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THE Undead Brampton Thread/Cemetery: Watch out for Zombies (and Geist)


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON

real quality \/\/\/

acual colour \/\/\/

did this all in one night cost em almsot 20 dollers. cutting the l along took me several hours.
its due for a light touch up coat in abotu a week, otehr than that its good to go for tomorow. it feels smooth aside from a couple spots with not enough green coat so the base coat is still touchable (this is what the touch up coat will cover and and more gloss and protection)


as for me doing peoples controllers, first you will obviosly have to feel it make sure you like it, not sure how much id charge or how complicated id go.. id have to decide. i prolly wont cut out windows tho i want that for me onlys =]


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
with the controller cut open like that, isn't there a risk of the inside chip getting damaged?
i wanna think of some design and photoshop an idea for you :p


t3h stock slayer

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2008
naw no risk, hes got Plexiglas there,
he also found a way to put in LED lights, but he said they will only go off when the controller rumbles XD


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Ok ummm....

So should I post that link here?

I might get banned.

Edit: We actually need 30 more posts to get to the next page.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I think youtube is about as wise as jesus. It's close.
J your pic is done.
I'm going to scan it when I can get the chance.

Also, Luigi is finally out of low tier D:
they finally made a new tier list for 2008
This is the final tier list for Super Smash Bros. Melee. Completed October 2008. Approved by M3D. All values are conclusive and finalized.

Fox 9.9
Marth 9.9
Sheik 9.7
Falco 9.2

Peach 8.4
Captain Falcon 8.0
Jigglypuff 8.0
Ice Climbers 7.9

Samus 6.8
Dr. Mario 6.2
Ganondorf 6.0
Luigi 5.8
Donkey Kong 5.4
Mario 5.3

Link 4.7
Pikachu 4.3
Young Link 4.2
Roy 3.6
Zelda 3.0
Game and Watch 3.0

Ness 2.5
Yoshi 2.5
Bowser 2.2
Mewtwo 1.8
Kirby 1.5
Pichu 1.2

LOL andy, link is still low. Its k, you can chill with mah zelda.

t3h stock slayer

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2008
link is where he should be.
pikachu too.
dk>samus imo
ganon should be higher, maybe 2nd top in mid tier
i think ic should be high mid tier
and doc at the bottom of high
i think sheik>fox >marth

and of course i could be completely wrong about all of that but yeah, i think what i said is kinda sorta accurate

so what i think is :
fox/marth (idk =s)

Captain Falcon

ice climbers

Young Link
Game and Watch


im not really sure about bottom, but i know little to nothing about those characters besides kirby, and i cant argue him being 2nd worst lol


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
i think the tier list they've made atm is mostly just which character is best for the environment based off tournament results (which does not mean the best overall character). since the environment is mostly space animals, marth looks better than he actually is.

it's pretty gay because i don't think the tier list being done in such a manner (tournament results mainly) is an accurate representation of the characters' powers especially since chu, kdj, azen, and several others who defined a lot of the ec metagame (and metagame in general) have either vanished or quit and really atm it's just m2k, pc, and cactus who do amazing at stuff and because of school pc's been busy so that cuts people down even further. and, amazingly enough, they all play fox, and two of those three play (main) marth and only one uses sheik. so sheik looks worse than she actually is.

it's pretty gay but oh well whatcha gonna do.

t3h stock slayer

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2008
yeah basing a tier list off who wins the most is stupid.
the simple truth of it , is that you have to base it off the potential of a character.

I want to see what sbr would do if they saw ryan playing pichu.
I'm not saying ryan could win a huge tourny like cast4 or anything with pichu.
But its by comparison to who he is playing.
If a decent or good player plays a ****ty character in a room full of noobs, of course the ****ty character will look better but of course its because the person knows how to use it.

Honestly the tier list is up to the people who win tournaments.
if m2k wants sbr to make kirby top tier he could just go to some tournaments and start placing high with him. not because kirby's good but because m2k is.


sbr is ****ing stupid as ****

david u think my tier list is accurate? :S, i wouldnt actually mind knowing if i was right or not, but from talking to you and mike and people i think im not too far off :S

mikes tier list is confusing. im almost convinced ganon>falcon because of him lol
he gave a lot of good points =o


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
yay bren post a link when you can =]

and i want luigi to stay low tier. now il ahve to use my uber 1337 ness for low tier matches.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
i think Link should be higher than low tier.
if you use his projectiles right he can ****.
like today i was doing okay againts Eugenes sheik.
well when i went sword fighting sheik (lolers) um i kept losing.
then i started adding lots of projectiles in my sword fighting and i started to win games.

t3h stock slayer

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2008

edit: i made a table of contents to help its unorganized-ness

1. Our tier list
2. About dk
3. random facts
4. Mid tier discussion
5. Low tier discussion
6. More random facts
-6.1 Platform canceled turnips
-6.2 Dk vs jiggs
-6.3 Whats a boost grab!?
7. where im gonna put more random stuff once im done looking through our convos

me and david compiled a tier list on msn =o

so here it be

1. Our tier list

Top tier




Young Link


I'm gonna post our reasonings behind our decisions in as much of an organized way as possibe D: im not even sure why im posting this info besides i like sharing my opinions and for the sake of good old friendly discussion.

edit: i made a table of contents to help its unorganized-ness

here we gooo

2. about dk (and random peach stuff)
david-honestly i think dk does better vs fox and marth than peach does at a high level (david)
me-so do i :S
me-i think dk does better against fox at any lvl tbh

david-the flipside is that peach does better vs puff although i think she still loses), falcon (although i think she still loses), falco, ic, and sheik (although she still loses)
-i also think she does better vs ganon
-i think peach > ganon very slightly

me- i think its about maybe 75-25 or 80-20 for marth in marth vs peach
david- yeah thats about what i have

