Jazzin' All Day
And Sakurai was worried about miis spreading a foul message.
I was surprised to find out that there wasn't a censor of some sort.i know right?
the community of for glory is very nice to not do such things.
So, I purposedly lost to a Sonic, and to test it out, I drew the message "Gotta Go Fast On Dat A**".
The message went through, and so I went to Miiverse to report it, saying that it was an accident (^o^).
I was too slow. .
You should! You would finally be able to S-support the whole roster~.I've always wanted to pick up Robin.
I'm glad you had fun! You should go back for more. Do it for @ Koiba and I.I'm back. I made it to round 3 of losers. It was a 42 man tournament.
In Winners 1, I fought a Ness with Luigi and I won both times. OK, not a bad start.
...Then I fought a Falcon with Luigi in Winners 2 and lost both times. I was close in the second match however.
In Losers 2, I fought a guy with his Mega Man with Pikachu and won, lost to his Ness as Luigi, and ultimately won with Luigi against his Donkey Kong (and I got a Super Jump Punch in it!).
I ultimately lost to a Sheik in Losers 3 both times with Pikachu.
I had a fun time and I think I will go back for more.