Weirdly enough, I was just wondering the other day which Awakening characters would fit in a Star Wars crossover, though I had Donnel as Luke (because farmboy), Sully or Lucina as Leia (because tomboy princess- not a princess for Sully, but close enough), Ricken as R2, and Virion as C3P0. Yarne as Chewie is spot on, though. Not sure who I had as Han Solo- I think it was either Lon'qu or Owain. And Emmeryn was Obi Wan, and Nowi (or maybe Tiki?) was Yoda.
On DLC- I just want Lucas back in some form, even if it's just a Ness alt. Since Ness didn't take his smashes, he could either get a whole new moveset for his specials, still be a special clone of Ness but have his moves function differently from any of Ness's, just make Ness's customs taken from him his default and Ness's defaults his customs (most of the clones we already have in-game just share customs with their character they're cloned from anyway), or just make him a Ness alt like Alph. I'd be lying if I weren't a bit salty that Ness got his moves as customs, though. I see why, but it's just salt on the wound.
I'm not holding my breath for Lucas though, even with DLC.