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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Congrats! How was Master Core?
Fracking brutal. I had to play it safe with my tomes and keep waiting for my LS to recharge since its your best source of damage.

Ironically, this only took me 3 tries as opposed to Lucina's 7.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
As others have mentioned, Chrom has five options and he is the only one who must marry someone in the game (Lucina is plot-important, after all). The character with the highest support will marry Chrom and it goes from the order of Sumia, Maribelle, Sully, Olivia, and female Robin.
Olivia is basically the game's last stand for Chrom to get married. If Chrom doesn't marry any one of them, all of the women die, or he fails to achieve a support level with all of them, he will marry a generic villager girl just to get the game going.
Marriage is important as is heritage. The father and the mother can pass down skills to their children, even male children can inherit skills that only females can get. If you are doing a casual playthrough, this might be irrelevant. In a Lunatic playthrough though, this is critical as you have to wisely choose which characters marry who. Every character before Chapter 14 can marry each other (except for Anna, she can only marry Robin).

Hahaha! I remember that I killed Gaius on my first playthrough, but I reset the game so that I could recruit him.
He's actually really important for Lunatic playthroughs since his children can become Pegasus Knights and gain Galeforce by becoming a Dark Flier.

Personally, I haven't experienced a Lunatic playthrough... it looks more cheap than it should be.
Actually, Sumia is limited too. She can only marry Chrom, male Robin, Henry, Gaius, and Henry. I almost missed Cynthia because of not realizing this (fortunately, Gaius was still open).
Is there anything from Awakening that you would like to change?
I kind of want the useless Soldier class to be playable in the next game, and to have male dancers.
Do you mean in Awakening itself or for the next game?

For Awakening itself, I'd give Sumia more support options and maybe tweak some of the parent/child and sibling supports so they aren't all cut and paste. More to do outside of DLC after you've beaten all the Paralogues and story would be nice, too. I'd also love kids for the male characters to get more sibling groups (and give female Robin more options to marry if you want two kids), and Say'ri not supporting outside of Robin and having a kid still confuses me. More conversations/moments based around supports would be neat too, even having conversations that occur if you have a non-romantic high support with someone. It kind of bums me out that the Scramble packs don't give you a spouse conversation for Robin if they are married to certain characters, or that Morgan doesn't get a conversation with his/her other parent in Future Past. Actually, if you marry Robin to a 2nd gen, grandparent supports would be a blast.

For the series itself, this is my first FE, so I have little to compare it to. Maybe more variety in missions? Most of the Awakening ones were protect the allies, defeat the Commander, or beat all the enemies. How about surviving a certain amount of turns, or finding a specific object on the field, or even winning in a certain amount of turns?
The video game cruelty potential is strong with this one.
And this is why I'm too much of a wuss to play Classic mode. I'll be fine for the other installments in the past, but I really hope Casual mode remains an option. Then again, I've done Pokémon Nuzlocke runs before, so it's not a new concept to me.
Replay value.
If I like a game enough, I'll want to replay it. Having a grand ol' cast of kinda well developed characters like Awakening has is amazing for this.
Also, why would you ever want to sacrifice units at all? If you want it for the tactical purposes of luring enemies away without loosing something in the process, I guess that's exactly the dilemma Fire Emblem wants you to think about with it's perma death policy.

I'm so glad for casual mode though. Permadeath in FE has always been more frustrating than challenging for me.
I can relate. A lot of units I barely touched on Run 1 have been getting more attention on my other two files. Donnel on Run 2 and Tharja on Run 3, for instance.
quote="Sonic Storm, post: 17928789, member: 153095"]-Fire Emblem Theme
-Fire Emblem
-Shadow Dragon Medley
-Coliseum Series Medley
-Fight 1 (Fire Emblem Gaiden)
-With Mila's Divine Protection
-Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem Medley
-Meeting Theme Series Medley
-Preparing to Advance
-Crimean Army Sortie
-Against the Dark Knight
-Victory is Near
-Time of Action
-The Devoted
-Duty (Ablaze)
-Id (Purpose)

As well as the Conquest Ablaze remix we knew beforehand.

