Lucina and Robin I originally disliked, if only because they butted in on what I believed would be a Mewtwo reveal at the time. Lucina herself got me into FE:A(besides finding it at an extreme steal of a price).
Now that Mewtwo is actually in, it ironically came full circle, and three characters that I adore will be my mains unless some other DLC that I want happens.
The way I was introduced to Fire emblem was funny, really.
It all started in Meele, the first smash I played. When I first saw Marth and Roy, I thought they were from some obscure hack 'n' slash that had never left Japan (don't ask me why I thought it was a hack 'n' slash, I just had that impression) and didn't search futher, after all, I already had my precious Ness :v (Shush! I don't care what you say! He was top tier for meh!
and he still is!)
After some time, I stopped playing Meele, and never went around getting Brawl or caring too much about it.
Smash just picked my interest again after Smash 4 was released, because I looked around and saw
lots of new and interesting looking characters. (and because a friend of mine went and bought a Wii U to play the game, and invited me to play)
At that time I decided to finally create a account here to ask what characters I should test out, then a guy with Owain's avatar suggested Robin :v
Funny thing was when we actually entered the roster and I saw all these blue-haired sword people I started to dub them:
"The Original"
"The Manlier and Buffer Marth"
"The She-Marth"
I hate to say this, too, but if Chrom was there I'd probably dub him "The Mid-Term Marth"
Then I picked Robin and just fell in love with him <3 Not only his gameplay, but the fact he was like a Magic Knight of sorts and had a Tactician feel to him had me bought. Just after
that I actually noticed all the other "Marths" were from the same game as him, and went off to search more about it.
You had to see my face when I read it was a Strategy game, not a Hack'n'Slash.