My Pre-FE SRPG experience was Shining Force (1, 2 and CD) and Final Fantasy Tactics. Of the FE games I have only ever played the Tellius games and Awakening.
And from those 3 FE games, Awakening is by far my favorite. I don't know exactly what it is about it, but just so many things work about it, often times despite itself. I mean, the battle animations are not as awesometasticly over the top as they used to be, I completely agree that the map design is bland and the story very ludicrous in many aspects, and yet I still enjoyed it much more than PoR and RD. Maybe it's because I HATE restarting a battle when somebody died to RNG. Maybe it's because Awakening didn't have all those bull**** cryptic recruitment methods for some characters.
And even though it kinda breaks the game, I really enjoy the team-up mechanic. I really enjoy the fact that if I want to, I can just grind my characters (but it isn't necessary for beating the game) - and I usually hate grinding! I also like that I can actually remember every character, even though a lot of them are very one-note.
I think when it comes down to it, I prefer Awakening because it's just so incredibly energetic and fun. The game has way more comedy than Tellius had, and even though most of it is a cheese-fest, I love every second of it. Speaking of love, I love, Love, LOVE everything about Robin.
And I can completely understand if anybody would like other entries in the series more.
Basicly, Awakening is Fire Emblem: Stupid fun edition.
Is it stupid and fun or just so fun that it's stupid - you make the call.