Hello my fellow Tacticians. I'm new to Smash Boards but i needed some help/advice/second opinions about something and this seemed to be the place to go.
First i'd like to say that i'm only an aspiring Smash Novice so if I say anything incorrect and/or wrong please correct me.
So i was in the lab with the new and improved Robin and i noticed that after a close range Arch Thunder connects, you have enough time to get a free foot stool if you're fast and close enough. So i was wondering how to take advantage of it. So the only thing I could figure out is if you manage to land a grab at the very edge of the stage and down throw you can hit (depending on the percentage) a down tilt/jab 1 to make the opponent unable to grab the ledge for a few seconds and if they do try to jump up you can land an arch thunder right there. Now after that, you foot stool and then el wind spike. Now i've been practicing this in practice but i've yet to do it myself but like I said, i'm only a novice, so i'm not sure if it even works. Even if the foot stool el wind spike doesn't work, after the foot stool you should still be in a pretty good position, right ?
So what I'd like help with is finding out if this even works, as well as how viable a strategy it really is, which percents it works and on which characters, possibly, and mainly any other things you can do with this foot stool.
Please and Thank you for your help. ^ ^