I'd like to learn more about Wario and your opinions of him. Very interesting character imo and I'm finding it hard to formulate an opinion on him
Well overall I'll just warn you that this post is going to be mostly negative, and while I love the character to death and will never stop playing him, his more degenerate attributes weigh heavily on my mind.
The idea of wario is very interesting. With an aerial mobility value of 0.33, which jiggly has .28 and the next character zamus has a value .1, so besides jiggly his mobility in the air is better than everyone's else by a large amount. Both jiggly and wario have frame 5 jump squats, but where it gets different is he only has 2 jumps, so he has way more commitment with his aerial spacing game than her. He has no projectiles, and not a lot of big meaty moves, so he has to open his opponent up with aerial weaving shenanigans. Once he gets in he hits extremely hard to make up for the fact he doesn't have any really meaty moves to force actions in neutral. He's also got an amazing tech chase game, with his amazing grab and options out of said grab, and his ground game is actually being pretty decent, which is another thing jiggly doesn't have. Add in aerial grab nonsense and just being weird, you have a fairly interesting character, but then you take a closer look at him.
So the first thing that I feel like doesn't match his character archetype is his extreme weight. He weighs in at 107, making him the 8th heaviest character in the game. Now yes, the character is a little pudgy, but 8th heaviest? It doesn't make a lot of sense design wise to have such a mobile and floaty character in the air to be so heavy, he deserves to be around falcon weight, but being in the same weight class as ganon is a little much.
The next thing you'll notice is he actually has a dash dance, unlike his counter part jiggly. In fact, his initial run velocity value, which is what I assume is the leading factor to dash dance effectiveness, is the same as ike's, is faster than mario's, and is .06 less than roy. Now to give it perspective, jiggly's value is 1.1, where wario's is 1.55, that is a significant difference in dd speed for a character that's already faster in the air and who's heavier. Of course I'm not going to argue that it's the greatest, lol sonic has that tittle without doubt with a value of 4, his is definitely not bad, but to me, it doesn't fit him considering his aerial mobility.
From here on his other degenerate attributes are not as noticeable, but a lot of small things add up, I'll try to list the main ones quickly. His up b still has odd properties to it that lead extremely odd situations, like falling out of the move with enormous amounts of hitstun. Side b's hitbox increase size at the end of the animation is inconsistent. Because of how significantly larger it gets and that it's a forward moving move, and because interpolation is a thing, catching people when you clearly ran past them is a thing. Nair is extremely multi purpose, to the point where you can beat some characters with just that move, and imo might be one of the best nairs in the game. Waft has absolutely no counter play to it, he kinda gets it despite what you do and doesn't have to worry about losing it. Making it to where he loses it on death is probably the best way to balance that out, would also make the 50/50 on bite a little more legit. I have a negative opinion on bite, but it used to be much worse so I won't complain.
So in short, wario is interesting because he's a weird jigglypuff that has a ground game and more commitment to his aerial stuff, which is even more extreme than jiggs, but he has some conflicting attributes that cause him to play the game however he wants it, and not how he should play it.