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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread

Pega-pony Princess

Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
Would it be possible to have Robin and Chrom both be playable? What would happen? Just curious.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Seattle WA
When did you say what? I am lacking context.
The thing about Chrom being an assist trophy, I tried to quote it, but it wasn't a quote so I couldn't quote it


Edit: oops wait it's at sixty pages now...
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Would it be possible to have Robin and Chrom both be playable? What would happen? Just curious.
It is certainly a possibility; however, the likelihood of that is nearly non-existent unless the characters were attached to each-other or something to that extent. I am not sure what would happen though, are you speaking in relation to the reception? I feel as though Robin might actually get the short end of the stick in that regard as most do not find Fire Emblem "deserving" or a fourth representative.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
One more page, and then we'll be on equal footing...


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
It is certainly a possibility; however, the likelihood of that is nearly non-existent unless the characters were attached to each-other or something to that extent. I am not sure what would happen though, are you speaking in relation to the reception? I feel as though Robin might actually get the short end of the stick in that regard as most do not find Fire Emblem "deserving" or a fourth representative.
Here's the thing about 80% of the Smash players: They don't actually know most of the source material.

Once they see who's in they grow to like them. 'Tis why Roy is still brought up to this day.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Here's the thing about 80% of the Smash players: They don't actually know most of the source material.

Once they see who's in they grow to like them. 'Tis why Roy is still brought up to this day.
I suppose that would apply to Chrom in the event that he is the sole newcomer as well. I just speculate that the mentality that "Robin stole a slot" will become prevalent.

interesting idea Hong but this is the Shrek thread
No it is not.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Here's the thing about 80% of the Smash players: They don't actually know most of the source material.

Once they see who's in they grow to like them. 'Tis why Roy is still brought up to this day.
Which is ironic, Roy's (arguably) the worst Lord in any Fire Emblem game, mainly due to his late promotion. That said, he's popular because he was included in Melee, and honestly, if we get a fourth FE rep I think they'd bring back Roy back instead of add Chrom.

I don't think Sakurai will add two reps from Awakening, honestly.

Deleted member

Would it be possible to have Robin and Chrom both be playable? What would happen? Just curious.
To be honest I'd probably go nuts. Maybe even as much as this guy when he saw Mega Man was in:
The guy I'm referring to is at 3:31 in the video.

Now then, if Chrom, Robin, Ridley, and Mewtwo all got confirmed, I'd probably flip my house over in a joy-fueled rampage. :awesome:
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
We are out in front of a castle with under attack by an army of various Zelda enemies. The LBTW "Lorule Castle"
theme is playing, but more dramatic version
Then we see defending the castle from the various Zelda enemies we see: Link, Marth, Pit, and Meta Knight (assuming he is revealed already). They are all slashing there way through the enemies
Then we see a rocky outcropping in the middle of the bobogoblins etc. we see Ganondorf commanding the army then we see

"Ganondorf powers his way in" (Idk)
then Ganon's theme part of the song plays

and he jumps into the fray and beats away Pit and MetaKnight leaving Marth and Link to fight him and the are losing. Music changes to "Divine Decree Ablaze" from Fire Emblem Awakening stars playing
Then we see inside the castle the silhouette of a hooded robed figure starting to make gestures and commands to Link and Marth
Then Link notices and then blocks attacks to Marth from Gannon, then the silhouette makes another command, and then Link counter attacks with Marth attacking after him, but Ganondorf overpowers Link leaving to the side and Ganondorf is about to finish off Marth but is interrupted by a bolt of lighting coming from the inside of the castle, and then we zoom in on the hooded figure holding a magic book.
He takes his hood off revealing

