What? Is this true? This kind of articles really makes me concerned about the intelligence of certain people.EDIT: So, I might come across as a bit of a hypocrite having just brought up the amusing idea of lording my copy of a rare game over others, but **** this guy. Apparently he's buying rare Amiibos in bulk solely to spite fans of specific characters (Robin is among them). Granted, according to the article I linked, there isn't substantial proof beyond pictures of large piles of Amiibos and the guy's middle finger, but if the man is legit, I'm a little baffled (and will still be buying an Amiibo of Robin, Rosalina, and Palutena).
What he's doing is not even good for himself, if he really hates certain characters that much wouldn't he be much happier avoiding them altogether? What he's doing is just a temporary damage, that will actually be helpfull for Nintendo, cause they managed to sell 100 Amiibos they might have not sold otherwise, they would just need to produce more in the future to also get the sales they would have gotten from more fans in the first place(and the fans will also be able to get them eventually), it's really not smart at all, he's throwing money at nintendo, if they sell well they'll make more, their sales charts do not include a differentiation by fans and not fans.
What is he even doing with is life if he's willing to throw so much money into hate?