First of all, Miiverse isn't DLC, its a free patch. Its not just Miiverse but also sharing data. But you don't hire an additional 80 people for additional content already planned to be in the game in the first place. It was also specifically stated to be "Smash Bros. 6." Obviously its not literally Smash 6, but an expansion pack or DLC would fit precisely into that line of thinking.
This crap again? Patches are a form of DLC. Period. And yes, you do for patches if you think it's a good idea. How do we know he isn't cutting some of the other people to give them a break? You don't know that much.
Where did I say they "needed" to do anything? Its not a matter of "needing" to do something. Its Smash Bros. They don't "NEED" to know Smash DLC will sell, they already know it will. The fact that Mario Kart 8 is doing very well with DLC should be enough evidence to show that DLC for Smash would sell loads.
Bzzt. Wrong. They do not know it will for Smash. This isn't Mario Kart. This is Smash. They never did paid DLC for this game series before. The fact he actually said he is making sure it will go well and is testing it proves "they do not know". They clearly are admitting they aren't sure yet and are taking a chance.
So explain why they hired an additional 80 developers to work on Smash Bros. in 2015 just to finish a few things that were supposed to be in the game in the first place? You keep your current developers on a bit longer to finish that, you don't hire additional people to do the work.
To give the other people a freaking break. To let them go and do other things in their lives and have new people take over who aren't worked to the bone. There's more reasons than just adding numbers. It's a thing that happens.
Its already received massive success. What more do they need? Wouldn't the fact that's its already an extremely solid and popular product make it even more likely they'd plan for additional content because they knew it was popular and they knew it would sell? Especially if it would expand the life cycle of the game?
Paid Smash DLC has never received massive success. The only Smash DLC before ever made were the custom courses online by Nintendo during Brawl, and the various patches earlier. Also, I almost forgot Tournament Mode, yet another DLC they're working on for the Wii U version(and maybe will show up in the 3DS version, but I doubt it). They're already working on 4 things, although 3 specifically, and the 4th may be much needed balance patches if they show up. They don't need to keep all 200 there for balance patches anyway. A decent 80 could work too, with Sakurai still there, but doing less work. I mean, it's still his vision after all. Plus, it's very clear he's taking a break, although he never said he's leaving the team either(I don't know why people are assuming this. Not thinking it could be the case, but assuming it outright).
Just remember, anything you download online for a game, a patch, a mode, a character, a stage, an item, whatever, is straightout DLC. It means "Downloadable Content". Don't be confused with the term "patch" being used. It was always a form of DLC and never stopped being so. Paid DLC is what Mewtwo will be for those who don't get the deal. Miiverse is also coming in a DLC patch later. Also, he refers to it as DLC on the Smash website itself directly when talking about patches.
All Patches are DLC, something he needs people to create. There is nothing more planned as he said. If he did lie, so be it. But there is absolutely no reason to believe he is lying at this point. He has no reason to hide stuff. He already has to do a crapload of work to make a Mode and Character work smoothly. Only the Stage will be easy to do. At best. He'll need everyone he has.
I don't know why you keep assuming Smash will be hyper popular with DLC when we have zero proof the series was popular with DLC in the first place. Don't compare it to other game series. It's not the same thing. And never will be the same thing. Mario Kart did not get any major DLC(hell, it barely got any patches beforehand?) before MK8. They took a chance there, and were lucky. But right now, they have 200 people to pay. They don't have money to throw around. Just suddenly throwing it around when they cannot be sure without a doubt that it'll sell is just plain foolishness. They're too smart to take a gamble like that. What would happen if they were wrong and barely anyone after Mewtwo sold? If they released Wolf and Lucas right away, what would happen if only Mewtwo slightly sells and those two barely sell? That would go horribly. Sure, it's unlikely to happen, but for them, can they afford to take a major gamble of money spent on a project that might not pay off?
You cannot actually say it will sell well by comparing it to a series like Mario Kart. Let me remind you that because Smash is character driven, a lot of people believe all characters should be free while other stuff should be paid, because that's the "most important part" and they shouldn't have to pay for guys they believe should'be been there in the first place(a flawed reason, but it still exists). I remember an earlier topic created by Saito talking about Paid DLC characters. A ton of people were against it. That is outright proof that you cannot be sure of these things. Call it a vocal minority if you want, but how can anyone be sure that more people aren't against paid dlc characters in Smash? You don't actually know how many are willing to shell out money. Nintendo does not either. Sakurai does not either. This has never been done in a Nintendo-series Fighting Game. It's a whole new thing. Other Genres work, sure. But they are other Genres. While it may be true this works well for other Companies, they also have experience showing it worked for their games and had to test the waters too. And it wasn't met with 100% approval either way. No matter you slice it, it is a gamble right now. Doing one character and taking a gamble is smart. Since in order to get Mewtwo, you either have to have both versions and register(which thankfully can be done with two people, but it gets enough sales to easily pay people for their work), or you have to pay for him separately, unless a huge amount of people go for it, namely most of who purchased one or two games, they don't actually know.
Stop assuming the majority of fans will pay for Mewtwo. We don't know. Nobody does. It's a good chance, but you could also be wrong. It's fine to think it'll happen. But not guaranteed enough for Nintendo and Sakurai to start working on anyone else. Consider for a moment that they waited a long time to even start Mewtwo. They were already busy. Why take so long? Oh, right, to keep heavy concentration on him and him alone. So they have a solid and balanced character they have to make from scratch. To finish up the Mode and Stage. To add any necessary fixes to the game that may come up. They're already super busy, and have no time to plan for stuff that they aren't sure they even want to sell in the first place. We don't even know what Vets they would want to bring back. We could get no more beyond Mewtwo and only some new characters due to newer games to promote them. That's how little information we have, and something that could actually happen. There is nothing for them to go off of right now. They don't even know when StarFox Wii U is releasing just yet. Why would they redo Wolf a bit now? Would the new game sell well enough to justify it? There's too many factors to plan so much ahead. Likewise with Lucas. Would he be done just to appeal to some Smash gamers? Are they sure that many people cared about his cut? Do they even want to port/release the other Mother games to give him a good time to release as paid DLC to promote those? Are those going to matter? A lot more is in question than you think. There's a ton of factors that go into DLC. Mewtwo is a special exception because he was a massively popular character on his own and his cut during Brawl stung people by a huge degree. He also gained a huge amount of hype. Can they be sure most other vets beyond of course Snake would? Enough they'd instantly sell? Did they want Snake back? Did Konami and Nintendo have a fall out, which could be why he got cut in the first place?
It's a lot of questions, yes. But here's the thing; A good chunk of them or similar ones have to be taken into considered for Smash. Every character takes a severely high amount of work. Unlike Mario Kart, where it's a very tiny percentage of work needed. Every character in there has so much less. They just need a working model with some animations and a voice, and some good Kart/Bike options. It's easy. Courses are the biggest thing to make there, and only because they're very huge and long. They're the "characters" of Smash. It's practically the opposite work needed. That's why each pack contains 3 characters already. Sure, it has a lot of courses, but that's kind of important to the game. You race. You don't need tons of courses for Smash, you need unique and fun characters. Many people only choose a handful of courses, so it's not like you need to work on producing a lot for DLC itself. And even then, they don't take as long. A little longer now that they have to go with a type of Omega stage(as they're not actual carbon copies of Final Destiny. Some have no actual area below the stage and is one giant box).