"Robin Tips The Scales"
(Robin from Awakening)
Music changes to Id Purpose

then he puts the book away and draws a sword and swings it around a bit, then the camera cuts to clips of him fighting.
like in one Gannondorf attacks Robin with warlock punch but Robin side steps and retaliates with and attack from his sword
In another one we Charizard breathing fire at Robin then he is hit by Robin's fire magic
Or in another he smash attacks Mario with his sword off the stage but he recovers, so Robin uses Rally Spectrum then does another smash attack with his sword this time KOing him
after that we see Pikachu try to use thunder but Robin uses Thoron hitting Pikachu with it
I do like this, but I have a few ideas on how to make it better:
- We could also use this is as a chance to reveal Meta Knight as well. No reason we can't introduce two Veterans in the trailer.
- Ganondorf's tag line is worded a little awkwardly, make it "Ganondorf powers through!" (Not every tag line had to be something "in," that's really getting stale at this point.) Plus it keeps the Triforce of Power reference (which is great by the way).
- Maybe replace Pit with Ike (this may have come from before his reveal, I realize).
- I like what you did with his magic match-ups, maybe have Robin go against Toon Link for Wind (loose connection) and go up against a swordsman too (Sword Dorf?).
A lot if the wording could be better, but that's minor.
I like it a lot, but I doubt they're going for such involved cutscenes. But it is E3, if there were ever a time to go all out that's it.

As for an Avatar avatar, I've had mine as pretty boy Marth for a while. It is about time for a change, though.

Also, 3 more pages since I last posted. Nice.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
That moment when you feel ignored.

Ah well.

Back to trying to think of a Uspecial for my Robin idea. Anyone else have any ideas to fit the style I'm trying to go for? That doesn't involve Robin using wind.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Seattle WA
I do like this, but I have a few ideas on how to make it better:
- We could also use this is as a chance to reveal Meta Knight as well. No reason we can't introduce two Veterans in the trailer.
- Ganondorf's tag line is worded a little awkwardly, make it "Ganondorf powers through!" (Not every tag line had to be something "in," that's really getting stale at this point.) Plus it keeps the Triforce of Power reference (which is great by the way).
- Maybe replace Pit with Ike (this may have come from before his reveal, I realize).
- I like what you did with his magic match-ups, maybe have Robin go against Toon Link for Wind (loose connection) and go up against a swordsman too (Sword Dorf?).
A lot if the wording could be better, but that's minor.
I like it a lot, but I doubt they're going for such involved cutscenes. But it is E3, if there were ever a time to go all out that's it.

As for an Avatar avatar, I've had mine as pretty boy Marth for a while. It is about time for a change, though.

Also, 3 more pages since I last posted. Nice.
good input, but remember I'm not that good at writing and stuff and I made some fixes in the one I shared here if you'd care to notice, but again good input!

Deleted member

That moment when you feel ignored.

Ah well.

Back to trying to think of a Uspecial for my Robin idea. Anyone else have any ideas to fit the style I'm trying to go for? That doesn't involve Robin using wind.
What is the Robin playstyle you're going for? Sorry in advance if you recently posted about this and I (obviously) missed it. I'd be happy to help.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
That moment when you feel ignored.

Ah well.

Back to trying to think of a Uspecial for my Robin idea. Anyone else have any ideas to fit the style I'm trying to go for? That doesn't involve Robin using wind.
She could become a Fire-Bender and use a flame tome to propel herself upward/diagonally or something. Or she could just use Wind.

To be honest I'd probably go nuts. Maybe even as much as this guy when he saw Mega Man was in:
The guy I'm referring to is at 3:31 in the video.

Now then, if Chrom, Robin, Ridley, and Mewtwo all got confirmed, I'd probably flip my house over in a joy-fueled rampage. :awesome:
I would hate to go off-topic; however, watching those reactions, I just realized that the cliff could be the same gorge area that Greninja was revealed in... and the moon from his Final Smash could have been from that same location as well. Sorry about that, the revelation was too over-powering.

I'm not giving up hope of a trailer with a surprise reveal of both Chrom and Robin on Coliseum.

