I'm surprised I didn't mention this sooner but I'm going to an anime convention this weekend and I'll be cosplaying as Robin and Minato Arisato. There's going to be a Smash 4 tournament there so I'm gonna to try to represent the tactician well, though at the very least I'll play some friendlies if I miss out. If I find other FE characters, I'll try to take some pictures for you guys and I'll share some of them with you all who's interested. I also went and edited my Streetpass team to try to match Smash Robin as much as I could. Gave him and this F!Robin: Arcfire, Elwind, Thoron, Bronze and Levin Swords. My team consists of M!Robin, F!Robin (from my logbook), Lucina, Chrom, Tiki, Anna, Morgan, Cordelia, Severa, and Owain.
The only thing I'm slightly upset with is I don't have a Levin Sword for my Robin cosplay
The closest thing I have is this black wooden katana which I could just say that it's something Owain forged up. I did end up making a "tome" from scratch which I feel proud about. It's not very detailed, but it's something. But yeah, I'll be gone for the weekend tipping the scales out irl. If I'm not here tomorrow, then I'll catch you all Sunday.