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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


There's a red door and I want it painted pink
Aug 30, 2014
Behind you
I actually registered an account for this site on the day Robin was revealed. I was a Shulk supporter but I was very satisfied with Robin. c: his trailer is actually one of my favorites.

Ps. Hi guys.

Also don't expect me to play Robin against any of you I cannot play Robin to save my life.
*Looks at avatar*

Hello, I've recently finished Jojo Part 6, and it was fantastic.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2015
I actually registered an account for this site on the day Robin was revealed. I was a Shulk supporter but I was very satisfied with Robin. c: his trailer is actually one of my favorites.

Ps. Hi guys.

Also don't expect me to play Robin against any of you I cannot play Robin to save my life.


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
Of course a Chrom fan would dislike the Guidance.
I think it's bad for a lot of reasons. This quote sums it up pretty well I think.

"The Palutena's Guidance on Robin is a particular source of ire. The Guidance has little to do with Robin and is mostly Viridi mocking Chrom for not making it into the battle. Some find this funny, while others feel that it's Sakurai using the Kid Icarus cast as a mouthpiece to mock Fire Emblem fans who wanted to see Chrom playable. It doesn't help that Viridi claims Chrom is "too similar" to Ike and "doesn't have an Aether recovery move." Chrom actually does learn Aether in Awakening, and the "too similar" line is the most hated because a Kid Icarus character, Dark Pit, is the Moveset Clone with the least differences from the character he originates from. And in-universe it's explained Dark Pit is now working for Viridi, so she doesn't have the excuse of not knowing - which means fans who dislike this Guidance see it as hypocritical and mean-spirited, which fits perfectly with Viridi's character, but is still cruel at a meta level."


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
It's a wonderful to be a Fire Emblem fan. :)

Have this fanart of Robin and Lucina to go along with it.

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There's a red door and I want it painted pink
Aug 30, 2014
Behind you
I think it's bad for a lot of reasons. This quote sums it up pretty well I think.

"The Palutena's Guidance on Robin is a particular source of ire. The Guidance has little to do with Robin and is mostly Viridi mocking Chrom for not making it into the battle. Some find this funny, while others feel that it's Sakurai using the Kid Icarus cast as a mouthpiece to mock Fire Emblem fans who wanted to see Chrom playable. It doesn't help that Viridi claims Chrom is "too similar" to Ike and "doesn't have an Aether recovery move." Chrom actually does learn Aether in Awakening, and the "too similar" line is the most hated because a Kid Icarus character, Dark Pit, is the Moveset Clone with the least differences from the character he originates from. And in-universe it's explained Dark Pit is now working for Viridi, so she doesn't have the excuse of not knowing - which means fans who dislike this Guidance see it as hypocritical and mean-spirited, which fits perfectly with Viridi's character, but is still cruel at a meta level."
Oh cry me a river. We have 5 goddamn characters representing the FE series in Smash, and people are accusing Sakurai of 'mocking' FE fans because of one guidance conversation poking fun at Chrom's exclusion!? I don't care if 2 of them are clones, that's still a big win for me. I somehow doubt Sakurai has any malice towards Chrom, and simply thought it would be a fun joke (that I think FE fans have taken WAY too seriously). I'm also going to point out Sakurai seems to be a pretty avid FE fan. I recall it being stated somewhere he finished Awakening, and I know for a fact he volunteered to do the Iwata Asks interview for Shadow Dragon when Iwata couldn't do it due to scheduling reasons.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I think it's bad for a lot of reasons. This quote sums it up pretty well I think.