Unfortunately, that's just what it is: hope.
As Chrom supporters say: "Anything Can Change."
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
@ mimgrim mimgrim Perhaps Robin creates a fiery explosion that propels her into the air, and she leaves behind a patch of flame. The move could have a lot of sideways momentum after performing the move, so it could function as an escape tool.

Best I've got.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Hrmmmmm. Dat's an interesting idea.
Less-trapping themed idea:
Turns into electricity and zaps upwards, before she comes crashing down like lightning, Where she emerges is influenced horizontally by the player of course.

Can recover from any depth
Good OOS option

Horrible for horizontal recovery
Not really a weakness, but certainly something that would take a lot of learning
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
good input, but remember I'm not that good at writing and stuff and I made some fixes in the one I shared here if you'd care to notice, but again good input!
Oh, you did? Whoops. I I didn't realize you made some changes.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Less-trapping themed idea:
Turns into electricity and zaps upwards, before she comes crashing down like lightning, Where she emerges is influenced horizontally by the player of course.

Can recover from any depth
Good OOS option

Horrible for horizontal recovery
Not really a weakness, but certainly something that would take a lot of learning

Robin surrounded in electrcity and has a Pikachu like recovery but shorter and stronger and leaves a trail of electricity for a certain amount of time based on how Robin recovered.

I kinda like that.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML

Robin surrounded in electrcity and has a Pikachu like recovery but shorter and stronger and leaves a trail of electricity for a certain amount of time based on how Robin recovered.

I kinda like that.
I do not dislike the idea, per se, but why have something similar when you can have something unique? I really liked the idea of a "trail" of magic left behind from her recovery. That aspect was really intriguing to say the least.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I do not dislike the idea, per se, but why have something similar when you can have something unique? I really liked the idea of a "trail" of magic left behind from her recovery. That aspect was really intriguing to say the least.
Because I am not sure how to make it totally unique.

And I'm not afraid of giving out similar looking moves, especially if said moves function differently.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
I have an idea for an Up Special that combined the magical trail and my own idea.

Robin performs a spiraling, drill rush attack with her sword (this can be angled) imbued with wind energy. If Robin hits an enemy, she gets to "move again," meaning Robin isn't put into a "helpless" state (this can only be done once before landing). Furthermore, the move leaves a magical trail of wind which if an opponent comes into contact with it they will be trapped with a multihit hitbox. This allows Robin, who can now move again, able to follow up with an aerial and then use her recovery again.

Minato Arisato

Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2014
I have an idea for an Up Special that combined the magical trail and my own idea.

Robin performs a spiraling, drill rush attack with her sword (this can be angled) imbued with wind energy. If Robin hits an enemy, she gets to "move again," meaning Robin isn't put into a "helpless" state (this can only be done once before landing). Furthermore, the move leaves a magical trail of wind which if an opponent comes into contact with it they will be trapped with a multihit hitbox. This allows Robin, who can now move again, able to follow up with an aerial and then use her recovery again.
That sounds pretty nifty.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Sonora, México
I have an idea for an Up Special that combined the magical trail and my own idea.

Robin performs a spiraling, drill rush attack with her sword (this can be angled) imbued with wind energy. If Robin hits an enemy, she gets to "move again," meaning Robin isn't put into a "helpless" state (this can only be done once before landing). Furthermore, the move leaves a magical trail of wind which if an opponent comes into contact with it they will be trapped with a multihit hitbox. This allows Robin, who can now move again, able to follow up with an aerial and then use her recovery again.
Galeforce is a female exclusive skill. Now I have to think of a male one.

Errmmm....Counter. Darn it.

Deleted member

Male Robin makes it so that Nowi, Kjelle, and Noire can all get Galeforce instead of just 2.

