You know, Nauls could easily be playing dead.
Anyway, here's the translation of Evil Eye's epic tale:
Keep you gun trained on your overweight comrade Blair. He apparently has a firearm, and a man who sleeps alone is a man untrustable.
While you Americans were squabbling and starting fires, my brother and I were doing extensive searching. I, myself, was doing a bit of detective work, as my combat experience allows me to discern my environments and find things that are out of place.
I was able to conclude that shortly before you killed your Thing (I followed your radio traffic), Norris, your Negro comrade Nauls was briefly saved by an armed MacReady. This caused me to wonder why he was armed when so few were.
I remembered that earlier that night, the radio traffic indicated he disappeared in the evening and was playing the 'lone wolf' for quite some time. Your Doktor Copper, confirmed as human, said he saw a figure coming from his cabin and the top drawer of the man's wardrobe was disturbed -- an ideal place for a gun. Why would the man ghost in and out when going in a pack would be so much safer?
He was gone for many hours afterwards. My brother and I entered your Computer and File Rooms. The computer in one of them indicated that the file dictating the locations of the battery packs had been accessed. Yet no one came forward. Clearly, whomever it was that saw this file did not want to aid you in your search for batteries.
And what was accessed immediately before?
And as the map and personnel file we have here indicates, he's the one man on this compound that can't go a day without a spectacle of electronic board games.
After briefly aiding your comrade Nauls, MacReady disappeared yet again while Garry and comrade Windows fought the Thing off himself. Why? He was armed. He could have helped, especially when Windows had his upper body in the mouth of that ****ed Thing.
Instead, he kept a low profile, appearing perhaps a few hours later and tearing up the basement in search of something without telling any of you what he searched for. And now he is covered in blood, and a dead man lies not far.
It would be beneficial to human survival that MacReady be disarmed detained, whether or not he passes the test. It is clear he has an agenda beyond the survival of his coworkers.
And as for the man Garry...
It bears mention that he and the Negro man Childs shared a certain animosity. Childs consistently undermined his authority as the station chief, and Garry made frequent threats to anyone that should do so, or attack his dual leadership with his friend, Blair. Blair, the man who has been going it alone for the past night, I might add.
And who was it that demanded we waste time with my brother and I taking the test, even after we saved his life and three others from a Thing we could have ignored until it would be in our own interest to attack? Garry. Sounds like a man who is stalling. And all this before he has supposedly been infected.
Lo and behold, there is yet another insistence of this in "Childs's" 'suicide' note (a laughably theatric), and Garry has also woken up drenched in blood. Again, human or not, he should be disarmed, and perhaps detained.
Try not to allow loyalties to clog your judgments, comrades, for this is the fate of our species we hold in the palms of our hands, something too important to muddle from trifle things such as friendship.