"The Palutena's Guidance on Robin is a particular source of ire. The Guidance has little to do with Robin and is mostly Viridi mocking Chrom for not making it into the battle. Some find this funny, while others feel that it's Sakurai using the Kid Icarus cast as a mouthpiece to mock Fire Emblem fans who wanted to see Chrom playable. It doesn't help that Viridi claims Chrom is "too similar" to Ike and "doesn't have an Aether recovery move." Chrom actually does learn Aether in Awakening, and the "too similar" line is the most hated because a Kid Icarus character, Dark Pit, is the Moveset Clone with the least differences from the character he originates from. And in-universe it's explained Dark Pit is now working for Viridi, so she doesn't have the excuse of not knowing - which means fans who dislike this Guidance see it as hypocritical and mean-spirited, which fits perfectly with Viridi's character, but is still cruel at a meta level."
TvTropes is hardly the best source for fan base-wide opinions, mind you.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
Happy Book Blade and Crest of Flame day!
We really need to work on the title...
One year ago...
Germany had won the world cup a day ago
I got the job I had applied for
And Robin was revealed for Smash in what I call the best reveal trailer by far.

Now this is a day to celebrate!

And remember, drink responsibly! Then

@ Milo AKA Papa Milo AKA Papa
I see you're sporting a Lloyd avatar, good choice!
Actually, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the Tales series (favourite game, characters, music etc) I'm always up for Tales discussion!
Also, enjoy this pic I found featuring some of the Tales cast

This pic is amazing, I love it
I have played through Abyss, watched an LP of Symphonia and played like the first five hours of Vesperia.

The battle system is really fun. I mean, it basicly plays like a stiff Smash Bros, so I really couldn't complain.

I liked what I saw of Symphonia in the Super Gaming Brothers' LP, but I'm not sure if I'll ever play it for myself. It looks like it has some archaic features like the lack of free run in battles and very block pushing heavy dungeons.

I would have loved to continue Vesperia, but sadly my friend sold his Xbox 360 so I couldn't go on with that. It seemed like it had the most consistently decent characters, which Tales of seems to have a problem with (more on that later).

Abyss was quite good, but Luke and Mew are outright annoying. Yes, there is a story reason for this, but it doesn't change the fact that Luke is getting on my nerves. As the main character, that's a HUGE flaw. At least he is fun to play as.
The rest of the cast are all surprisingly bland, with the exceptions being Ash and Jade.

Jade is just amazing.
Like, probably the best JRPG character I have seen in a LONG time. Every time he's onscreen he's intertaining in some fashion.
Too bad spellcasters don't play particularly fun in the Tales games I've seen so far. It's like his only drawback, and even then I still played a good chunk of the adventure as him.

The series in general: Fun but kinda stiff combat system they try to mix up every iteration (though usually only complicating it instead of keeping things simple).
The main quests alone usually take 80-100 hours to complete, which by my standards today is about 20-40 hours too long. Especially when the games are as full with filler as these are. To their credit, they do try to mix up the overworld sections as well by using the sorcerer's ring, which tends to work pretty well (though not as good as, say, the psynergies in Golden Sun).

They really seem to be struggling with creating interesting characters. None of them are straight up unlikable or bad, but most of the party members are pretty bland and usually stick to their gimmick with only minor character development in the games' loooong runtimes. This is especially sad when they have such great ones interspersed, like Jade or Repede.

The greatest asset of the series clearly is it's beat-em-up like combat. It's straight up fun and certainly helps through the long hours. And on the other hand, while the main story is beefy, there's plenty of optional content, as well! I don't think there's a Tales of game that's not at least worth it's money.

So, to answer the favorite's list:
Game: From what I saw Vesperia would probably have taken that space.
Character: Jade! Though from the bits of Vesperia I played Repede, Yuri and Flynn looked pretty cool, too. Kratos and Zelos from Symphonia (figures they would *SPOILER*...).
Music: To be honest, I can hardly remember any tracks in particular... Which is weird, because I distinctly remember really liking the OSTs.
The Tales of the Abyss opening mixes it's music and visuals so well, it's quite the sight to behold:
I guess if I HAD to pick one that plays during gameplay, I'd say one of these:
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Milo AKA Papa

Activating Combat Mode
Oct 26, 2014
United States, VA
Switch FC
I actually registered an account for this site on the day Robin was revealed. I was a Shulk supporter but I was very satisfied with Robin. c: his trailer is actually one of my favorites.