With female Robin such an option doesn't really exist, IIRC, since, aside from Chrom, the child is based on the mother, and Lucina doesn't need Robin to get Galeforce, so it makes more sense to make a super Morgan instead or to pair her up with Chrom to get the best possible Lucina. But I feel like Lucina gets enough help from Sumia to where I would rather have a super Morgan instead.

This is all assuming I'm doing a play through to get the best possible children characters and not just playing for the heck of it, in the latter case I always go male and pair myself up with Olivia.


I think Robin shouldn't heavily lean towards magic or swordplay but rather instead both be represented almost equally.

My idea is something like this; grounded attacks (tilts, smashes, and jab) should be swordplay which is about 7 or so moves while Specials and and 4 aerials should be magic, for 8 magic moves. The 5th aerial move could be a sword attack for a totally of 8 and 8. Grab and pummel can be physical while the throws are more magical. Now with the swordplay Robin could have a Brave Sword equipped and could have a gimmick of being able to cancel a sword attack into another attack, but this can only be done once at a time (basically if Robin were to cancel attack A into attack B then attack B cannot be canceled), or a jump but aerials and throws cannot be canceled. I'm still working out how I want the magic attacks to work.

To add onto this now.

I like the idea Hong had of Magic working out as a trap like style of play.

So keeping my Nspecial idea I had on page 49, for those who don't know what it was;

If you press and hold Nspecial Robin will start charging up, if you push up on the control stick wind will be charged, left is fire, right is dark (yesI know Robin can't actually use dark, but frankly I don't care), and down is thunder. This charged up power could last for a X amount of time and depending on the element that got charged Robin will have a different effect on the sword. Fire means more damage, thunder is more KB but slower, wind is fast but less KB, and dark could make the sword shoot out dark waves from the attacks or something and overall give more range.

Sspecial could summon a Tornado that is about the height of Ganondorf, maybe a bit taller, and it could stay in place for a certain amount of time. And if Sspecial is presed again it will make the Tornado move either left or right, depends on the direction the stick is pushed.

Dspecial could create a vortex of darkness that stays in place until Robin decides to make it explode, similar to Snake's Dspecial except that Robin can put it anywhere (even in the air). Think of it like a mix between Zelda's Sspecial in Project M and Snake Dspecial,

Uspecial..... I'm still working on that one.

I'm thinking Robin's aerial magic attack should act like projectiles.

I'm thinking of Robin as a zoning character with Project M Roy mobility and combo game but with a more average weight and fall speed.

Thoughts so far?
First off, I love what you have as moveset ideas so far, I really think you've struck quite a nice balance between Robin's physical and magical combat.
Now then, I'm not sure how often you visit the Ridley thread, but I am now going to proceed into something with your moveset that I do with just about all of the movesets that get posted for Ridley in his thread.
In-Depth Questions/Suggestions (Another one of my infamous "Walls of Text" as some of the regular posters on the Ridley thread have called them)

Let's get right down to it, shall we?

For the aerials, given that you stated that you would like to have her magic aerials act as projectiles, I would therefore suggest that her Nair be the physical attack and that her Fair, Dair, Uair, and Bair all be her magic attacks. I feel keeping the magic's Aerial Denotation as directional only will help with the idea of having each attack as a projectile (since projectiles need to be fired in a given direction).

For Robin's N-B (Neutral B), would it be a safe assumption that the elemental charge can be saved similar to Samus's charge shot? If so, after beginning the charge, would you be locked into one specific element until you utilize it's power or could plausibly charge multiple elements at once? Going back to Samus's charge shot, would it be a safe assumption that you could immediately activate the charged elemental power with a second press of the B Button? Furthermore, would an increased charge of the elemental augmentation cause for an increase in the overall power of the augmentation that element would bring (for example, would a fully charged wind augmentation be significantly faster than a quarter charged wind augmentation?) as well as an increase in the time said augmentation was active, or would a greater charge time translate strictly into a greater amount of time with which the augmentation could be utilized? Also, with respect to the fire and lightning augmentations, will the knockback of the lightning augmentation be enough to the point where it would be a viable option over the fire augmentation in certain situations (do you mean to imply that the lightning augmentation will have only increased knockback and no change in damage?)? I ask this question because as you know, in Smash Bros. there is a often a cause-effect relationship between the amount of damage a move deals and the amount of knockback it deals to the affected character (this relationship I assume to be a multiplier-type relationship, like the relationship between damage dealt by a move and amount of hitstun given by said move). As such, if the lightning augmentation makes the player slower, then it would thus not be viable compared to the fire augmentation, which has increased damage (and thus, increased knockback) with no mobility drawbacks (or rather, no drawbacks at all, going off of this draft).