_____75/25 fox
_____75/25 marth
_____sheik -
_____falco 45/55
_____falcon 45/55

sheik is supposed to be empty because we're undecided. david thinks sheik ***** peach harder then she does marth.

david- and i have marth/sheik as 65/35 in sheik's favour
david-but i don't think sheik 70/30s dk i think it's 65/35

3. random facts
me- whats the best type of grab? boost grab/jc grab/sheild grab/ dash grab
david- boost grab is only good with sheik, in wich case its amazing
david- jc grab is good for everyone but peach
david- dash grab is only good for peach and sheik and some other chars during cgs
(chris- imo there really arent many who should dash grab)
david- best one is probably jc grab overall

4. Mid tier discussion
david- dk, ganon, ic . thats my order i think.
me- i dont think ic are very good at all to be honest -_-, gimp one and the other is low tier. single ic is just horid, and with most characters dsmash ***** them in terms of seperating
david- i think theyre very over rated.
david- dk, ganon, ic, then doc with samus luigi mario link
me- i think link> samus
david- i was actually thinking that, i unno. Link is pretty terrible.
david- I think samus is higher than luigi and mario and link. Honestly just because of her even matchups with space animals. Like, for that reason ALONE.
david- She's awful against sheik, and she has the least chance against marth out of all of them (mario, link, luigi, samus being all of them)
david- but shes actually probably more terrible just because she does fine vs fox and falco.

david- so we have ic > doc> samus> link/luigi/mario, i dont know the order of the last 3. in terms of how bad they are its pretty even. So what ever.

-insert discussion about those 3-
ended up as link > luigi>mario. reasoning is scattered and really not too factually discussed. plus who cares, theyre all pretty evenly horrible.

5. Low tier discussion/b]
me- so should we put mario at top of low tier?
david- no, i think not, he's better than most of the lows by a considerable marging, and hes only slightly worse than luigi/link.

-screw the rest of the discussion, srsly. its low tier. nothing important after that anyways.-

6. more random facts

6.1 platform canceled turnips

me- platform cancel turnips is crucial to peach
david- honestly i think it sounds good retreating off platofrms
me-it makes peach more mobile, and helps her approach
david-approach sounds awkward but it gives you a turnip when you retreat with it so you can approach better after
david- so maybe that's what you meant
me- yeah
david- it lags her still a bit
david- but she can do it moving which is good
me- it leaves peach so vulnerable when u have to just stand there
david- indeed ,that's why i'm trying to play her w/o turnips sometimes in practice
david- but vs the top tiers it's impossible you need the veggies

6.2 dk vs jiggs (and other dk crap i think)

me- dk is really good, or a lot better then hes made out to be. Like we've talked about, his bair is broke, he has a good grab game, hes strong, and he ***** ff'ers.
david- i think dk vs ffers is bad for dk but i think people exaggerate on how horrible it is for dk, and yeah his bair is ridiculous
david- (if) dks better than ganon its cuz he has massive grab range and gay grab game. and his bair is like super spammable.
me- yeah and its hitbox and priority are insane too.

david- people used to say dk sucks against mid tiers but its really just jiggs.
david- puff you cant cargo u-throw combo much, she can bair your sheild, and jump with rest because his sheild is so bad.
david- dair ***** his sheild like no other and can like link to grab. if dk cc's and does everything properly he can cc d-tilt at best.
me- i think he might be able to get a grab in too, and c stick roll away( CSTICK ROLL IS WIN. ITS MUCH BETTER THAN THE JOY STICK. IM SURE YOU KNOW THIS SO FREAKING DO IT.)

david- i guess, but he cant really punish. if the jiggs gets enough hits from the drill she can grab before he can i think. because he goes into this akward hitstun animation where he flips around.
david- but more puffs dont do that. just sliq and king

6.3 whats boost grab!?
a --> z/r/l
dask attack and press z really quickly.

its basically a jc grab where you would normally do y/x>z
but you replace y with a dash attack and press z/r/l

7. where im gonna put other stuff when i look through our conversation history.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
i said "if he's better than ganon"

i think dk and ganon are really close.

if ganon is better than dk it's 'cuz he's not dependent solely on grabs and bair --> edgeguard for kos and because he's probably a bit better vs marth than dk and has a cg on sheik although i don't think the cg does ANYTHING if sheik avoids dreamland and fd because his cg is escapable real low (like 40) and he struggles like hell to grab sheik on low medium platforms if she camps. another good reason would be because dk's shield is terrible.

i also said falco/peach was even.

looking it over i think marth is easier than fox probably 70/30 but i don't know really. i just know xif considers fox peach's worst matchup and so do i. i think i'm sort of biased on dealing with marth 'cuz i'm not good at it anymore i'm just really okay.

but then numbers conflict because i think sheik is easier than marth for peach so i don't really know.

i think for an accurate matchup chart there'd be a bunch of inbetweens (65/35 or 70/30) that lean towards a certain way.

but yeah i'm not entirely decided on stuff in general.

t3h stock slayer

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2008
oh, yeah >.< i missed what you said afterwards @_@.

and i thought i put (if) in front of that. shall edit. i put it in brackets cuz it would be silly to state hes better in the not entirely decided tier list and then say if in the reasoning. it could make it seem like its undecided.

that hole thing i just said was meant to be stupid

edit: i dont want to lose this big wall of text. and im most likely going to try to somehow archive my conversations related to smash and stuff. a lot of it comes in very handy. o.o
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