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There are a few different kinds of Zelda and Shiek users in this world...

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
YES this is a carbon copy of a thread I have in the Zelda forums... but since these two boards don't really mix... I feel that it should be on BOTH boards otherwise shiek users will rarely see it.

Zelda and Shiek are perhaps some of the most interesting characters ever to grace the world of super smash bros. Both competent characters in their own rites, they are connected by the use of their down+B special.
Shiek is a beautiful river of attacks... he flows from one attack to the next as if by a coreographed dance. And if you know your attacks well enough, shiek is capable of stringing together some beautiful combos. Shiek is also capable of tilt locking most charcters for some easy damage. Combine this with the fact that the speed of shiek's attacks allows him to wrack up damage with incedible efficiency and you have quite a frightening foe. However, shiek lacks range and priority allong with strength; shiek has very few KO options that don't involve gimping or edgeguarding the opponent...
Zelda, on the other hand, is a beast. EVERY attack in her repetior is a meaty hit. They might not be fast (though some are) but they all have good priority and range as well as quite a kick to them. She has no shortage of KO options, but she lacks the ability to combo well to build up damage as well as reliable agility to approach or edgeguard most characters.
That's where the beauty of Down+B comes in. This special allows Zelda, or shiek to transform from one charcter to the other. While the transformation is slow, there are multiple strategies to switch between charcters effectively. Doing so has the implications of making you harder to counterpick as well as being able to combine the two character's strength into one amazing character.
This brings me to my point... How do YOU use Zelda and Shiek? Here are a few possibilities I've seen... along with my clever names for them


this is probably the most commonly used way to play the Zelda + Shiek character... and this is to use shiek alone and completely neglect the existance of the Down+B technique. Shiek users rely on shiek's combo game to combo into one of his few kill moves, shiek's speed to punish enemy lag with a kill move or shiek's off the edge game to get an edgeguarding KO.


This is probably the second most common way to use the charcter, and is the most common way on this particular subforum. And this way is to use Zelda straight up with absolutely no shiek. Zelda users rely on Zelda's impressive range and priority in conjunction with din's fire to try to bypass the need of approaching. Instead they try to play a defensive game or try to outprioritize their enemy's attacks by going offensive. Whatever their decision, to be agressive, defensive or balanced, Zelda users rely on Zelda's immense power, priority and range to wrack up damage on oponents before they have a chance to wrack damage up on her and then kill with any of her moves that are still relatively fresh... because she has so MANY KO options, decaying her attacks is not normally a huge issue.

"Either Or"

This playstyle is not really any different than the above two. Essentially, an "Either Or" Zelda/Shiek user will play either Zelda OR Shiek depending on which matchup is more favourable, but will not switch midmatch. Users employing this particular style of gameplay gain the benefit of being much harder to counterpick without the difficulty of coordinating midmatch transforms... but they also are not afforded the benefits that come with doing so. Regardless, this style is far superior to the two above it.

"Sparkly Artillery"

This is probabaly the most commonly used style of "dual maining" Zelda and Shiek. The Sparkly Artillery playstyle is essentially the aknowledgement of a shiek user that shiek is severly lacking in KO options, and that zelda has many. As a result, shiek mains will often pull out Zelda to KO oponents that are hard to edgeguard once they reach a satisfactory damage to be KOd by a completely fresh Zelda. Assuming it's practical, employers of this style will transform back to shiek immediately after KOing an opponent to restart the cycle... the beauty of this style is that mastery with Zelda is not necessary most of the time with this style, only a passable understaning.

"Rough 'em Up"

This style is essentially the Zelda mainer's response to "Sparkly Artillery". In this style, The player will start as Shiek, aknowledging that shiek has superior damage wracking capabilities. However, rather than waiting until Shiek has wracked up sufficient damage for a KO before transforming, a user of the "Rough 'em Up" style will tranform to Zelda the moment the opportunity presents itself (assuming SOME damage, at least, has been done). Because you will be playing at length with both characters, it is highly advised to be well practiced with both charcters to employ this style, making it more difficult to master than "Sparkly Artillery"... However, it is more friendly to users who have a good base in Zelda. The benefit to this style is that it essentially allows Zelda to start in at a point where her foe has some damage on them and she has no move decay.

