
jokes around about many things including own alignment, seems relax

Day 1 paranoia about being high on people's town reads feels real

dread and indecision over end of day 1 vote feels real

I find it hard to believe the waggons run up to 6-6 and the player left not voting is mafia. everything happened so fast I feel like its so much more likely that a townie got left behind.

confidence and eagerness going into Day 2 feels real

routinely makes points I agree with and I feel like im on the same wavelength

hard defending wam when i pushed him, felt like a genuine read

saying he couldve got laser yeeted if he wanted to, feels real, not some multilayer scum play

tone towards boom and laser on day 1 was weird, seemed to be treating people as town when his reads didnt reflect that

initial reaction to laser's case seemed super townie

later reaction posts like 'just give me 24hrs' seemed scummy

sync notes slip seems like a weird thing to fake as mafia, think he genuinely believes it

throws out ideas when he has them rather than with any particular agenda

feels more happy and relaxed about things, joking, posting memes

anger and confidence when people attack him feels legit

generally when I read his interactions / arguments I feel like he comes off as townie (e.g. dark horse, wam, boom)

reads seem to be very biased towards his own slot e.g. scumreading mala for vote on him

dislike how trusting he is of fonti and willingness to sheep their vote

starting to slip into background / become less relevant during Day 2
Dark Horse

immediate piggyback on my question in RVS, later just shrugs and owns it

stubbornness on Gorf in early game felt real

the way he prodded me and asked me questions during Day 1 felt like he was trying to keep me honest

when he argued with frozen, fonti etc I usually found myself townreading him

dont like his SvS read on Wam/Sync after they cross-vote Day 2. Seems kinda stuck in his reads.

seems kinda quiet and low impact overall

completely vibed with his Chaco case Day 1

stubbornness in the face of Chaco's rebuttal felt very cold / mechanical

vibe with his reads list Day 1

putting a lot of faith in meta reads i dont like at all

makes good points like about Boom

Wam not being viable.

calls out fonti for feeling manipulative and for holding too many cards

feels like he's fence-sitting on certain slots Day 2

claim and solve seems more likely townie but feels weird, sudden.

liked that he gave an early reads list, taking initiative there

dislike how he took a hard stance on sync 'muddying waters' in reads but then was singing their praises shortly after

pops in with one-liners that suggest he has his own train of thought

naked wam vote and no presence at end of day, kinda forget he's in the game sometimes

response to me about 'garbling words' could be trying to ingratiate himself

YEAH KARY kinda startling levels of enthusiasm from old man pythag

thin and wobbly reads D1

felt like some things were too obvious to be legit questions, playing the newb card

seemed more lucid when responding to criticism than when taking initiative

good reaction to the EOD waggon on them, no panic or shenanigans, shades sabrar

speaking up to defend their cross-vote

shows some original thought on synchro, frozen, etc.

reads list?

putting chaco at top of town reads 'as a test' into instant townread on chaco feels fake

ambivalence on end of day waggon, only to take away decision from mala, sheeping sabrar only to not

end of day 'congrats' on day 1, later comes back to explain his reaction

"people should not be townreading me" re-framing his own sketchiness as good thing, justifies his reads based around it

shading me at end of day for 'not doing enough', then calls out my reads before he even sees my reasons ('shallow')

like his tone and back-and-forth posting style, seems straightforward and open

opting out of trying to read fonti/synch or hold them accountable

scummy when town meta is accurate but him calling it out rubs me the wrong way

early game seemed pretty safe and by-the-numbers

felt like they were trying to pocket mala by giving advice, blatant buddying of frozen

calling people 'buddy' 'friend' feels skeevy, some kind of psychology 101 stuff

felt over-eager in breaking up me/Chaco before they could be confident it was TvT

feels kind of suicidal from mafia to antagonize me, no fear

throws out shade and doubt about things e.g. 'mala isnt a new player'

hard to follow their progression on reads and pushes

don't feel they have been chill whatsoever this game

cryptic and distant through Day 1, reaction to call-out is to accuse others of overreaction

inflated case on me based around mis-representing my posts and criticizing by double standard

nitpicks at frozen and drags him without ever committing

spent more time doing extensive notes on early game than getting involved

seems very happy and comfy on somi waggon despite basic waggonomics and earlier scumreads

hypocrites themselves saying we should have killed frozen day 1

drops frozen and goes back to pushing weaker slots like wam / mala

no desire to explain themselves just handwave criticism and avoid responsibility

"somi waggon formed by coincidence" and other types of bull****

hasn't done a ****ty fake claim to try and save themselves