Good god.) Not like we can't get a curveball like Greninja with a staggering 1 page topic before his reveal, but it is intersting to note.

And for a topic that skyrocketed 20+ pages recently there is surprising amount of good content (probably the same amount per page as the Chrom or Ridley topics).
Don't forget about us Bandana Dee fans at 3,000+ replies, 83 Pages, and 66,000+ views!
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Don't forget about us Bandana Dee fans at 3,000+ replies, 83 Pages, and 66,000+ views!
Wow, I didn't realize he had that big of a topic.
Pacman has 83 pages.
Shulk has 71.
Isaac has 73. All pretty high. And K. Rool hasn't reached 300 yet. I was mistaken. (Seems quite a bit less active than Ridley's topic; only at 230 or so pages.)

In any case, these characters all seem worthy of inclusion to me.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Wow, I didn't realize he had that big of a topic.
Pacman has 83 pages.
Shulk has 71.
Isaac has 73. All pretty high. And K. Rool hasn't reached 300 yet. I was mistaken. (Seems quite a bit less active than Ridley's topic; only at 230 or so pages.)

In any case, these characters all seem worthy of inclusion to me.
I suppose people like to discuss that characters that they deem worthy of inclusion. I am glad that Robin is getting that recognition from Smashboards.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Here is the Smashboards List for Most TALKED About Characters, Which Means Replies:
  1. Ridley = 31,397
  2. King K. Rool = 9,244
  3. Palutena = 4,246
  4. Bandana Dee = 3,309
  5. Pac-Man = 3,283
  6. Isaac = 2,911
  7. Shulk = 2,809
  8. Krystal = 2,427
  9. Robin (Tactician) = 2,371
  10. Chrom = 2,368


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Here is the Smashboards List for Most TALKED About Characters, Which Means Replies:
  1. Ridley = 31,397
  2. King K. Rool = 9,244
  3. Palutena = 4,246
  4. Bandana Dee = 3,309
  5. Pac-Man = 3,283
  6. Isaac = 2,911
  7. Shulk = 2,809
  8. Krystal = 2,427
  9. Robin (Tactician) = 2,371
  10. Chrom = 2,368
Robin is in the top ten; that is so very amazing. I had no idea. That is beautiful, let us hope that our clairvoyance actualizes into the form of a Robin reveal.

... Wait a second, Bandanna Dee is the fourth? Odd. I am a supporter of that character, but that is certainly... well odd.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Robin is in the top ten; that is so very amazing. I had no idea. That is beautiful, let us hope that our clairvoyance actualizes into the form of a Robin reveal.

... Wait a second, Bandanna Dee is the fourth? Odd. I am a supporter of that character, but that is certainly... well odd.
We are honestly pretty dedicated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
So, here's a question: how would you react if Robin were to be revealed at E3?


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
So, I go to bed, wake up the next morning and see 6-7 new pages. Dayum. Had to spend all morning reading all those.

Guess I'll have to jump onto the Avatar as an Avatar bandwagon, even if I'm late.

BTW, why is there no "build your own Avatar" webpage where you can put together Robin as you can in the game to share and use that picture?
After my Avatar hunt I also decided I need to find a decent artist and motivate him or her to draw several non-standard Robins. I don't think if I have seen a single Male Robin pic that didn't have the default hair style.

Also, I just spent a ridiculous amount of time frankensteining an image of which I don't know weither or not I'll just replace it as soon as the next best thing comes along...
Well, at least I finally learned how to properly use layers in Gimp :D

So, here's a question: how would you react if Robin were to be revealed at E3?
Probably short cheering followed by silent ecstasy.
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
So, here's a question: how would you react if Robin were to be revealed at E3?

Seriously, I'd probably jump up, say something excitedly, then come here.

So, I go to bed, wake up the next morning and see 6-7 new pages. Dayum. Had to spend all morning reading all those.

Guess I'll have to jump onto the Avatar as an Avatar bandwagon, even if I'm late.

BTW, why is there no "build your own Avatar" webpage where you can put together Robin as you can in the game to share and use that picture?
After my Avatar hunt I also decided I need to find a decent artist and motivate him or her to draw several non-standard Robins. I don't think if I have seen a single Male Robin pic that didn't have the default hair style.

Also, I just spent a ridiculous amount of time frankensteining an image of which I don't know weither or not I'll just replace it as soon as the next best thing comes along...
Well, at least I finally learned how to properly use layers in Gimp :D

Probably short cheering followed by silent ecstasy.
Same here. 6-7 Pages it quite nice.

I'm having a hard time finding a good Robin pic too. I'll find one eventually.. *Hunt continues*


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2013
Might as well post this. A moveset concept I created some time ago to post on Miiverse. I actually did quite a lot of them, but because of the post count I limited it to only specials, and even then I didn't get the description I wanted for most of them. Let me know what you think.

Neutral Special: Using Rally Spectrum, Robin holds a hand up and projects a magic symbol that changes every second to one of five color-coded buffs. Releasing the button gives Robin the buff. Red ups knockback, blue increases launch resistance, orange slightly increases attack speed, green augments movement speed, and yellow boosts dodge speed. Teammates close nearby share buffs.

Side Special: Using Astra, Robin performs quick successive sword strikes in place, the last hit of which has more than normal hitstun, before delivering a single stronger strike and is cancelable.