Fire Emblem struck gold with the music.[/quote]

It looks awesome, but no Don't Speak Her Name?:sadeyes: Still a great list overall, though. Glad to see some of my favorites back from Brawl, too.
View attachment 29206

(Coliseum Medley means we can possibly get FE4's Battle Theme due luck because it's the Coliseum Theme in FE6..on the other hand, still no love for Jugdral-songs. Instead Mystery of Emblem gets remixes, what)
A minor thing, but female Robin appearing as a music player silhouette, yay! Unless she pops up in the 3DS one too and I just missed it.
I'm telling you guys...Awakening 2 set in the Future Past timeline. So much potential for cool ideas like
Morgan as the antagonist.

You can also dodge the issue of "canon pairings" a bit.
I'm on board for this. TFP has a lot of potential, and they can just ignore the non-guaranteed parent and give them their official art hair color. The one issue though would be dealing with Lucina's sibling... I guess we could assume Chrom married the Maiden.

They could also do something like in Pokémon Black 2/White 2 where you can transfer Awakening save data to the game so it uses your pairings.
Fire Emblem should star a Dark Mage-based lead. :088:
YES, YES PLEASE. I am totally on board for this too. I love Dark Mages and Sorcerers.

So this channel is posting the OST from the game's Sound Test. Here we can hear a snipped from Coliseum Medley.

So um, already hearing this being based on FE4's Coliseum (with FE1's Battle Theme) makes me quite mad because apparently we get two Jugdral-related things and it's only due luck for being related to the Coliseums in the entire series (if presuming FE6's Coliseum is next after FE4, using that game's battle theme and also FE7 using FE5's), and even then Fight 1-theme from Gaiden will definitely appear in this Medley despite having it's own remix already if going by the orders of Coliseum-themes.
THAT ONETT THEME.:eek: It's perfect. And glad to see Mother 3 music at least, but no Unfounded Revenge? I'd take that over Porky's theme...

Why did they play the same Pokémon battle theme from the 3DS instead of one of the newer Wii U songs? What a waste. At least Route 10 sounds okay, though I prefer the original to be honest. I can't wait to hear the remixes of Cynthia's and Diantha's battle themes.
If it's any consolation, I still love Chrom's design and roles in Awakening.
Same here. I like Chrom, but I like making fun of him too. He's dorky, and I like that he's dorky, but it also makes him a fun target.

I love how the poor guy is still sticking up for Robin despite being insulted instead of worrying about sticking up for himself. And the bit about him being like Ike... Oh wow. The bait has been laid.

I can't keep up here. Off to listen to the extended Wii U songs.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008

I did it. I said it was impossible, but I did it.

That's awesome! Congrats! :grin: Now you just have to beat Classic Mode on 9.0 again in the Wii U version, but this time facing Master Fortress as well. Good luck.......................



Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
That's awesome! Congrats! :grin: Now you just have to beat Classic Mode on 9.0 again in the Wii U version, but this time facing Master Fortress as well. Good luck.......................

At least there I have my brother.

:4lucina:/:4robinf: and :4sheik:/:4miigun: will destroy the fiend. At all costs.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014

I did it. I said it was impossible, but I did it.

You even used the best Robin!

Music thoughts so far:
-Most of the Pokémon ones are barely remixed, and the few that are... Honestly I prefer the original versions of them. So far, from what I've heard, X/Y Trainer Battle and N's Castle Medley remain the best.
-I'm loving the medley of the FE recruiting themes. Awesome idea! Didn't hear the Awakening one though unless I missed it. Together We Ride is awesome enough, though.


You're outta luck, buddy
Jul 17, 2014
My favorite Awakening song "Duty (Ablaze)" is confirmed for Coliseum~

Conquest didn't appear on the default My Music list so I'm assuming it's an unlockable.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
He's cool, but my favorite male Robin is green all the way.

