I personally love the Regi trio. They are some of my favorite Pokemon. However, Regigigas just looked like a total joke to me. While the others were representative of their types, he looked like a big, plastic robot with bushes growing on him (not to say that Registeel didn't look like a robot either). As a leader of the Regis, I think he is entirely pointless, due to the fact that he lives as far from where the Regis do as possible (they live far west, while he lives far east). He is extremely filler. I find it ironic how they are all based on brail, yet a blind person could not play the game. Stupid idea.
As for the Lake Trio, we won't be getting their "master" due to the fact that Arceus is their master. Don't worry
Also, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza did not have a "master", so I doubt Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina will either (although Arceus has a similar face to the trio).
On a last note, it really seems like the legendary trios are running dry in innovation. We at first had a Ice/Electric/Fire bird trio, then an Ice/Electric/Fire beast trio. We then moved to a Rock/Ice/Steel golem trio, and now we have a Psychic/Psychic/Psychic lake fairy trio. The first three trios were all great, but this latest? Anyways, what types of trios would you guys like to see?
While the addition of Braille when a blind person couldn't play the game is rather stupid, at least it was a complex puzzle. I liked that. I mean, as a fan of both the Zelda and Metroid series, which both have puzzles and that sort of stuff that you need to figure out, that's not entirely surprising, but...I liked how they were difficult to find. Other than the fact that the Regis are pretty abstract in appearance, I actually sort of liked them, if only for the fact that you get a sense of accomplishment when you get to them. It's probably been the most complex puzzle in Pokemon thus far. But yeah, for Regigigas, You'd expect something more than that. It looks like a fourth Regi, not the leader. A rather ugly fourth, at that.
I hope we don't get any more related Legendaries at all, actually. For a second, I thought a relation to some older ones would be cool, but then I realized; with the way new Pokemon are now, it would kill the old Legendaries. They'd make Mewthree or something, they'd make a "Leader of the Birds" and make it just as stupid as Regigigas, they'd make a third bird to go along with Lugia/Ho-Oh and make it really stupid...so yeah, I have a lack of confidence in their Pokemon-creating abilitites.
I was really disappointed in the Lake Trio. I wanted to use Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres; I was excited to try out Entei, Raikou, and Suicune; I put the Regis on my team for a while after I acquired them. Once I got one of the Lake Trio Pokemon, I dumped them in a box. All of them are Psychic with similar appearances. Boring. I mean, honestly; who wants to use them?
For another Trio, I'd almost like to see Dragons; then again, we've had too many Legendary Dragons this generation, so maybe not. I just think a trio of Dragons could end up being cool if they got creative.
So excluding Dragons, whom we need a break from, I'd sort of like to see some ancient animals. I actually think bowser had a good starting point; perhaps three different animals but of the same concept, like a Centaur, a Griffin, and a Sphinx? That's just a rough idea; Centaur might not be a good idea since it's part human, but I think that's actually a good starting point.
Lake trio>D/P/G>Arceus>some other pokemon in 5th gen that ruled over him etc.
See, this is almost why more Pokemon cannot be created; they've created what is basically the
GOD of Pokemon ("[Arceus] is described in mythology as the Pokemon that shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms." and "It is told in mythology that [Arceus] was born before the universe even existed." are its Pokedex entries for Diamond and Pearl) and you can't top that. Arceus cannot be the middle of the chain, it has to stop at him. Now, is this stupid or what? Arceus is an interesting Pokemon with an interesting ability, but the concept of him is just stupid. Not only is there now a god of Pokemon, but you can catch him. Paradox much?
Oh, and I just realized something. So the Hall of Origin (where Arceus is) is right above Spear Pillar. You play the Azure Flute to get a staircase to appear leading up to there. But Arceus is (I woudl assume) already there, so why did people not notice the floating platform in the air...?