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The Worst Trouble with R.O.B's


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Every day I play a R.O.B with my diddy, and I have the WORST time against him... All of his other chars I have absolutely no problem with. The moves that seem to give me the most trouble are the top (if i use bananas he will use this with his lazer to push me back and start his own combos with them), the neutral air (pretty much covers the entire radius for recovery sake), and the worst one...the downsA whirlwind instant hit thing...

I have watched the vids, read the guides, and tried to do just about everything... can someone offer me any help? I find that the moment i start my combos and juggling up, I'm going to get sucked into the whirlwind...the grabs become obsolete because it feels like he can outrange anything! and you can't finish him until 150% ... its driving me crazy!!


Smash Rookie
Nov 2, 2008
I share this problem to an extent. If you're going to play the banana game, don't drop an extra and leave it lying around. Keep it hand. Wait for ROBs blast or a likewise slow move and then go into the banana game.

Saki Zatoichi

Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Laurel, MD
I too have a tough time with ROB. Only thing that I have going for is, I seem to last well past 200% when facing a ROB. It's hilarious.


Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
I'm not sure but maybe upB is good against him... if he's in the air you can upB into him from below. And if he spot dodges you could also charge it... if he then hits you with a dsmash he might get hit by the jetpack. (Or you can release upB and hit him)

I'm not sure it those are good ideas I just thought of them right now =/

It's important to know ROBs moves and that you're used to them.
You have to know when the dsmash will end so you can try to hold your shield as long as the hitbox is out and then hit him with a bair or something.
His neutral air has invincibility frames (I'm not 100 % sure though), and I think his bair too. So you have to be careful with them. Use a banana before you try to attack him in the air. Since his nair has some startlag you'll hit him and he can't do it again(if you're fast enough and hit him before).

ROB doesn't has an aerial that goes below him that is fast, so this is his blind spot. He can't do much about it. The only things he can do it you're below him are:

1. predict you to come from below and dair before you're there (this is probably not likely because you might be too fast and hit him before he does his dair and it's also pretty punishable)
2. nair as a protect thing...
3. air dodge

You could also try to jump to him and wait for his nair or air dodge and then punish it when it wears off.

If he sidesteps and dsmashes a lot, you could try to stop him by throwing a banana on the ground (if you're near enough so he'd slip).
You could also try to jump over him and dair him. Maybe upsmash works too because it's a multihit, but I'm not sure. Jab is probably nice because your jab should be faster than his dsmash.

I think peanuts would also hit him easily when he tries to recover so you might want to try that...

ROB has a fast fair so don't try to attack him in the air if he faces you (or only do it if he's in hitstun or something).

The Laser and Gyro are annoying, but if you're not playing online they shouldn't be that bad... you could try to grab the gyro and throw him downwards, he'll pop up then and might protect you and stops ROB from using it for a short time...


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
well, I tried again tonight and it went 1 and 1 which is better than usual... Some things I noticed were that the downa smash on the ground with the legs going in a loop are worthless... he can always spot dodge those and end with a down a himself and you are trapped...

He abuses the gyro quite often and follows it up with a lazer, so it is very difficult to approach.. The best attempts have been from multiple strategies inside of the match (very conservative or defensive until I can get my footing and very agressive when I can put him up in the air..as far as ground work goes, the cartwheel approach doesn't work anymore even with the banana approach, so I am beginning to take that out of my playstyle as well.

I find I'm most often stuck when I have a very little bit of space behind me and the edge of the stage... and rob is in the middle & nearing the edge..

Forward smash is usually neutralized by the top, and crawling is not an option with robs lazer... so I'm still pretty much clueless... anyone have any good vids? I saw the NL one, but that rob isn't very good..

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
You stop using the cartwheel...? Fail...

Just shield his projectiles... it's not that hard... Diddy can approach really good with bananas...


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
quick double jump double peanut shot, pick up banana, glide toss back, SHAD pick up, second banana glide toss forward, shield and wait to respond. amazing approach. to get at least moderately close just run in and shield, but not too close to be grabbed. there are no shield breaking projectiles.