But this is the truth. Red/Anna Robin master palette.
Green M!Robin is pretty amazing! Green's my favourite colour so it's easy for me to say that! >w<

Oh, I totally agree with you on Red/Anna F!Robin as master palette, although pink haired F!Robin is a close second in my opinion.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Green M!Robin is pretty amazing! Green's my favourite colour so it's easy for me to say that! >w<

Oh, I totally agree with you on Red/Anna F!Robin as master palette, although pink haired F!Robin is a close second in my opinion.
Green's my favorite color too, actually. My original Robin is actually green-haired, even. Shame they don't have a female green palette.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Green's my favorite color too, actually. My original Robin is actually green-haired, even. Shame they don't have a female green palette.
Oh awesome! :3 Hmmm, makes sense as to why you gravitate towards green haired M!Robin, besides the fact that greens your favourite colour also. Indeed, tis a shame, especially since I've been using F!Robin as of late. Her sass and quotes make her FAR more appealing than M!Robin, who comes across as rather bland. Even still, I love them both! <3


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Oh awesome! :3 Hmmm, makes sense as to why you gravitate towards green haired M!Robin, besides the fact that greens your favourite colour also. Indeed, tis a shame, especially since I've been using F!Robin as of late. Her sass and quotes make her FAR more appealing than M!Robin, who comes across as rather bland. Even still, I love them both! <3
While I still prefer :4robinf:, :4robinm: has grown on me a bit lately. Still, can't beat :4robinf:'s sass.

Honestly, if :4littlemac: can get 16 color palettes, why not others?


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC

So this channel is posting the OST from the game's Sound Test. Here we can hear a snipped from Coliseum Medley.

So um, already hearing this being based on FE4's Coliseum (with FE1's Battle Theme) makes me quite mad because apparently we get two Jugdral-related things and it's only due luck for being related to the Coliseums in the entire series (if presuming FE6's Coliseum is next after FE4, using that game's battle theme and also FE7 using FE5's), and even then Fight 1-theme from Gaiden will definitely appear in this Medley despite having it's own remix already if going by the orders of Coliseum-themes.
I loved the opening to the Egg Planet theme on Mario Galaxy! As well as the Super Mario World medley and the new Yoshi's Island remix.

And it looks like Jugdral is getting some love after all, albeit in a medley. Some of the new songs in SSB4 sound decidedly retro, which is an interesting change of pace compared to the more modern remixes in Brawl.

...But man, that Ice Climbers song in the Wrecking Crew stage...
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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
While I still prefer :4robinf:, :4robinm: has grown on me a bit lately. Still, can't beat :4robinf:'s sass.

Honestly, if :4littlemac: can get 16 color palettes, why not others?
:4robinf:'s sass is only matched by :4palutena:'s, in my opinion. If those two went at it, it would be the verbal assault of the century.

That's a very good question. I never understood why :4littlemac:got so many freaking colour palettes. It's not like he needed it. Why is he so special? Guess Sakurai has a soft spot for :4littlemac:. Here's hoping for some costume DLC for :4robinm::4robinf:.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
:4robinf:'s sass is only matched by :4palutena:'s, in my opinion. If those two went at it, it would be the verbal assault of the century.

That's a very good question. I never understood why :4littlemac:got so many freaking colour palettes. It's not like he needed it. Why is he so special? Guess Sakurai has a soft spot for :4littlemac:. Here's hoping for some costume DLC for :4robinm::4robinf:.
:4palutena: is another one of my favorites.

And I never got it either. I don't get why specifically Mac got that attention. Even :4olimar:, who's alt is another character entirely aesthetically, got the usual 8. I'm still pulling for costume DLC, as I've said many times before.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Katarina alt for :4robinf: or bust.

Other than that, I would have really liked some alternate hairstyles for both genders. Especially for the red alt, which just looks unreal with that hairstyle.
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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
:4palutena: is another one of my favorites.