"Trump Card"

This is a very rarely seen style for it has few applications that I have yet seen. Essentially in "Trump Card," the player will start out as Zelda and switch to Shiek once the opportunity arises. This style is kind of wonky in that it's ZELDA who will be wracking up damage and SHIEK who will be KOing... but a completely fresh shiek fighting a highly damaged enemy who can be edgeguarded IS a frightening prospect... it's just not normally the BEST possible option. I'm not sure I've EVER seen this style used in practical gameplay... but that is not to say that it CAN'T be used effectively.

"Freshness Guaranteed"

Because they are two completely different characters, nothing that Zelda does can decay the moves that shiek has, and vice versa. Due to this fact, quite often, Zelda/Shiek users will transform from one form to the other either as soon as a good opportunity presents itself or as soon as they can after being out for a respectable amount of time. They do this to gain a completely refreshed moveset midway through a brawl. While it may be tough to find an opening to do this, the implications of it are quite profound. Essentially, if you are patient enough, you get to fight as an offensively fresh character LONG into triple digit damage. As long as the user is capable with Shiek AND Zelda... using this playstyle produces HUGE benefits offensively. This style normally starts with the user as shiek since shiek is more ideal for wracking damage early and the foe should be teed up for a kill by the time Zelda gets brought out.... exactly how long each charcter gets left out can vary by matchup.

"Tag Team"

there are no major considerations to think about on this style. it's implications are nearly identical to "Freshness Guarunteed." The difference is that the Zelda/Shiek user will only switch after a KO. Since KOs and the resulting invincibility tend to be momentum shifters anyway, there is no worry about losing momentum by transforming. More adventurous tag teamers might transform at other times... but only when transformation does not take anything away from their momentum. This style sacrifices some of the versatility of "Freshness Guarunteed" for safety and ease of use... but, once again, requires complete competence in both characters.

"Retreat To The Fortress!!!"

This is the first defensive dual maining strategy we'll see. In this style, the user will play as shiek and then switch to Zelda once their OWN damage gets past a certain point, with no consideration to enemy damage%. Zelda is a bit sturdier than Shiek and, with her massive priority and range, Zelda can be QUITE difficult to get inside and land a KO on. This style has the disadvantage of being very predictable (i.e. when you turn to Zelda, you WILL be playing a defensive game).. however, if your oponent has trouble getting inside of you, it has the benefit of stallng your death and wracking up a lot of free damage, and possibly a KO on your oponent before he can take you out.

"RUN AWAY!!!!!"

This is the complete opposite of the above style. Shiek is much faster than zelda and shiek's needles can help keep many enemies away. Also, there are a few characters, such as Ike, who legitimately have a harder time approaching shiek than they do Zelda. Essentially, in this style, Zelda will switch to shiek once she gets in danger of being KOd and will run away as long as possible with the intent of stalling, wracking up a bit of damage and decaying your oponent's moves. Compared to the above style, this style seems to fall short. Shiek does not have zelda's ability to KO while on defensive and is a bit less sturdy to begin with. That having been said, on certain stages, shiek can probably use stalling quite strategically and possibly run down the clock..


think of this style like the "accidental" dual main. Essentially someone will use this style when they are compitent with Zelda and Shiek and whichever character they are using is getting owned hard core... you can think of this option as "saving face" or "damage control"... the player may even be willing to eat whatever comes after the transform to eschew the horrible beating they WERE taking with the other charcter.