Ps. Hi guys.

Also don't expect me to play Robin against any of you I cannot play Robin to save my life.
lmao half of this social is non robin players.
Don't have a PS3 either :sadsheep:

Yeah, I agree with your opinion of DOTNW, there's a lot of things I don't like about it (still a decent game though)
At first, I didn't like Luke but he does grow on me throughout the story. My favourite character from Abyss would definitely be Jade. HE'S AWESOME!

OMG, you are now my favourite person on Smashboards. If I had to choose, the Tales series would probably be my fave too!
Here's my list
Favourite Characters Male and Female
Lloyd Irving (Surprise surprise)

Rita Mordio (Even though I haven't played the game, she just seems awesome)

YES Fury Sparks is amazing, it's my second favourite:
#1 Fighting of the spirit

#3 The edge of a decision

I'm pretty sure if I played Vesperia it would either be my first or second favourite game
I don't have a favourite Mystic Arte or City, might have a think later

Favourite scene? That's a toughie, I'll probably go for when Lloyd finds out Kratos is his dad.
What do you think of the newer games? i.e Xillia and Zestria?
I'll let you know if I want to know anything else. Feel free to ask me anything anytime! :happysheep:

Woo! Another Tales fan! I absolutely ADORE the series. When I'm older and have money, I'll definitely buy Vesperia and the HD remake of Symphonia.
Jade is an awesome character, he's so funny and as you said badass!
I haven't played Xillia yet, but I've watched enough gameplay to where I want it! I will admit I'm not the biggest fan of Xillia's music though. It just never stayed with me. I do have plans to get Zestria though! Despite the complaints, the battle system looks fun, plus I really want my fill on a new tales games
Speaking of Zestiria PSA FOR THOSE THAT WANT TO GET IN ON THE TALES OF SERIES BUT DON'T HAVE THE SYSTEMS, OR THOSE WHO WANT ZESTIRIA BUT DO NOT OWN A PS3. Zestiria WILL be available on Steam in October, in English. It's the Tales Of series first installment on the PC!
Have you also heard about Besteria?
It's another Tales Of first!
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I personally disagree in the minority here - but eh, I must be the very few who dislikes this guidance as a Chrom-fan.

I think the JPN version felt more funnier for being more reactionary from the characters (specifically Chrom), and not turning him into bitter brooder who can be messed with without little consequence. This one just rides on the salt that keeps toxicfying Smash Bros-games due the American script butt-monkeying those who didn't make it (as opposed to Sakurai just saying Chrom wouldn't have worked due similarity, but let's him keep his chivalrousness for less obvious yank-the-chain-reaction in the end.)

But just my overly written opinions.
I actually don't like it either, and I'm ambivalent towards Chrom.

I felt it diverted too much from bringing much-needed attention to Robin's importance as a Fire Emblem character and the number of accomplishments he/she did in their game. It's a huge sour point for me in how much the game seems to enjoy toxifying the fanbase in making fun of NPCs for not getting into the game, regardless of how long its been since their deconfirmation. Some of you here may enjoy the insult-humor that Smash loves to bring out, but when Gematsu was debunked last year, all I wanted to do was just enjoy playing Robin. I couldn't care less for Chrom even if he got in.


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2015
Happy Book Blade and Crest of Flame day!
We really need to work on the title...
One year ago...
Germany had won the world cup a day ago
I got the job I had applied for
And Robin was revealed for Smash in what I call the best reveal trailer by far.

Now this is a day to celebrate!

And remember, drink responsibly! Then
Now what if you're a minor. Looks like I can't tip the scales...