And I never got it either. I don't get why specifically Mac got that attention. Even :4olimar:, who's alt is another character entirely aesthetically, got the usual 8. I'm still pulling for costume DLC, as I've said many times before.
If Nintendo does release a DLC costume pack and there's costumes/colour palettes for Robin, what would you like to see?


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
If Nintendo does release a DLC costume pack and there's costumes/colour palettes for Robin, what would you like to see?
I already mentioned my biggest wish, which is a Morgan model for both of them. Others I'd like to see are:
-Dread Fighter and Bride
-FE7 Tactician colors
-Dark Flier
-Hood up
-Just more creative alts in general and not just "this hair color and a matching robe"

Most of those are pipe dreams.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
I already mentioned my biggest wish, which is a Morgan model for both of them. Others I'd like to see are:
-Dread Fighter and Bride
-FE7 Tactician colors
-Dark Flier
-Hood up
-Just more creative alts in general and not just "this hair color and a matching robe"

Most of those are pipe dreams.
Excellent list and I completely agree with it. I honestly have nothing more to add since we think alike in terms of what Robin could have for costumes. ^w^

Perhaps, but as :4lucina: would say, "Hope never dies!" Keep on hoping so you can tip dem scales. :4robinm::4robinf: HAHAHAHAHA!!! XD
Oh I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself! ^_^

Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
To all Sonic fans, I now this really isn't Robin Related, but I just found out that ESCAPE FROM THE CITY IS IN SMASH BROS WII U. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I need to go tell the sonic mains now.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
:4robinm:: TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!!!

Good luck beating that.
I won't argue with that. That quote alone could be used in a variety of situations. Writing an exam for school, "TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!!!" Working out at the gym, "TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!!!" or when your fighting over the last piece of cake with a friend or family member, "TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!!!"

:4robinm::4robinm::4robinm::4robinm::4robinm::4robinm::4robinm::4robinm: "THE SCALES HAVE BEEN TIPPED!!!"
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Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
I won't argue with that. That quote alone could be used in a variety of situations. Writing an exam for school, "TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!!!" Working out at the gym, "TIME TO TIP THE SCALES!!!" Making love to your significant other, "TIME TO TIP DEM SCALES!!!" if ya know what I mean.

Yes to all......

Execpt that last one. Seriously?

Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
I thought it was funny....:c I'll just go into my little corner now.............

..... sorry, don't take it the wrong way, I just never really go with sexual jokes. or jokes in general, as a matter of fact. I just found it fun yet really disturbing.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
..... sorry, don't take it the wrong way, I just never really go with sexual jokes. or jokes in general, as a matter of fact. I just found it fun yet really disturbing.
Yikes! I wasn't going for disturbing at all! :surprised: I have failed miserably it seems. I think for now on I'll just leave the sexual jokes to someone else. They aren't exactly my forte and seeing your reaction makes it clear to me that how unnecessary that was. Forgive me, I didn't realize that saying that would have such an effect on you. My humblest apologizes. *bows head in shame*
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Unkown Hero

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2014
Yikes! I wasn't going for disturbing at all! :surprised: I have failed miserably it seems. I think for now on I'll just leave the sexual jokes to someone else. They aren't exactly my forte and seeing your reaction makes it clear to me that how unnecessary that was. Forgive me, I didn't realize that saying that would have such an effect on you. My humblest apologizes. *bows head*
Now, really that's fine, it wasn't your fault.

On completely unrelated note, other ever, I just found out that there is an ice climbers song named 'Ice Climbers' in the my music selection. Does it mean anything?


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Now, really that's fine, it wasn't your fault.

On completely unrelated note, other ever, I just found out that there is an ice climbers song named 'Ice Climbers' in the my music selection. Does it mean anything?
Well even still, I edited what I said because I've taken what you said to heart and I'd rather not make you feel that way, regardless of the fact that it was unintentional. I never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable with my words. I overstepped my boundaries and for that I am sorry.

It's more than likely just a nod to the Ice Climbers existence from previous Smash Bros, nothing else. Kind of like a tip of the hat to them from Sakurai, acknowledging they're existence with some fan service despite them not being a playable character.
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