TYPE ???
"Perfect Tandem"

What is this style? Who knows. No one at this point has discovered it, and it likely varries from matchup to matchup. Regardless, this style asks for one thing: perfection. This style uses switching in the most advantageous and strategic possible ways to make use of both Shiek's strengths on a given charcter AND Zelda's strengths on the same charcter.... Ideally we ALL want to shoot for this, but none have yet achieved it.

so... what type are you? I see myself as a combination between a Type V and a Type VII personally.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
this is interesting, there is no Perfect Tandem if u ask me. Its just a matter of personal preference and style, and getting good with whatever type you use. Also hadn't thought of the defensive types before...

i'm mostly a Type I though i may use Type V. Not that i'm completely incompetent w/ Zelda i just like Sheik more heh


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
...Nice thread, but did you call Shiek a "he"?

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
...Nice thread, but did you call Shiek a "he"?
urg... yeah... I guess I did... years of conditioning I suppose since Shiek was only referred to as a "he" in OoT I just never dropped it.. I mean especially when you talk about Zelda and shiek at the same time, it can help to call one a she and one a he... but I digress... most of the time I use gender neutral terms for shiek.... and now I feel like I'm veering off topic. Regardless of which gender shiek may or may not be, I think shiek and Zelda work FAR better in complement than they could ever work alone. :ohwell:

and @ JR.... I never thought of that... that there IS no perfect tandem... I think the perfect tandem would be one of the above styles.... bu it'd just have to depend on the specific matchup.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
I was sad when I didn't see "Last Resort"

Then again I haven't read all of them yet...

^-^ although calling it a "last resort" might be a little harsh since I'll use zelda for killing if I know sheik just can't do it yet...


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
i'm all over the place

i used to transform right when opportunity arises, but now with dacus i have been getting kills with sheik at 150%>

i'm also very proficient with zelda, so i only transform if i'm bored, or if i want to refresh moves. i usually don't mind the attack decay on sheik since i dont use usmash for anything but KO's (its pretty useless, utilt is a better follow after ftilt) so its all good.

for zelda i rack with dtilt, jab, and flubbed fairs. i approach with upb, and mindgame with it. mad fun


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2008
Charlotte, North Carolina
This makes me wish they'd combine the Zelda and Sheik subforums... or at least make a Zelda/Sheik subforum

I started off maining Zelda, but I've been trying to get better with Sheik and I can see improvements... I'm currently a Type II but I'm gonna work at becoming Type V, seems most natural since I don't have too much trouble racking up damage with Sheik and the damage is useful when I switch over.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
This makes me wish they'd combine the Zelda and Sheik subforums... or at least make a Zelda/Sheik subforum

I started off maining Zelda, but I've been trying to get better with Sheik and I can see improvements... I'm currently a Type II but I'm gonna work at becoming Type V, seems most natural since I don't have too much trouble racking up damage with Sheik and the damage is useful when I switch over.
I agree that Zelda/Shiek mainers like myself have a hard time due to the current setup... while I wouldn't combine the two because it would get so cluttered... creating a Zelda/Shiek forum of it's own would be muy helpful


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington
Hmm... my two cents: Type IV and type I are the type I normally use... and type XI after I get chaingrabbed 20x against Pikachu. I play against a lot of Pikachus...


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
umm... a single strong hit can normally give you enough time.... or you can jump-transform if you ever get hit up
Seriously worth it.

I don't know any attack that is fast enough to catch you out of it.

Also, you can do it after any hit that makes you tumble, even if it's just a fraction of a second. I think you can do it after a stun from a strong attack like Ike's smashes.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I normally just use one or the other, based on matchup. If I'm fighting a Pikachu or Peach I turn into Zelda, otherwise I generally just use Sheik, or characters like Kirby I start with Zelda until I'm hurt enough so the Gonzo combo doesn't work on me, then I'll change into Sheik if he needs to be dammaged more or stay zelda if I want to kill.

I have tried the style where you constantly transform to keep fresh moves, and it actually works very well, getting the chance to transform safely can be tough at times though.

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
*sigh* I really like the prospect of using them both in tandem, bringing one out when necessary, but Zelda just feels so **** cumbersome and boring compared to Shiek.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
*sigh* I really like the prospect of using them both in tandem, bringing one out when necessary, but Zelda just feels so **** cumbersome and boring compared to Shiek.
on the flipside... Shiek seems so terribly week compared to zelda.... and has frustratingly low range/priority too :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington
~ N ~

You are... a ninja.

