So I'm not sure what to call it, but I'm starting to create a unique sequence of events with Robin given the proper situation regarding my tome durability. (This is if two or more tomes/LS is about to break) I'll use up one tome, grab it, use up another tome, throw the first tome, catch the second tome before it disappears and throw it as well or hang on to it. (The Levin Sword is also applicable of course)
I've only just started to focus on this today but I doubt I'll be deliberately trying to do this in a legitimate battle for I'll be worrying about more proper follow ups. Granted I know there are plenty of downsides to this for that means I could have now run out of two different specials, which is why I will try to start this by using up Nosferatu. I will need to test this out a bit more to see how applicable it could be, but considering how situational it is I doubt I'll be able to properly utilize it. It does seem to be a great way to catch an opponent off guard and either have more stage control or just create some new mind games.
TL;DR= Two books to throw are better than one. Need to practice this more to figure out how useful this could be.
(I have actually tried to use this with a third item by throwing items up, but I was not skillful enough to figure out a way to make them all chain together/use them the way I wanted to)