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
TvTropes is hardly the best source for fan base-wide opinions, mind you.
I never said this is how everyone or even a majority of people felt. Even the quote itself states that many people did find the Guidance funny. I just thought there were some decent points brought up, specifically the Guidance all but ignoring Robin and the lack of fact checking (aka Chrom learning Aether). Whether or not you enjoyed it is totally your opinion, and I'm not trying to say "oh you can't like this Guidance cause it sucks! And if you do like it your an idiot!" or some such nonsense.

Personally I just think they could've done something funnier with it, like bringing up Robin's status as a shipping lord!
I actually don't like it either, and I'm ambivalent towards Chrom.

I felt it diverted too much from bringing much-needed attention to Robin's importance as a Fire Emblem character and the number of accomplishments he/she did in their game. It's a huge sour point for me in how much the game seems to enjoy toxifying the fanbase in making fun of NPCs for not getting into the game, regardless of how long its been since their deconfirmation. Some of you here may enjoy the insult-humor that Smash loves to bring out, but when Gematsu was debunked last year, all I wanted to do was just enjoy playing Robin. I couldn't care less for Chrom even if he got in.
I completely agree! Except for being ambivalent towards Chrom, I'm more 50/50 on the matter. If he did get in, I'd be pretty happy about it. If he didn't, not a big deal, since I can still enjoy all the other FE characters instead.


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help

I might not play Robin or Lucina anymore, but they're both very special characters to me because they helped me get into Fire Emblem which is now one of my favorite series. I'll never forget the day they were both revealed because I was like...who? Why do I want to main these two if I don't even know them? And that made me buy Awakening the very next day.

I love both of the characters and the people I've met who play them are all incredibly amazing, which is why I still hang around here despite not playing them anymore. Congratulations for defying the be all end all Gematsu leak and creating this amazing community!


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
Happy Book Blade and Crest of Flame day!
We really need to work on the title...
One year ago...
Germany had won the world cup a day ago
I got the job I had applied for
And Robin was revealed for Smash in what I call the best reveal trailer by far.

Now this is a day to celebrate!

And remember, drink responsibly! Then

I have played through Abyss, watched an LP of Symphonia and played like the first five hours of Vesperia.

The battle system is really fun. I mean, it basicly plays like a stiff Smash Bros, so I really couldn't complain.

I liked what I saw of Symphonia in the Super Gaming Brothers' LP, but I'm not sure if I'll ever play it for myself. It looks like it has some archaic features like the lack of free run in battles and very block pushing heavy dungeons.

I would have loved to continue Vesperia, but sadly my friend sold his Xbox 360 so I couldn't go on with that. It seemed like it had the most consistently decent characters, which Tales of seems to have a problem with (more on that later).

Abyss was quite good, but Luke and Mew are outright annoying. Yes, there is a story reason for this, but it doesn't change the fact that Luke is getting on my nerves. As the main character, that's a HUGE flaw. At least he is fun to play as.
The rest of the cast are all surprisingly bland, with the exceptions being Ash and Jade.

Jade is just amazing.
Like, probably the best JRPG character I have seen in a LONG time. Every time he's onscreen he's intertaining in some fashion.
Too bad spellcasters don't play particularly fun in the Tales games I've seen so far. It's like his only drawback, and even then I still played a good chunk of the adventure as him.

The series in general: Fun but kinda stiff combat system they try to mix up every iteration (though usually only complicating it instead of keeping things simple).
The main quests alone usually take 80-100 hours to complete, which by my standards today is about 20-40 hours too long. Especially when the games are as full with filler as these are. To their credit, they do try to mix up the overworld sections as well by using the sorcerer's ring, which tends to work pretty well (though not as good as, say, the psynergies in Golden Sun).

They really seem to be struggling with creating interesting characters. None of them are straight up unlikable or bad, but most of the party members are pretty bland and usually stick to their gimmick with only minor character development in the games' loooong runtimes. This is especially sad when they have such great ones interspersed, like Jade or Repede.

The greatest asset of the series clearly is it's beat-em-up like combat. It's straight up fun and certainly helps through the long hours. And on the other hand, while the main story is beefy, there's plenty of optional content, as well! I don't think there's a Tales of game that's not at least worth it's money.