Up Special: Robin can charge Elwind in the indicated direction that deals damage, pushes foes away, and launches Robin in the opposite direction. There's no helpless state afterward, but a lot of ending lag means that the move can seldom be used again. Can be tricky to use.

Down Special: Using Ignis, Robin creates a small nebula of multicolored fire at its position. This fire doesn't move, comes out very quickly, and hits a few times, making it a hard but rewarding counter. It will remain stationary as a trap even when Robin moves away, but will detonate on its own after a few seconds.

Final Smash: With an agonized expression and a shadowy aura, Robin falls to its knees as Grima attempts to control it. Grima appears in the background and casts dark, deadly magics upon the stage.

Pretty rudimentary, I know; I'm no Make Your Move frequenter. Honestly I don't know the character enough to make an advanced and interesting moveset for his/her normals, anyway.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Might as well post this. A moveset concept I created some time ago to post on Miiverse. I actually did quite a lot of them, but because of the post count I limited it to only specials, and even then I didn't get the description I wanted for most of them. Let me know what you think.

Neutral Special: Using Rally Spectrum, Robin holds a hand up and projects a magic symbol that changes every second to one of five color-coded buffs. Releasing the button gives Robin the buff. Red ups knockback, blue increases launch resistance, orange slightly increases attack speed, green augments movement speed, and yellow boosts dodge speed. Teammates close nearby share buffs.

Side Special: Using Astra, Robin performs quick successive sword strikes in place, the last hit of which has more than normal hitstun, before delivering a single stronger strike and is cancelable.

Up Special: Robin can charge Elwind in the indicated direction that deals damage, pushes foes away, and launches Robin in the opposite direction. There's no helpless state afterward, but a lot of ending lag means that the move can seldom be used again. Can be tricky to use.

Down Special: Using Ignis, Robin creates a small nebula of multicolored fire at its position. This fire doesn't move, comes out very quickly, and hits a few times, making it a hard but rewarding counter. It will remain stationary as a trap even when Robin moves away, but will detonate on its own after a few seconds.

Final Smash: With an agonized expression and a shadowy aura, Robin falls to its knees as Grima attempts to control it. Grima appears in the background and casts dark, deadly magics upon the stage.

Pretty rudimentary, I know; I'm no Make Your Move frequenter. Honestly I don't know the character enough to make an advanced and interesting moveset for his/her normals, anyway.
Well a moveset based on skills seems interesting, but the buffs on rally spectrum are a bit messy, like dodges are already pretty fast. Also not sure if astra would exactly fit Robin's character but i guess it's iconic so no big deal.
Now granted that final smash is awesome.


Smash Rookie
Apr 3, 2012
Up Special: Robin can charge Elwind in the indicated direction that deals damage, pushes foes away, and launches Robin in the opposite direction. There's no helpless state afterward, but a lot of ending lag means that the move can seldom be used again. Can be tricky to use.
I quite like this is a recovery move. I'm a big fan of the more unique types of recoveries like Pikachu's Greninja's and Ness/Lucas' Up Special.

Based upon your description I'm imagining that it would have a similar start-up to zelda's Faore's wind? But recovery wise, you'd have to shoot it in the opposite direction to propel you back up to the stage right? In theory, would Robin get any Hitboxes Him/Herself? Because if the offensive part of your recovery is shooting off in another direction, I can see this being quite easily gimpable. But if that's the way it works, I could also see it being used sorta like Link's Gale Guarding AT in Brawl. Also, how would this move behave it Robin was grounded? Does it still push him back, skidding across the stage in the opposite direction of the Elwind magic? I'd hope that something like this would be less dramatic on ground than in air.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I finally found a decent Robin avatar. Now I'm ready for E3!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2013
I quite like this is a recovery move. I'm a big fan of the more unique types of recoveries like Pikachu's Greninja's and Ness/Lucas' Up Special.

Based upon your description I'm imagining that it would have a similar start-up to zelda's Faore's wind? But recovery wise, you'd have to shoot it in the opposite direction to propel you back up to the stage right? In theory, would Robin get any Hitboxes Him/Herself? Because if the offensive part of your recovery is shooting off in another direction, I can see this being quite easily gimpable. But if that's the way it works, I could also see it being used sorta like Link's Gale Guarding AT in Brawl. Also, how would this move behave it Robin was grounded? Does it still push him back, skidding across the stage in the opposite direction of the Elwind magic? I'd hope that something like this would be less dramatic on ground than in air.
Shorter startup than Farore's, just enough to give the player a second to aim while the Elwind is being charged. I envisioned a bit of armor on Robin as he/she's being propelled, both on the ground and in the air. That way, while Robin still takes damage, the recovery isn't gimped by a single move. And yes, I thought it would do the same on the ground, but less so because of friction. Could make for a unique approach game.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Other than the obvious Id ~ Purpose, what other FE tracks would you like to see go along with Robin?

Here's one I had in mind...



Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
So, here's a question: how would you react if Robin were to be revealed at E3?
I would probably shout "YES!", at least once. And then when the Direct trailer is over, I'll immediately come over to the support thread to cheer with everyone else here.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Here's one thing about Awakening that we can all agree about:

The Music is Beautiful.

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Pega-pony Princess

Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
What happened to adding a page about every hour guys? :troll:

Btw, at the moment I'm trying to come up with a reveal trailer for Robin. Yaay.
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