Blue, Jigglymaster, SOME RANDOM GOOD NESS THAT MANAGED TO BEAT ME WTF, and . . . some player named Kai (I think, he might not have made top four). Jigglymaster won, Blue came in second. I know he beat Munk, and believe he also beat Umbra. It was 2 - 1 both sets. I didn't fight him or Jigglymaster yesterday. Actually, none of the Braves fought Jigglymaster yesterday.
I lost to Umbra in winners. I beat Umbra about 60% of the time or so, but when you fight your brother, it really can swing both ways. This time, it was his turn.
I lost to the Ness in losers. Round 1, he caught me off guard with Bsticking, and I messed up in the comeback, by accidentally Dolphin Slashing out of shield into his shield, for a Bthrow loss, last stock, he was at 157%. I do blame the TVs being laggy and not having played in a week (because every other time I meant to Dolphin Slash outta shield and he was completely open, I would roll dodge by accident, lol), but all johns aside, he was very legit.
Round 2 I had him all figured out, and 2 stocked him on Battlefield.
Round 3, he counter picked Delfino and got super lucky. Spike K.O. at 20 when I landed in the water by accident. I spiked him back and made up the stock, down by like 23%. Then he spikes me into the water at the part with like three pillars sticking up from the water. I didn't die, and was on my way surfacing, but the stage transformed, so the water disappears and I die. Sorry, but even I don't tend to beat good players who manage to KO me at 20 % and then 53%. I lost the set with that. I wouldn't be worried about fighting him if I faced him again though. Not at all actually. I'll just ban Delfino, lol.
I forgot who Kai mains., if it was him in top 4.