So, to answer the favorite's list:
Game: From what I saw Vesperia would probably have taken that space.
Character: Jade! Though from the bits of Vesperia I played Repede, Yuri and Flynn looked pretty cool, too. Kratos and Zelos from Symphonia (figures they would *SPOILER*...).
Music: To be honest, I can hardly remember any tracks in particular... Which is weird, because I distinctly remember really liking the OSTs.
The Tales of the Abyss opening mixes it's music and visuals so well, it's quite the sight to behold:
I guess if I HAD to pick one that plays during gameplay, I'd say one of these:

And because of Robin (and Waifu Lucy), i'm a FE fan. However......

MFW the game on lunatic difficulty cheats you out of winning, because of 1% critical hits.
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Jun 17, 2015

And because of Robin (and Waifu Lucy), i'm a FE fan. However......

MFW the game on lunatic difficulty cheats you out of winning, because of 1% critical hits.
Wait till you try Lunatic+ Mode gorl. It literally makes you reset 1000000 times before you even start the chapter because of enemy skills and RNG. Chapters 2 and 3 were ABSOLUTE HELL FOR ME.
Once you complete chapter 4 and have access to the Outrealm Gate, it becomes SO much easier.
I've actually completed Lunatic+ Mode on Classic with over 100 hours clocked on that playthrough.


We have become a spectacle to the world.
Nov 22, 2014
@ Milo AKA Papa Milo AKA Papa
I see you're sporting a Lloyd avatar, good choice!
Actually, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the Tales series (favourite game, characters, music etc) I'm always up for Tales discussion!
Also, enjoy this pic I found featuring some of the Tales cast
Admittedly, I might be kinda late to this conversation but it is ironic you asked this question because just yesterday I mentioned in the interview thread that Tales is my favorite series, with Symphonia being my favorite game of all time and Lloyd being a character I secretly wanted in Smash although I knew that would never happened. In addition to the fun gameplay and character interaction, I almost always play co-op with my sisters, making for some good family bonding time. Because of that, I have a soft spot for Tales.

I've played Symphonia, Dotnw, Abyss, Graces f, Xillia 1 + 2, and I vaguely recall watching my sister play Legendia. I plan on playing Zestiria this fall but I do have some reservations because to me it looks like a watered down version of Graces F (LOVED the combat in that game, everything else not so much).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2014
Here's your (obnoxiously large) daily dose of Pieri; from yours truly.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
One year to the day. It feels so hard to believe it's been so short a time. As far as my personal thoughts go, I posted something in RTC last month that explains how everything felt surrounding the reveal:



Most Deflating Moment:
The Gematsu Leak's Zealots

I've always enjoyed speculating, for a number of reasons I can only, well, speculate on. Analyzing things has always been something that, for me, comes naturally, and Smash Bros. combines it with a fighting game that involves so many other games and characters that I've become so invested in. It's the reason I'm in this thread to begin with...well, that and the writing experience.

Strangely, though, I didn't get very invested in Smash 4 newcomers until well into last year. I guess I'd just been preoccupied with other things. As June and E3 drew closer, though, I started realizing there were a handful of characters I was really hoping to see make it. Before then, I'd been more passive about it, looking over character ideas and mentioning one or two offhand if someone asked me who I wanted to see.

Even back then, though, I thought Robin could be really interesting, partially because I'd been a Fire Emblem fan for a while at that point (Interestingly enough, Ike's first game was my first), partially because Robin's personality is similar to my own in some ways, but mainly because I've always thought characters that use both physical weapons and magic are awesome. I remember playing through the Awakening demo back in late January 2013, and then when myself and some friends from another site were talking about it, half-jokingly saying "Robin for Smash 4?".