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
Space against Robs accordingly. Use banana/peanut to space against his Fair and Nair. For Fair, Punish it when he tris to use it. While the Rob is Recovering..SPIKE...if you can >.> power shield for his lazer/gyro...avoid using the Dash attack-> combo starts here<... change your appraches...i cant spell >.>


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Hm..I'll try that banana approach you mentioned IDK with the popgun today...ROB is probably one of the easiest characters i find to spike, but getting him underneath the stage is the hardest part...

I think patience is what is going to win the game... The gyro keeps going at different speeds according to different level of charges so catching it is becoming too difficult when its followed up by the lazer... That thing can do about 19% fully charged! Luigi, I've tried the banana in the air thing, but it is rare that you hit him up in the air with a banana still in your hand...


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
nono, nevermind.. the popgun approach didn't work...

I worked on spacing, catching, countering, glide tossing, throwing, spiking... I tried overwhelming him with attacks, I think rob is just better than diddy, and any rob who knows how to play a diddy will win..


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
My biggest issues with ROB are KOing, I find racking up damage quite easy even against good robs. I just cant ever seem to put them away. Going for spikes is necessary.

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
My biggest issues with ROB are KOing, I find racking up damage quite easy even against good robs. I just cant ever seem to put them away. Going for spikes is necessary.
same here, ROB lives forever. I have a lot of trouble killing him, maybe even more than snakes...

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Would you please provide a video or an explanation of how I can make it prove otherwise?
Maybe you just... don't know how to play against ROBs.

Or maybe the ROB is just better than you...

Always when I spike ROB he makes it back. (Unless he's at 100+ % or something)
I hate that...

The only way to finally beat him is spike -> follow him down to the blasezone -> ROB uses his upB, but you follow him and spike him again.

Then ROB dies, but you do too. It's risky, but at least it works if you can follow him...

Maybe it would also be possibly to spike ROB with the dair and then follow him down while you're charging your upB and then spike him with it and go back to the stage ^^ (or the ROB nairs/uairs and hits you out of it and you die)


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
you MUST banana lock whenever possible and you MUST shield the gyro or dodge it completely. Remember that dash attacking is the only way to pick it up every time. Once you've got his gyro in your possession, it's your game. Glide tossing that in combination with your bananas is downright nasty.

A good combo for low percents against ROB (uncounterable) is dtilting two/three times depending on DI/percent, and then instantly jumping away or jumping into him using diddy kick.

If you DO get the banana lock off but not at a distance where you can end it with an Fsmash or Dsmash or just don't think you're going to be able to finish him off with it, always grab and throw either with uthrow or bthrow, saving your fthrow for kills (this is of course assuming he's spacing to where you can't end banana locks in smashes)

If he's in his upB and hasn't used an attack/isn't attacking, he CAN NOT air dodge. Take advantage of this using your nair and uair, approaching from below as this is free damage (however small it may be!)

Also, if your R.O.B. isn't ftilting or utilting you, he needs to. Remember, metagame is a two-way street, both players need to improve for any true improvement to occur. Even try some laser aiming rounds for him to further improve himself, this will ultimately end in both of you getting better :]

Hope any of this helps! Good luck :D


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
R.O.B. will get wrecked by a Diddy on BF/Lylat since the platforms make aerially approaches very difficult for him, upon which Diddy can capitalize with a much better ground game.

On FD, fohget about iiiiit.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
R.O.B. will get wrecked by a Diddy on BF/Lylat since the platforms make aerially approaches very difficult for him, upon which Diddy can capitalize with a much better ground game.

On FD, fohget about iiiiit.
is this a troll, i thot the consensus was that lylat is one of robs best stages


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
I watched them both diddy, but the R.O.B. I am playing is more experienced... however, I did try moving from FD to BF, and boy what a difference... the matches are 50/50 now.. and improving as i figure out how to grab and throw bananas off the platforms..

Smaller stages seem to equal better in this case..


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
I've got one conclusion from it... smashville... I just took him out in a 3 stock without losing a life... stage selection means everything in this matchup..
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