Your god-like speed, dexterity, jumping power, and reflexes are all the result of an amazingly fast metabolism; sadly, so is your natural propensity for rapid decomposition.

Like all ninjas, you have an unquenchable thirst for gold, an unquelling desire for exploring rooms infested by increasingly lethal ninja-killing robots, and a devout belief in N.

N, "the way of the ninja," is a highly advanced system of spiritual, cognitive, and physical training. It emphasizes pacifism, humility, and the need to extend your own lifetime at the expense of others.

In accordance with the teachings of N, it is your profound hope that one day you will develop the skill, intelligence, and inexplicable ability to reincarnate necessary to achieve true mastery of your unique art.​


The way of N sacrifices bulk and power for adrenaline and agility. Its disciples are small in stature, slightly taller than a Hocotate spaceman. They are capable of running as swiftly as foxes, and can leap where falcons soar with their second, in-born air jump. The martial artistry of N does not have an emphasis on killing blows, most will simply cause the opponent to do a double-take.​


side special ~ Nimble

In a well-rehearsed motion, the disciple launches himself forward, feet-first, arms trailing behind himself. If used from rest, it is possible to cover half of Final Destination’s length before landing back on the ground. This maneuver deals no damage, and can be interrupted by any attack, but it offers powerful options for mobility with its unique hitbox. Should the disciple encounter any hostiles, he slinks his body around them, and places his feet on their back. In a split second, it is possible to choose any direction to launch off, defaulting to the opposite direction from which he came. This deals set, mid-low knockback to any fellow players or NPCs, but has no effect on the various robots. If used on a rocket,​

neutral special ~ illusioN

Borrowing a page from Lucario’s book, the disciple engages a nearly identical pose to Double Team. A series of waving gestures​

up special ~ NewtoNiaN

down special ~ Neditate

In an instant, the disciple tenses up every muscle in his body and punches the ground, completely immobile afterwards. Like many attacks, he flashes white intermittently to indicate that he is in a charged state. This pose can be held for up to two seconds before the disciple disengages automatically,

While in this state of deep concentration, the disciple is capable of converting any physical damage he takes into extending his lifetime - each 2% adds an additional second. Certainly not a reliable alternative to the standard bubble shield, the disciple still takes full damage from attacks, but no knockback. In a pinch, however, it may give him the time he needs to attain a more reliable life source. Such a powerful technique of N requires a slight recharge time - five seconds, or else the pose will have all of the appearance but none of the potency.​


neutral a ~

side tilt ~

up tilt ~ haNdstaNd

down tilt ~ summoN

dash attack ~ slip N slide


up smash ~ risiNg kick

forward smash ~ illusioN

down smash ~ breakdaNce


down aerial ~ cliNg

neutral aerial ~

forward aerial ~ deflectioN

up aerial ~ swiNg

backward aerial ~


grab ~ sNatch

forward throw ~

up throw ~

down throw ~ acupuNcture

backward throw ~ substitutioN

final smash ~ Ndemic destructioN

playstyle ~

playing against ~

personal thoughts


Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
your point was which was incorrect - i wasn't saying she has BETTER priority but it's not something to call out as a negative on the part of sheik.
hrmm... yes... I guess the clause of that sentence "after playing as zelda" existed only in my mind.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
the grammar of your sentence implies that you are no longer comparing sheik to zelda - not my fault you're post wasn't legible lol


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
the grammar of your sentence implies that you are no longer comparing sheik to zelda - not my fault you're post wasn't legible lol
I thought he was comparing Shiek to Zelda. The thread title doesn't say anything about the character Sheik.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I thought he was comparing Shiek to Zelda. The thread title doesn't say anything about the character Sheik.
oh give me a break with the english language being ridiculously indecisive on how letters should be arranged to create certain sounds.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
If you don't like it you can go move to Germany. I hear they spell it Shiek over there.
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