But for a long time, I didn't see Robin as more than a long shot...until Ike was revealed. For the longest time, I'd assumed Ike was going to step down for Chrom, and that Marth and Chrom were going to be the only Fire Emblem characters we got. With Ike's return, it raised a question: Would Sakurai really put three blue haired pure swordsmen into Smash? Would he bring in a newcomer who felt so similar to two veterans?

Suddenly, it felt like Robin had a legitimate chance.

Over the following few weeks, I became more active on Smashboards, lurking different support threads and finally posting in the Robin thread the night before E3. That was also when I found out about the Gematsu Leak, and stayed skeptical of it...until E3 came and went, and it nailed all three newcomers they revealed. I remember spending the next day or two...more or less devastated, and mainly from the idea that Chrom would get in just because, even though he'd so likely lean toward being similar to Marth or Ike, even though Robin could bring so much more to Smash and represent all of Fire Emblem in ways Chrom couldn't dream of.

It took the other Robin supporters to help me realize we still had a chance. We did what tacticians do best: we analyzed everything we knew about the Gematsu Leak...and we came to the conclusion that we still couldn't rely on it. There were too many unanswered questions, and some gaps in its information led us to believe it was outdated and its character list incomplete. Several of us even thought Chrom and Robin could both make it, as unlikely as it was.

In what should've been our darkest hour, we grew more dedicated than ever. For a span of two weeks, Robin's support thread was the third largest on the entire site, second only to Ridley and King K. Rool. Larger than Shulk's, larger than Isaac's, Bandana Dee's, and Mewtwo's, and over twice the size of Chrom's. As long as there was still a chance, we had a reason to fight.

Some people...didn't like that.

Another thing about me: I got bullied a lot growing up. It actually wasn't the ***-kicking, locker-shoving, gimme-your-lunch-money physical kind. No...in a way, it was worse. Throughout middle and high school, there were a handful of people who were out to humiliate me. They saw me as an easy target, someone they could spread rumors about, make baseless accusations of, and just generally ruin with little trouble because everyone would mindlessly believe anything they said. They didn't want attention. They didn't do it to provoke a reaction. They wanted to feel better than someone. Superior.

As the Gematsu Leak hung overhead for the last half of June and into July...I started seeing it all over again. Among those who believed the leak was true, there were a handful of what I can only compare to religious zealots. They didn't just believe it was true, they saw it as gospel. To them, anyone who didn't believe what they believed was a deluded idiot. To them, anyone who wasn't with them was fair game for humiliation because, in their minds, they deserved it.

Leak zealots worked their way into every part of Smashboards. You couldn't browse two threads without finding someone getting bashed for having second thoughts. This very thread's predecessor became a battleground. Even the Robin thread started seeing people barge in just to laugh in our faces about how we were "in denial" and needed to "admit we were wrong".

All while it was clear as day the zealots only wanted someone to feel better than.

To have something like that happen all over again, to have it also happen to people I was starting to consider friends...it hurt. Not only that, it infuriated me, knowing I couldn't fight back without being ganged up on by the other zealots and torn to shreds just to satiate their own insecurity.

When news came of a newcomer trailer to be revealed on that July 14th, most of us assumed it was going to be Shulk. The tacticians weren't any different, though we decided there were a handful of other possibilities. The night before, I went to bed assuming we were probably going to see Shulk revealed (which was still cool; he was my second most wanted newcomer), see his moveset in action, and get a look at some other Xenoblade content.

Not that it made it any easier to sleep. Heh.

I remember getting up around noon on the 14th (my sleep schedule's a few hours behind most people, I have trouble adjusting it, and it's a long story why) and being nervous about who I was going to see when I loaded the Smash website. As I was getting lunch ready while my laptop booted up, I saw a robin wandering around the back yard. I thought "Maybe, by some miracle, that's a sign."

Then I finally sat down, heart unnecessarily pounding as I loaded the Smash home page...


Most Hyping Moment:
By Book, Blade, and Crest of Flame

And there I saw an unmistakeable figure in a dark violet coat with a wind tome in his extended hand.