With regards to Robin's S-B (Side Special), since this move already requires directional input, would it not be logical that the Tornado would simply be sent in the direction Robin was facing when she executed the move (or in the direction of the initial directional input), or would this move have multi-directional properties similar to Mega Man's Metal Blade (so Robin could send a Tornado behind her without having to turn around)? Furthermore, could this move have any sort of charge capabilities (increasing the distance traveled and/or total damage with or without increasing the Tornado's size) or is that not planned to be implemented? Also, with regards to the damage of the Tornado itself, would it be a multi-hit projectile, or single-hit? Additionally, with regards to the movement properties of the Tornado, exactly how far would it move when launched (or would this depend, going back to some sort of charge capabilities for this move?), would it be able to cross from one end of Final Destination to the other, only cover the full distance of Battlefield, half of Battlefield, etc. (also, would the speed of the projectile vary if it has a charge capability?)? Also, when this move is used in the air, while Robin is either using it at close range or preparing to launch it, would she hover mid air or continue to fall with an unchanged speed? Going back to the projectile properties, if launched mid-air would the Tornado follow a straight horizontal line and eventually dissipate or would it be effected by gravity and travel in a downwards arc, eventually dissipating (how steep of an arc?)?

Now then, with regards to her D-B, would the elemental mine that she places eventually detonate like Snake's C4? Also, I have a somewhat complex idea that could expand off of this: What if the mine she places with her Down-B depends on the element she most recently utilized in her N-B for augmentation (with her initial mine element being dark)? Additionally, what if each of these different elemental mines had different properties as well? (For example, different damages, knockbacks, additional properties (like maybe the dark mine could act as a pitfall-type trap, where the enemy would get stuck like the Pitfall item?).

Finally, I have a potential suggestion for Robin's Up-B, since her specials make use of magic, could she not do a magic teleportation type move (non-canonical without a stave, I am aware)? For example, since her base element could be dark for her mines, maybe her Up-B could be her stepping into a dark portal and then the portal opening violently (so that the move would have a hitbox) some distance away (the teleport having omni-directional control, similar to Zelda's recovery)? Or maybe this move could not have a hitbox and instead be used for continuing combos or zoning? For the non-hitbox alternative, I would thus suggest that her Up-B act like Mega Man's/Sonic's where she doesn't go into a completely helpless state of freefall and can still perform aerial attacks (what are your thoughts on this?). Or, if you want to get really complex, we could have the element of her Up-B change depending on which element she most recently used for augmentation (with dark being the default), each element contributing different properties to the recovery move (although I personally think this last idea is a bit of stretch, from a viability standpoint).

In conclusion, I completely agree with your ideas of Robin as being a Zoning-type character with mobility similar to PM Roy. The above statements are simply some questions and thoughts/suggestions I had for your moveset in the interest of expanding and improving it. Right now, it seems the way you've put it you'd like to develop her magic side first, so I excluded any physical/swordplay questions from this post which I will post at a later date if you'd like (I also think the magic side would take priority over the physical side, since it is something new and unique, with many possibilities).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and respond to my questions and thoughts.
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Minato Arisato

Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2014

You will not believe just HOW close we are to surpassing the Chrom thread. Think we can do it in the next hour?
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