My thoughts on...
Mewtwo - Never a doubt in my mind that he'd make the roster.
Garchomp - Not a Pokémon I was particularly hoping for, but I'll never turn down a Land-Shark-Dragon.
Braixen - HELL YES! While I'm surprised that they're not going with Delphox, I'm still VERY happy about this choice! And I'm pretty sure
is too.
(And this means

is still on the table!)
Yeah, you could say I'm okay with this. Not being Delphox was a bit of a disappointment, but Braixen still has
most of the same powers, even if they're not as developed. My main argument for Delphox was based on the idea that their best bet for a third Fire type that'd stand out from the two physically oriented fighters they already revealed would be the Pokémon that was a straight up mage, so...I guess I was
kind of right since we got the apprentice mage instead?
It's funny, actually. Braixen defies quite a few expectations in regards to Pokkén speculation. We hadn't seen any characters from Gens 5 or 6, leading some people to think they were only focusing on the older games and relegating the newer ones to assists only, but now Braixen is our first "modern" Pokémon to be playable. There was the general assumption that having one member of a line be an assist ruled out the rest of the line, but Braixen throws
that for a loop as well! In a way, this is kind of a Robin-esque situation...except we got Morgan instead, heh.
I'm neutral on the other two. Mewtwo was pretty much
expected at this point, and although I really hope they don't pull too many more from Gen 1, the fact that we're getting four reveals in the span of a week makes me think the roster is going to be bigger than we expected. Garchomp is pretty meh to me--I would've rather had Flygon, but showing up in the background of a stage probably kills the chance of
that happening--but I know the landshark dragon has a lot of fans.
I'm betting on Tyranitar being Friday's reveal, but I'm hoping for Galvantula or Luxray.