I spent several seconds staring in shock...and then I started cheering loud enough that the neighbors probably wondered what the hell happened.

Robin was everything we had hoped: a seamless blend of swordplay and magic tomes, showing a side of Fire Emblem that Marth, Ike, and Roy were never able to, and even with a nod to the games' durability mechanic that none of us had ever considered! Moreover, the Gematsu Leak, used so much as a weapon against us, was proven once and for all to not be gospel, and it was our character that had done it! Then Sakurai explained shortly after in an interview why his team had chosen Robin and not Chrom, and we discovered that the main reasons Robin made it into Smash were the exact reasons why we'd all thought Robin had a chance! The tacticians settled into the character forum we'd long hoped for, and got right back to doing what we did best, analyzing the trailer to see what we could learn from it.

As I saw more and more of the fans react with some version of "OH MY GOD ROBIN LOOKS AMAZING", all the turmoil, the attacks, the bullying we suffered leading up to the reveal no longer mattered. The sheer level of vindication I felt...I don't know if I can ever truly describe it.

For those who don't know me, my life has basically been on hold since February 2012. I was two and a half years through college when my health deteriorated so badly that I had to come home. Neither I nor the rest of my family has had enough expendable income to properly treat my injuries, and said injuries (plus a traumatic experience that involved multiple medications having freak side effects at the same time) have also directly prevented me from finding steady work. The reason I've been trying my hand at Let's Plays, other than being interested and thinking I could be pretty good at them? It's one of the only potential long shot career paths I can actually do right now.

In over three years now of frustration, despair, and far more pain than someone in their 20s should ever have to go through...Robin's reveal was one of the few truly great things that has happened to me. Because of that, and because of the friends I've made since, I don't think anything else in all of Smash Bros. could ever truly compare.

Even then, though, in the coming months, I hope we still see many moments that come close.


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
So, off topic, kinda, but gentleman of the Robin social, is it true that I can seduce guys by presenting them sea cucumbers?

Dating sims these days are so weird.:estatic:

ALSO, HAPPY SCALE TIPPING/GEMATSU SLAYING SAY! It definitely doesn't feel like one whole year since they were announced. When Lucina was introduced, I was more shocked than anything, but was still relatively happy with her inclusion! As for Robin, I wasn't massively excited, but him and I have gone a long way since then. I love him so much now aaaaah.

To celebrate, have a fancy Robin with glasses and the most adorable kitty ears



코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Happy anniversary tacters, captains, and Mopcinas~ :happysheep:

I think I missed the celebration smh


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
@ Nah Nah If you'd said Wii U, I would have played.

On that note, anyone up for some games on Wii U? Will be playing the first few games with the rubbish Irish ruleset (2 stock, 6 minutes, customs off, and the worst stagelist in existence), since I need practice in that setup for an upcoming tournament, but we can play with more reasonable rules later on.
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Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
@ Nah Nah If you'd said Wii U, I would have played.

On that note, anyone up for some games on Wii U? Will be playing the first few games with the rubbish Irish ruleset (2 stock, 6 minutes, customs off, and the worst stagelist in existence), since I need practice in that setup for an upcoming tournament, but we can play with more reasonable rules later on.
I'll play if you want. Skype me? (jordan_mcgee)


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Will be playing the first few games with the rubbish Irish ruleset (2 stock, 6 minutes, customs off, and the worst stagelist in existence), since I need practice in that setup for an upcoming tournament, but we can play with more reasonable rules later on.
Dare I ask how bad the stagelist is?


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Dare I ask how bad the stagelist is?
Dreamland 64
Final Destination**
Town and City

Duck Hunt
Lylat Cruise
Omega Stages**
*During the Counterpick process, if Final Destination is banned, Omega Stages are too.
**During the Counterpick process, if Battlefield is banned, Miiverse is too.

"the world's worst" is maybe an exaggeration, but there are a few more stages I'd have on there, personally
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